Chapter twenty two:

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Tonight, I let you drive,

You can take me all the way.

We're like,

Bonnie and Clyde,

Making off with Mary Jane.

Christina's POV:

26 weeks

"Callie, no" I repeated again, as Callie tried to throw a pink and sparkly dress in the cart.

Callie, Lexie, Meredith and I were trekking through babies R us (I feel like I live in the freaking store lately) looking for baby clothes, blankets, towels, bottles, diapers, pacifiers, toys, wipes, bibs and other little things. I wanted to be sure the nursery was somewhat complete before I hit thirty weeks. I knew once I got that far in my pregnancy, I wasn't going to have any energy and I didn't want to have to worry about any of this.

"It's adorable!" Callie argued. When it came to buying clothes, I'd said we were only buying gender neutral things and all the clothes accepted at the baby shower had to be gender neutral. Callie, who was a baby shopping fanatic, wanted to buy everything pink.

"Then get a bigger version for Sofia" I state, throwing a pack of white onesies in the cart. I had a system, a very elite system for buying baby clothes to be sure we didn't buy too much of one size. Babies grew fast, so I knew there was no point in buying too much of the newborn or 0-3 months clothes. Meredith and Lexie both had carts, along with myself and Callie. My cart was newborn and 0-3 month clothing, Lexie had 3-6 month clothing, Meredith had 6-9 month clothing and Callie had 9-12 month clothing.

This way, I could see how much of each size I was buying and what I had of each size so I didn't over-buy on pjs or shirts or sleepers or whatever.

After we finished up in the clothes section, then we'd throw everything in one cart and tackle the other items on my color coded spread sheet of everything we needed (in order of essential, would be useful, maybe and only if it isn't a small fortune).

"Christina, what do you think of these?" Lexie held up a pair of little yellow pants that had a duck on the bottom of them. They were gender neutral, cute and would match lots of things.

"Throw it in" I sigh, as he keeps on kicking me. Lately, he's been jumping around like a boxing kangaroo and I was so done with it. He was killing my back.

"Oh my gosh!" Callie picked up a pink skirt, to which I immediately said no. At this point, she had half the cart filled with pink and frilly baby clothes for Sofia. "Come on" she whined "I've got like two hundred bucks here in clothes for Sofia, Arizona is already gonna kill me"

I shrug "If she's already gonna kill you, what do you have to lose?"


28 weeks, 2 days

I was folding clothes when it happened.

I had spent two weeks washing, drying, folding and putting away all the clothes I'd gotten for Itsy. I had enough to last the first year for sure, not even counting what I'd have after my baby shower. Owen had spent two weeks putting together the stroller and that bouncer from hell, aiming to have the nursery set up as soon as possible.

It seemed like I'd went from being the queen of procrastinating to wanting everything done in five seconds.

Anyway, I was folding a load of baby sleepers and fuzzy blankets, sighing in content as I felt the baby kick me gently, a flutter to let me know he was there but not hard enough to hurt me or make me uncomfortable, when I heard it.

The front door opened and shut with a bang, which was weird since Owen wasn't supposed to be home for another few hours. I'd taken the night shift, so I spent my day doing laundry, sleeping and eating cereal while watching reruns of crap TV. I was alarmed, but then I heard the sound of mad Korean babbling and smelt old lady perfume, and immediately wished it was a house robber.

Instead, it was my Mother.

"Christina!" She exclaimed, looking at my belly "why didn't you pick up the phone to call your Mother! I had to find out about my very first grandchild through your brother, who found out because he was on Facebook and saw that Owen posted something about a 'bumpdate', whatever that means!" she was angry, and I was going to kill my brother.

"Sorry, Mom. I figured I'd tell you when you decided to visit. This seemed to important to say over the phone" I lie expertly.

"You're lucky your brother saw it, or I'd be even more angry that you had a baby and didn't tell your own Mother!" She scolded.

When I was three, my parents divorced. My Mother had me, and my brother Peter (who was a year older than me) with my father, and then remarried to my step father. He already had three kids (Elizabeth, John and Albert who were five, three and two years older than me) whom we never saw that much because his ex had full custody. My Mother and Step Father then decided to add to the family, thus creating my little sister Karen and my little brother Daniel. All in all, there were seven kids crowded around the house every second weekend, and four around every single day. I guess big families weren't uncommon for Jewish people, but I certainly wasn't going to follow in those foot steps.

"Yeah, yeah. I know" I mutter.

"When was the last time you spoke to Peter anyway?" My Mother asked, a hand on her hip "or Karen or Daniel?"

I groaned. I was close-ish with Pete growing up, but his uncanny ability to be a man child started to get rather annoying once I hit med school. Karen, was the sister who was currently eighteen who I hated with a passion. She was whiny and needy and demanding and bossy, but she was a bitch about it. She literally spent every second I'd ever spent home for holidays trying to ruin my existence. Daniel was tolerable, I suppose. He was four years younger than me, and currently just graduated from law school. He had a steady job, a nice girlfriend and wasn't a total man child.

"I spoke to Pete like a month ago?" I say, unsure.

"Well, start calling him. I'm throwing you a baby shower, Karen's helping and all your Aunts and Cousins are flying out from California"

I groan, and decide that this whole family baby shower ordeal is the worst part of being pregnant.

A/N- i know in the show it doesnt mention Christina having any siblings, but i think she would have tons because jewish families are sometimes pretty big and the show does say shes jewish because of her step father. So yeah i wrote in people.

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