Chapter nine:

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If you can't sleep,
Well you can't dream.
If you can't dream,
Then what's life mean?

Christina's POV:

12 weeks, 4 days along

"Meredith, I don't think I need any of this stuff yet" I say, as Meredith folds Zola's old baby clothes and puts them in a rubber made bin. Zola was turning one in a little over a month, which meant Meredith had lots of baby clothes sized four to six months and six to twelve months that didn't fit anymore.

"Christina, you're having a baby" she folded a little duck sleeper "and this clothes was worn maybe once. Half of the four to six months sizes are brand new! Zola was six months old when we got her, but she was tiny so we got tiny clothes! A month with us and my child sprouted up like Jack and the bean stalk! She's been here almost six months and she's doubled in size!" She folded a pair of little blue leggings.

"Mer, I just don't want to buy a bunch of stuff and then have something happen. Of course, I don't want anything to happen, but women have things happen before they hit twenty four weeks All the time!" Twenty four weeks was how old a fetus has to be in order to survive outside the womb. Sofia, of course, came a little earlier than that but with all the amazing doctors and equipment, she was a damn right miracle.

"Christina, you have to let yourself be okay with the idea of being pregnant and becoming a mother" Meredith tried to reason "you're going to feel little kicks soon, you're going to get bigger, you won't be able to pretend forever" she added some little moccasins and a pair of pink Minnie Mouse pjs (ones Derek's Mother had sent in, no doubt) to the box.

"I'm not pretending anything" I say "I just don't want to tell anyone, because I don't want them to treat me differently" it was true. Bailey didn't know yet, neither did Lexie or Mark or Derek or Alex or April or Jo. I hadn't told anyone besides Meredith and Callie and Arizona and Jackson.

"Why don't you have a little party, and announce it the ?"Meredith suggests, as she adds yet another little onesie that was yellow with a little sun on it.

"How much clothes did Zola outgrow?" I asked, trying to change the subject. The tub was full, and Meredith was still stuffing it full.

"Well, Derek and I bought clothes, his sisters and Mom sent out anything you see that's pink, Callie bought her a shit load of shoes and dress thingies and Lexie got her anything with a cute animal on it" Meredith sighed, as she held up a sleeper that had farm animals on it, proving her point "but stop changing the subject! You have to let the cat out of the bag eventually!"

I sighed, and ran my hands through my hair. "I don't know what I'm going to do"

"Do you want these four ounce bottles? Zola uses the bigger ones now, ten ounce I think? Or is it eight? I don't know" before I could reply, she was stuffing about four bottles down in the tub.

"You're just using this as an excuse to pawn off your baby clothes" I mutter

"I'm a busy person, Christina" Meredith smirks "and this saves me a trip to goodwill"


12 weeks, 6 days along

Two days later, I was giving in slightly to Meredith idea of a dinner party to tell everyone I was pregnant. Of course, Owen was excited, but I was kind of nervous. I didn't want people to think of me as less of a doctor, as dumb as that sounds.

"Christina, maybe we should talk about moving" Owen suggested, as we laid out little bowls of chips and dip.

"Owen..." I trailed off. He was right. The baby couldn't grow up in the firehouse, it wasn't child proof.

"Maybe we could go tomorrow? You've got it off" he says hopefully.

"I'm on call" I correct. "But I'll go with you, if you want" I sigh, too tired and defeated to fight with him "if I get a call, I'm out of there"

Owen kissed my forehead and smiled "I wouldn't have expected anything less"

I smile, and go to put the bin Meredith gave me in the closet. I was exhausted, the baby was leeching all of my energy. My back hurt, my feet were swollen, and I felt bloated. I sat down and closed my eyes, rubbing my temples. The headaches were pretty bad too.

"You feeling okay?" Owen asked, as he sat down next to me. I nodded.

"Pregnancy is kicking my ass" I murmur as I lean into Owen.

"You'll be okay" Owen reassures me.

"Tell me something work related to keep me from having a break down. Anything new and juicy?" I ask.

"The board is sending in a new cardio surgeon. Teddy is the only attending currently, and they want to be sure they've got another one staffed soon. I don't know his name, I just got an email that they were sending him in to sign the contract in three weeks or so" he tells me "apparently the guys the best in his field"

I nod thoughtfully "hopefully he's a decent teacher. I want to learn as much as I can to be even better" I smile.

"You're already pretty amazing" Owen smiles.

"Owen, when the baby comes-" he cuts me off.

"When our baby comes you'll be even more amazing and I'll love you even more. If that's possible. I'll do everything in my power to help you and make sure you're the best doctor you can ever be" he kisses me lightly "I want you to be happy and if being amazing and saving lives does that, I'll do everything I can to keep you happy"

I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes and I smiled. I appreciated Owen so much, and how much I loved him couldn't be measured. All I knew was that as long as I had him I'd be okay.

I kept looking into his gorgeous eyes, so bright and happy, when I said something that I'd never said not once.

"I hope the baby has your eyes"

A/n- I likes dis chapter. So cute.

As promised, I got two comments on the last chapter so I've updated again before Sunday. Sunday is my new update day. (Don't worry I'll post another chapter on Sunday too, it's only fair)

Do any of you watch pretty little liars? Anyone, anyone! If you do, comment please because I wanna do a PLL ezria fic but idk if anyone would read it.

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