Chapter sixteen:

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Its fine by me,
If you never leave.
We can live,
Like this,
It's fine by me.

Burkes POV:

I'll be the first to admit, I didn't move to Seattle just for my old job. I could've had any job I wanted, but this job was the one I chose. This job was the one where I'd get to see her again.

It was no secret, I shouldn't have left Christina at the alter. She was perhaps the love of my life, and I should've stayed. I should've married her and maybe, just maybe, that baby bump she had would be my baby and not her husbands.

Coming back to Seattle Grace, I was expecting Christina to be a successful resident who was married to her work and had no time for a husband, let alone a baby. I guess that was pretty stupid of me to assume, it'd been nearly five years and even I had gotten married. I guess the fact that she was pregnant threw me off too, considering the Christina I knew wouldn't have ever wanted to be pregnant.

So, walking in and seeing her rubbing her belly was a shock. I knew then, winning her back was possibly going to be the hardest task I could've ever chosen. She was happily married and she was glowingly pregnant.

Of course, I knew better than anyone, that having a baby didn't make your marriage anymore stable. So, the way I saw it, I still had a fighting shot.

Viviana left not a month after she had my youngest daughter Isabella. I knew it was coming, she had left before and been gone for days, and the only reason she stuck around as long as she did was because the was pregnant. She needed someone to look after the baby when she decided to leave, and if she left before she had the baby then she'd be stuck with her.

Honestly, I don't know why I ever married Viv. I guess because she was there when Christina wasn't, or maybe because I thought I did love her. Either way, our married lasted barely three years before she was gone.

I knew if I meant as much to Christina as she did to me, that baby wouldn't dictate who she stayed with. I just had to make her realize that I was sorry and we could have the life together we were supposed to have five years ago.

I knew it would be hard, considering I liked Owen quite a lot. He was a nice guy who was always up for a conversation. Though he and Christina were pretty much polar opposites, I could see why they had gotten married.

"Trauma surgery, Burke, I need you in OR 2" Owen ordered, as the patient was rushed to the OR.

"Right on it" and I was. Within a matter of minutes, I was scrubbing in and getting ready to crack this guy open.

"We're going to need all hands on deck, this surgery is going to be a tricky one" Owen muttered.

We chatted loosely about work and my kids, when Owen got to the trickiest spot of the surgery.

"Chief Hunt, your wife is on the phone" one of the scrub nurses said.

"Can it wait?" Owen asked "I'm at a tricky spot and I can't afford to mess up"

"She said it's about the baby"

Suddenly, Owen looked up and asked her to put the phone on speaker urgently.

"Owen!" Christina was crying, and suddenly I found myself worried as well.

Owen asked what was wrong, obviously concerned.

"Owen, he kicked me! He's alive and he's a human and he's inside me and he kicked me" she sounded so overjoyed and so happy. Owen was smiling brightly, and I did my absolute best to ignore the conversation.

First of all, it was a pretty private conversation.

Second of all, I couldn't help but think if maybe just maybe, it'd be me instead of Owen on the other side of the phone, listening to Christina tell me all the details of the first time our baby kicked.

Of course, when Christina was pregnant with my child, it was an ectopic pregnancy. A part of me always wondered what would've happened if the baby was born. It was a low chance she would've had the baby, but I knew for a fact if she did I wouldn't have left her at that church.

And I wouldn't be so heartbroken right now.

A/N- Burke the jerk needs to get his shit together. Like ew. No dude she's with Owen go Away.

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