Chapter seventeen:

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Your in my veins,
And I,
Get you,

Christina's POV:

Nineteen weeks:

"Owen, I think that's the last box" I sigh, putting a hand on my belly and another on my back. Ever since he started kicking, he's turned inwards to kick my back. He doesn't kick too often (which I'm grateful for. I get a kick every now and then, but never when I'm sleeping or working) but when he does my back feels like hell.

"Okay, you've got all your clothes in a suitcase?" He asks me, as he stacks a few boxes.

We were moving into our new house, which would've been great, except everyone we invited to help us out got paged for work except for Meredith, Callie and Arizona. So, after they dropped off the girls, they were going to come on over and the five of us were going to try and move all the packed boxes into the moving truck, and then back into the new house.

It was going to suck.

"I have all my clothes packed up in those suitcases" I tell Owen, pointing to my suitcases.

"Well, the furniture we ordered got delivered there yesterday. We have to assemble the bed frame, the bookcases, the night stands, and a few odds and ends but most of it was assembled. The coffee tables, the kitchen table, the chairs and couches" Owen tells me.

I nod "we'll have to order the nursery furniture from there too. That was quick"

"Five weeks, and I'll call them" Owen tells me "as soon as you pick a colour scheme or whatever women do"

He wasn't pressing the whole nursery thing anymore. He knew why I didn't want to rush into buying baby things, he knew how I felt and he didn't want to push me any further than he already had.

"I'm thinking white furniture with a yellow and beige and cream type thing" I say "just to make it as gender neutral as possible. But I like orange too"

Owen looks at me, jaw dropped. He walks over and places a hand on my forehead. "Who are you and what have you done with Christina?" He gasps "this is the first time you've ever made plans regarding the baby!"

I swat his hand away "shut up, I'm not that bad. I'm just not Mommy central"

"Ah, telling me to shut up and getting defensive. There's the Christina we all know and love" he jokes, as Callie, Arizona and Meredith all walk in the door.

"Grab a box" I order them all "load it in, then we'll go to the house. Feel free to punch Owen if you would like"


"This house is amazing! Have you picked a room for the nursery yet?" Meredith asked, as she dropped a box in the kitchen.

"I guess the one right across from our room. It's most convenient" I shrug.

"You should get a play set out back, it would totally fit" Callie suggested as she placed a box down.

"We were thinking something like that" I say, sitting Down in a plastic covered arm chair. He was kicking, one of the rare times, and my back was bending in half. "A slide and some swings, a Fort or whatever. A sandbox and a little kiddy pool until he's old enough for the bigger stuff"

"Zola hates the swings at the park" Meredith says, sitting on the chair next to me "she screams if we push her too high. She likes to sit in them and just stay still"

"Sofia loves the swings!" Arizona joins in on our conversation "she likes going up really high and tilting her head back, which scares Callie half to death most of the time"

"That kid is so full of energy and so full of rebellious attitude, it's no trouble to tell she's got some Sloan in her" Callie grumbles "Christina, kids are walking heart attacks. You'll be scared silly before he can even walk!"

"Sofia wasn't too too bad. She didn't cry or whine too much. Attitude, yes, but overall I've met kids a hell of a lot worse" Arizona reasons.

"Sometimes I wonder if my kid is even mine" Callie says "sure, she looks like me. But she acts like a mix of Mark and Arizona. Anyone who has the balls to say Sofia isn't Arizonas is an idiot. That kid acts more like her than she does anyone else"

Arizona laughs "well, she's my girl"

"Mark and Lexie won't be long having one of their own. I doubt Alex and Jo will be far behind. He acts like a douchy tough guy but he loves kids" I say "my little guy will have tons of friends, that's for sure"

"Speaking of Mark and Lexie, they wanted everyone to have dinner together sometime this week. Now that they're together, they're all couply and grown up" Meredith sighs.

I wince as he kicks my back again. "If this one will let up" I point to my belly "Owen and I would be glad to go"

"Owen and I would be glad to go where?" Owen asks as he walks in the room.

"Just out to dinner"

"Glad to know I'll be attending" Owen smiles.

A/N- yayyyyy a new chapter!

Okay, so I know what gender the baby is and I already know it's name! I'm so excited for you guys to find out!!!,



Thanks for reading!!


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