Chapter twelve:

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My love,
My love,
My love,
She keeps me warm,
She keeps me warm.

Christina's POV:

14 weeks, 4 days along

"Owen, I am not going nursery shopping!" I argued as we packed up most of the things we don't use into boxes. It had been four days since we decided to buy the house, and our lawyer has said it'll only be a few days before we sign the papers and get the keys. Things were moving along fast.

"Christina, we've got another ultrasound in three days. We get to see baby bean in three short days! I want to start building a room for her! We're going to have a house soon, and she's going to need her own room!" Owen stuffed some sheets into a box.

"Owen...give me ten more weeks" I pleaded "just ten, I need time"

Owen completely lost his cool, and when I say completely, I mean he came undone. (AN if you read my Bamon fic, you get this reference)

"When will you finally have all the time you need, Christina, when?" He shouted. "Honestly, it's been over a month since you told me you're pregnant and you're keeping the baby! How much more time do you need to cope? Jesus, is it too much to ask that you not make things difficult?!"

I flinched at the harsh edge of his tone. "Owen, I'm trying" I said quietly.

"You aren't trying hard enough!" He roared "at least try and be happy about anything, God dammit! You aren't even trying! You say you are, but you aren't!"

Suddenly, I snapped. I couldn't handle it anymore. "Screw you, Owen" I said, as I stood up "go to hell, you have no idea how hard this is for me" I snapped

"Well you certainly don't try hiding how much all of this sucks for you!" He yelled back.

"Owen, I changed everything EVERYTHING I am for you! You're my god damned world and I changed everything to make YOU happy! Not ME! I am trying, trying to be happy that you're happy! I am trying as hard as I can, I am. But it's hard because you're suddenly expecting me to be old Mother hen and I'm not! I'm a doctor! A freaking doctor dammit!" I screamed myself hoarse "I am not okay! I wake up and I want to hate the fact that I'm pregnant, I want to hate our baby, but I can't! Because it's what makes YOU happy and you make ME happy!"

Owen stays silent, not saying a word. So, I grab my purse and my keys. "Here's another tip; don't piss off the human incubator" I turned on my heels, and I left.

I could hear him yelling for me, asking for me to wait and telling me he's sorry. But he isn't, I know he isn't. He's sorry that I might run off and do something about the baby, the baby I didn't want. He's scared that he pissed me off to the point of no return.

He doesn't care about me anymore, just the baby.


14 weeks, 6 days

It'd been two days since the big fight I'd had with Owen. I hadn't seen him once. Sure, he tried to call and text and page me. I didn't answer. I sent him once text when he said, and I quote; "you've been gone 24 hours. If I don't get something from you, I'm calling the cops"

I texted him, then immediately stopped replying.

You've taken my body for the baby that inhabits it and now you want more? Guess I didn't try hard enough, huh? I'm not dead. Stop calling.

I know, harsh. But what the hell did he expect? He told me off, and then blew up my phone.

I stayed in a hotel room, just me and my bump, for two full days. Until I got a page, an honest to god page from the hospital.

How do I know it was a page and not Owen being a jerk? Webber texted me. He said he needed me in the ER and even though he wasn't the chief anymore, he knew I'd still treat him like one. So, I got over myself and hauled my ass into work.

"Are you kidding me?" I exclaim, as I get to the hospital and I'm met with Owen.

"You left, you ran off" he said through gritted teeth.

"Don't get angry, you don't get the right to be angry" I spat.

"I know, I'm sorry" he sighed "I was worried"

"About the baby" I confirm "you could've cared less about me, as long as it's okay you'll live, ain't that right Owen?"

"Christina, I was worried about you. Because I love you and I'm sorry" he tried to touch my arm, I pulled away like He was on fire. "I love you, baby or not. And I'm sorry, I know you're trying. I just got so excited for our very own house, our very own child. When you said you needed more time, I got upset because I want you to be as happy as I am, hell, I want everyone to be as happy as I am!"

"Owen, I know" I cracked when I saw a tear glazing over his bright blue eyes.

"I'm so so sorry, I shouldn't have pushed and I shouldn't have snapped. You're doing all you can and a hell of a lot more. You're so incredible, so amazing" he held me tight, like I might leave him all alone.

"I'm sorry I left" I murmur as he kisses my head repeatedly, and holds me tighter.

"Don't" he said, voice hoarse and quiet, "don't ever be sorry for doing something I pushed you to do. Don't be sorry for running, you got scared and angry and pissed and I should be on my knees begging you to forgive me. I love you, I'll always love you and I'm so god damn lucky you're willing to have this baby, our baby. You're baby"

I hugged him close, and for the first time I realized why I wanted this baby. Not just for Owen, not just to prove to myself how truly incredible I could be, but because I wanted to see, I wanted to truly know how much I loved Owen.

A baby, is a person made out of love. Even one night stands have temporary love.

This love, our love. It's permanent.

And I wanted the baby to seal the deal.

A/n- u know the drill. Vote and comment!

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