Chapter six:

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Be still,
And know that I'm with you,
Be still and know,
That I am here.

Christina's POV:

8 weeks, 6 days along

"Ugh the smell of literally every food I can think of makes me want to vomit" I groan, as I clutch my stomach.

"I'm sure you'll find something that doesn't turn your stomach" Owen chuckles, as he gingerly kisses my forehead. One of his hands goes around my shoulders, holding me in a tight embrace, and the other goes to my abdomen. My still flat, yet to have a bump, abdomen.

"Your kid hates literally every food I try to ingest" I mutter as I sip my water "I can't wait til my second trimester. No more vomiting every single freaking morning" wow. That is a sentence I never thought I'd say.

It still doesn't top I'm keeping the baby.

"Then we'll get to feel the baby kick" Owen smiles as he pulls me closer to him, so that my head lays gently on his chest. Hearing the steady beat of his heart calms me down some, I sigh in content.

"I don't wanna get fat" I whine, as I bury my head in Owens chest. He rubs simple, calming circles on my back as I sigh contently once more. As long as I was with Owen, in his arms, I knew I'd be okay.

"You will always look gorgeous. And a big ol baby belly won't change that" Owen murmurs as he kisses the top of my head yet again.

Ruining our little moment of happiness, was the obnoxious beeping of Owens pager.

"Ugh it's a 911 trauma. I'd better go" he pecks my lips gently, but swiftly, before running off to be a superhero to whatever injured person had made their way to the ER.

I ran my hands over my face, trying to find the courage to stomach the sandwich that sat in front of me, taunting me. I knew I needed to eat something, but I didn't want to risk getting sick again.

Sighing, I threw out the sandwich and left the residents lounge. I had rounds to do and interns to boss.


Several hours later, I was checking in on some of my post ops.

I walked into Mrs.Davies room feeling a little dizzy. I just brushed it off as exhaustion. I'd been on my feet non-stop since Owen left for the ER. Which was about three hours ago.

Teddy was in surgery, so I had to look over her patients to be sure no one died under the interns. Wether it was looking over MRIs or CT scans or X-Rays, checking on post-ops, prepping a few pre-ops for when Teddy was out of surgery, Un-prepping the pre-ops because the surgery Teddy was in was taking longer than expected, checking charts to be sure the interns didn't screw up or running blood work, I was always on my feet doing something.

"Good afternoon Mrs.Davies" I greeted, as I picked up her charts.

"Who are you? Wasn't the blonde one supposed to be checking in on me?" She asked.

"Dr.Altman is in surgery, so she's asked me to monitor all of her patients" I tell her, as I read over her charts.

"I don't mind the change in doctors. My Danny was always checking the blonde one out" Mrs.Davies told me "sure, I cheated on him a while back with Willie from the driving range but that doesn't mean he can ogle every decent behind that passes by!"

"How are you feeling, Mrs.Davies?" I ask, ignoring all of her mindless babble. I didn't feel well at all, and her talking wasn't helping the fact that the soup she had on her tray smelled awful.

"How are you, Dr.Curly hair?" She asked "because you look green. Trust me one look at that Willie's calves and you'd be a-ok"

"Mrs.Davies-" I start, but she's too busy babbling about calves.

"And not his legs either, actual baby cows. He's a dairy farmer. Cute little things they are, I used to pet one every day. Named her Sugar because she was sweet as sugar"

"Any redness, pain, swelling, pus or bleeding around the incision sight?" I ask, trying to keep standing, when my legs feel so wobbly I just want to sit down.

"Pain and redness, but since you carved me up like a turkey I'm assuming that's normal" she grunted, displeased to have her baby cow talk interrupted.

"Any trouble breathing, tightness in the chest, reaction to any medication, nausea or..." I trailed off, suddenly feeling very dizzy. I grabbed on to the wall to attempt and steady myself, with no luck.

"Or dizziness?" I ask her, as my legs give out from beneath me and I pass out.

Meredith's POV:

I was looking for Bailey, one of her patients wasn't doing so well, when I heard a lady yelling for help from a post-op room.

Stupid nurses, I thought as I rushed to the ailing woman's side, they can't even hear a patient crying out for help.

"Ma'am what's wrong?" I ask, looking at the seemingly fine post-op lady in her bed.

"She passed out!" The lady exclaims, pointing to the floor. I looked to where she was pointing, and I nearly passed out myself.

It was Christina, passed out cold on the floor.

"Is she okay? If she's sick, I hope I can't get it, I can't get sick!" The lady wailed.

"Unless you can catch being pregnant, I'm sure you'll be fine!" I snap as I rush over to Christina's side.

She hit her head off of a chair, which meant there was a cut on her forehead that was bleeding something fierce, but it wasn't too big so I knew she'd be okay. She would need a few stitches though.

Other than that, there was no bleeding, which meant that she didn't miscarry the baby. There was no wheezing or shaking or trouble breathing and her heartbeat was strong.

But I was still really worried.

"Page Owen Hunt! Tell him I need him ASAP! It's Christina!" I screamed at some nurses "page Sloan or Avery! And get me a freaking gurney for christs sakes!"

I couldn't even begin to imagine how worried Owen would be.

A/n- YAY NEW CHAPTER. sorry I took so long. Between updating this book and my other TVD one, I've been swamped.

I'll try and update as soon as I can!!,

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~Daisy :)

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