Chapter twenty:

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Another day,

Another life,

Passes by just like mine,

It's not complicated.

Christina's POV:

24 weeks, 2 days

"Ugh I feel like I'm the size of a whale" I complain, as I sip some water. I was hanging out with Meredith and Lexie, who were currently still trying to find a cute name for Lexie's baby.

"I'm sixteen weeks and even I feel huge. I can't imagine being nearly twenty-five" Lexie sighed, rubbing her stomach. It was true, Lexie's bump was very noticeable. She wasn't a big person (like myself) but her bump right now is the same size that mine was at nineteen-twenty weeks. Which was very weird, considering my bump was no where near tiny, but I guess everyone gains weight differently.

"Me and my very hostile uterus don't have to worry about any of that, and I still have the most beautiful baby on the planet" Mer smiled. Zola was a little over a year old now, which meant Meredith and Derek were just waiting for her to start walking and talking. Even though all babies do it, apparently it's even more special when it's your own kid doing it.

I've got not one clue why though.

Yay, you did something that every baby is supposed to do at one point but since you're my kid it's somehow more special! Want an arrowroot?

I suppose I'd understand when I had my own baby.

"While I've got you two here" I smile "I picked up some nursery paint two days ago, and the crib I ordered just came in. Who wants to help a fat 'ole pregnant lady out by painting a nursery and assembling a crib?" Since I was past twenty four weeks, I felt ready to start preparing. I had less than sixteen weeks to go, which meant that I needed to start seriously preparing.

"Why don't you get Owen to help you?" Meredith asked.

"I want to surprise him. He's been working so hard lately with all the over time he's had to put in and I know he's excited for the nursery to be put together. I figured you two could help me surprise him by helping me paint the room and assembling the crib" I shrugged.

"That sounds like fun" Lexie smiles "I'm in"

Mer shrugs "Why not. Lead the way, oh fat prego lady"


Nearly four hours later, the nursery is painted a lovely shade of yellow and the crib is assembled nicely. It didn't take nearly as long as I expected, but Lexie was handy with a paint brush so she practically handled the painting by herself while Meredith and I swore over that god damned crib.

We got it together though.

The crib, I mean, not our cursing and swearing.

"Well, that sure was something" Meredith sighs, as she sips some wine. Lexie and I both glare at her, jealous that we can't drink anything alcoholic until our kids pop on out.

"It'll be fun when you have to assemble everything else" Lexie mutters "and when I have to start assembling everything else"

I put a hand on my belly and sigh. "Itsy won't stop kicking" I mumble under my breath.

"Itsy?" Mer asks, raising an eyebrow.

I groan "He likes listening to the Itsy Bitsy Spider, stops kicking altogether when he hears it. Callie was playing it for Sofia the other day when I was visiting and he loved it, stopped kicking and moving for a few good hours. So, I nicknamed him Itsy"

"You named your bump!" Lexie gushed "I thought I was the only one who did that!"

"Jesus Christ" I put my head in my hands, hating myself and all the Mommy hormones rushing through my veins.

"You two are crazy" Meredith smiles "Lexie, what did you name your bump?"

Lexie laughs "The other day, when we got an ultrasound done, the way she was sitting and the angle she was on made her look like an egg. Mark and I have been calling her Eggie ever since"

Okay, so Itsy isn't the dumbest bump name in the world. I'm suddenly relieved.

"So you can nickname my niece but not give her an actual name?" Meredith jokes.

"It's harder than it seems!" Lexie argues "and Mark likes all of these god-awful names..."

"Agreed" I say "Mer, your kid came premade and prenamed. You don't have to go through all of the struggles because you got a gorgeous little girl without any of this pregnancy bull shit"

"I'm just saying though, Lexie can't write 'Eggie Sloan' on the kids birth certificate" Meredith argues back.

"Fine, fine. Name off the first name that pops into your head and that's what I'll call her" Lexie throws her hands up in the air in frustration.

I was fully expecting Mer to yell out a random name and for Lexie to shoot it down with a smug grin and a 'See, not easy is it?'

That is so not what happened.

Meredith put a finger on her chin and thought for a few minutes. The room was silent as we all watched her face scrunch up in concentration.

Finally, she looked at Lexie and grinned triumphantly.

"Name her Evie" Meredith declares "Evie Madalyn Sloan"

I raised an eyebrow. Evie was a nice name, and resembled the nickname 'Eggie' somewhat.

"I actually love that name" Lexie says slowly "Evie is unusual, but pretty. Short and sweet and not too hard to spell. It's cute"

Meredith smirks and sticks her tongue out at her baby sister.

"See? Not that hard after all"

A/N- So sorry i havent been updating, as i posted on my message board or whatever, my grandmother passed away last week and i havent had much free time. But i'm back at the writing again, and i am so grateful you all have beared with me as i didnt write for like 12 days.

I'm planning on getting back on track with 'Sunday is update day' so i will be posting another chapter on Sunday!!

On to bigger news!

I will be posting a new Greys fic after this one is complete@

if you would like a description of said new story (that will definately be posted before May i hope) please comment 'Update & Greys fic'.

I am super nervous though, because i have been working super hard on this new story and i am completely in love with it, but i'm so afraid i'll post it and no one will like it! Gahhhh!

Anyway, thanks for reading! Hopefully i'll get this book to 1k views soon!!!!

Love you all, thanks so much for reading!!

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