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Okay. So my new Greys anatomy fic is going to be MerAdd. Uncommon, but with just the right amount of lesbian, love, and drama i can guarantee you'll love it. Each chapter is new and improved with amazing vocabulary and over 1000 words in each chapter. Some Derek bashing, some girl power and definitely some budding romance. Even if you love Derek and hate Addison (btw Addison is my fave person ever) you'll still love this story.

The story is called Brown sugar and lavender

This is the story description:

If you love someone, what would you do to be with them?
For Addison Montgomery, it meant she would follow them to the ends of the earth. Which was why she followed her husband to Seattle.
But when she meets Meredith Grey, suddenly what she came for and what she really wants isn't the same thing.
Meredith is something new, something amazingly, perfectly new. What Addison feels, thinks and wants all changes upon meeting her husbands mistress. Love has a new meaning, dynamics of affairs shift, and biology takes a back seat as Addison finds herself, against all odds, in love with her husbands mistress.

Short, sweet and to the point without giving too much away.

And just to get you all excited and ready to vote, comment, add to your library and read each week, here is the first six sentences of the first chapter!

I'd known for a while that he'd been cheating. I'd known the moment that he pressed ignore on every single one of my calls that he was with another woman.

Of course, he wouldn't be with another woman if I hadn't screwed up the way I did. If I hadn't slept with his best friend. If I hadn't cheated on him first, he wouldn't have left me. He wouldn't have found someone else and I'd be okay, I wouldn't be crying into my sprite on a plane from New York to Seattle, to get a look at the whore who'd been my husbands reason to stay in Seattle.


Thanks so much for reading! Stay tuned for new chapters and updates on this new fic!


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