Crutial must read AN

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Okay faithful readers. I'm convinced I have maybe five or so readers that wait for updates and love this story. Maybe five, I could be wrong. Maybe only two or three, and maybe like ten.

My guess is that a majority of you have read my MerDer fic, Remember for me and that's why you're reading this one.

Well, hold onto your hats ladies and gents because I'm about a fourth of the way (maybe a third. I'm not sure) through this story. And I usually pitch new 'when this book is over' book ideas. It's what I do. Just to get a feel for what you guys want to read.

Okay so basically I was scrolling through greys fics when I came across a MerAdd one. I had never seen a book that shipped Meredith and Addison so I decided to give it a read. And I must say, I loved it.

Unfortunately my computer glitched out and I couldn't save the story. But if any of you guys have written a MerAdd, I'm confident it's yours I read because it's the only one I've ever seen on here. And I live on wattpad. Like for real. It isn't healthy.

Anyway, I loved the ship so much that I decided, Hey, why not see if the little lovely reader buddies would like a new twist in the next story and make a MerAdd. SO THATS WHAT IM DOING READER BUDDIES!

I actually have about a million ideas for other stories, but this one is legit the best. I love it, and I'm probably gonna write it either way.

So here's what I'm gonna do.

Comment on this chapter if you read my book at every update, love it, and would totally read a MerAdd by me (if I remembered the author of the other fic, they'd 100% get credit for inspiring me. If I find it, I'll totally tag them and go on a rant about how their creativity is awesome sauce)

When you have commented, and I get a decent few, I shall do a double update.

If I get good feedback on this idea, I'll post a story description and begin to work on it. If not, I'll probably do it anyway. If I am met with reader resistance to the idea of a MerAdd I'll probably think of another story idea.

Which would be sad.


So, like I said, comment if you're a faithful reader and would read a MerAdd OR if you've written a MerAdd. Also add in if you'd read my potential MerAdd.

Thank you for reading!

Vote and comment!!!


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