Chapter two:

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Its dark in a cold December,
But i got you to keep me warm.
If you're broken I will mend Ya,
And I'll keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on.

Christina's POV:

"Owen" I said as I sat up, not sure what else to say as I faces his piercing blue eyes.

"Look, I'm not sorry for getting mad. I still think I should get an opinion. But I went down to the OB floor to see if you'd made an appointment. I saw that you made one a few days ago. I just wanted to ask if you're okay, despite everything" his voice was cold as stone, his eyes held pain unimaginable.

"Owen" I tried to say. I couldn't hurt him like this, I couldn't hurt myself like this.

"Did it hurt? It sounds painful" he asked me.

"Ow-" my voice refused to be heard. It was tuned out and replaced with Owens angry one.

"I heard that stuff messes up your ability for future conception, not like you care" his voice seeped with venom.

"Owe-" I tried to say again, only a bit louder this time. It only succeeded in making his own voice grow louder.

"Well then again, you've only got one Fallopian tube so this little mistake should have been impossible" I physically recoiled, surprised by his hurtful words. Hurtful words filled with hate that I was the cause of.

"Owe-" I tried yet again to talk. But he was still talking. His pained and angry voice grew louder by the second.

"Was Burke sad when you lost the baby? Or were you just planning to abort it anyway?" Burke. The most hurtful defence I could think of.

"He didn't even know I was pregnant until I was in the hospital, besides he'd left me before I'd even known I was pregnant" I spat angrily "but Ow-" cut off. Again.

"So you're telling me I'm lucky I knew about the pregnancy before you ended it? Because it sounds like a hell of a lot more than what poor ol Burke got!" He yelled. All traces of pain and concern were erased, sitting in his voice now was just pure anger.

"We weren't even married! We were barely together!" I screamed. My throat was raw, and I was literally about to cry.

"Exactly! We are married, Christina, this should be my decision too! Or it should've been anyway!" He yelled back just as loud as I did.

"How did things go from asking if I was okay to screaming about Burke and my Fallopian tubes? If you hadn't known, being cut into and having parts removed isn't exactly a memory I look back on fondly! And it wouldn't even be a memory if Burke didn't knock me up!" I screamed so loud my throat burned. My hands shook in anger, but I knew Owen was angry too, if not even more angry.

He sighed, and for the first time I noticed how tired and worn down his brilliant blue eyes looked. They were lined with dark circles, bags and a hint of sadness.

"Alright, how are you?" He asked, a hint of sadness and exhaustion edging into his voice.

Suddenly, my stomach turned. I felt sick, like I was going to vomit.

I quickly grabbed for a trash can (thank god they have one in all the on call rooms) with one hand, while trying to cover my mouth with the other. When the trash can was directly in front of me, I promptly spilled my guts into it, before answering Owen's question.

Ah, the joys of being pregnant. (Insert eye roll here)

When I finished, I sighed, leaning back against the cool wall. I was clammy, tired, my back hurt like hell, and sick. I closed my eyes and ran a hand over my mouth.

"Is barfing some kind of weird side affect?" Owen asked as I opened my eyes "I'm a Freaking doctor and I don't even know the side affects of abortion!" He ran a hand through his hair, visibly annoyed with his lack of knowledge.

"Owen, just don't" I sigh, my back still against the wall.

"Christina, how are you really?" Owen asked, concerned but still angry.

"Owen" I allowed myself to smile a small smile.  "I am annoyed and done with fighting with you. I am tired and I am sick" I answered.

"Oh" Owen said, looking down at the floor.

"But it isn't a side affect of abortion" I say, careful to leave out any words that imply I had an abortion.

His head snapped up to look at me. He looked confused, thoughts spinning through his mind, before settling on the only reason he could think of to explain my nausea.

"You're coming down with the flu" he stated, matter of factly. "Take time off, you do not need to be infecting our patients and you certainly do not need to be barfing in chest cavities" he was back to all business Owen who was furious over the abortion he thought I had.

I smiled "I don't have the flu and I certainly have no abortion side affects" I could see Owen grow more and more confused by the second.

I stare straight into his gorgeous blue eyes, before I take a breath to prepare for the words I'm about to say.

"I'm sick and I'm exhausted because I am very very pregnant"


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