Chapter forty:

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Maybe I'm just in love,

when you wake,



Christina's POV:

Meredith and I were sitting in the backyard, watching Zola play in her sandbox while Scarlet slept soundly inside when she told me.

"I'm pregnant" she blurted out.

I laughed "You finally told me" I already knew, of course. She was bloated, her boobs were huge and her attitude was pretty bipolar. She and Derek wanted a second kid, and I figured she had gotten pregnant and wanted to keep it under wraps until she had everything checked out.

"You knew?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nod "I'm your person, and your person notices when you get cranky and your boobs blow up like balloons"

She shrugs "Here I thought I was doing a good job keeping it a secret"

"How far along are you?" I ask.

"Six weeks" she smiles "I found out three weeks ago, but I didn't want anyone else to know. I had to tell you though, I couldn't not tell you"

I nod understandably. Meredith was the first person, sometimes even before Owen, that I told when something was up. "You're not telling everyone else yet?"

She shakes her head no "Not until I'm at least twelve weeks. I don't want everyone making a huge deal of it before I'm even out of the first trimester, you know?"

"I completely get it" I tell her "I kept Scarlet a secret for a bit before I told everyone because the second you get pregnant, everyone acts like you're disabled or something"

"You couldn't even put on your own shoes once you hit thirty five weeks" Meredith points out "that screams disabled to me"

I laugh "Scarlet was a big baby! I was a big pregnant lady"

Meredith raised an eyebrow "You ate ice cream on top of donuts for breakfast"

I shrug "When you're fat and uncomfortable, you'll understand. The way I saw it, if I was getting fat and my everything was swollen and I couldn't bend over and I had to pee every two seconds, I should at least get to eat whatever food I feel like eating"

"We are doctors, Christina. I don't let my daughter eat more than a cookie when it comes to sugar, I wouldn't eat all kinds of unhealthy things like that ESPECIALLY while pregnant" She told me "the baby needs all kinds of nutrients and vitamins to be healthy, and after my miscarriage the first time I want to make sure everything is okay with this one"

I shrug "Scarlet turned out just fine. She's a little ray of sunshine and I had pure sugar running through my veins when I was pregnant"

Meredith laughed "Yes but that doesn't mean I can go crazy and do whatever the hell I want and eat whatever the hell I want"

"When you are a beached whale and have no way of sitting up without a major workout, you'll feel differently" I tell her "besides, I was mostly baby bump. I barely gained any weight besides the bump, and I've almost lost it all"

"That's because you eat nothing but cereal and spend all your time running around chasing pages" Meredith remarks.

She's not wrong; that's pretty much what I do on a daily basis.

"I stand by it; when symptoms start kicking in and you start getting miserable, you'll see this differently"

"Which reminds me, I don't feel anything different. Did you feel anything at all at six weeks?" Meredith asks.

I think for a second. I was seven weeks when I found out I was pregnant, and the real symptoms didn't start until around eight or so weeks.

"I missed my period, obviously" I tell her "I was craving sugar, which wasn't too weird for me but I was still craving it. I wasn't really swollen until about twelve or so weeks, morning sickness didn't make it's debut until I was maybe eight weeks, it got pretty bad at nine, which was also around the time that things started smelling bad, triggering the nausea"  I explained.

Meredith nodded slowly, as Zola ran over to us with little muddy hands "Mama, my hands are dirty" she said.

Meredith smiled, and picked her up "Let's go clean you up then, yeah? Maybe get a snack and say Hi to Scarlet if she's awake?"

Zola smiles and nods, and the three of us head inside.

"I'm gonna go check in on Scarlet" I tell Meredith, who sits Zola at the table as she gets some wet wipes from the cabinet.

"Okay" she tells me absently before I head upstairs to Zola's room, where Scarlet was sleeping.

Naturally, when I go in she's awake and smiling. I swear, she gets the smiles from Owen because I'm not a smiley person but Scarlet seems to be smiling all the time when she's happy.

"Hi baby" I smile at her adorable little face and pick her up from the pack 'n' play. "let's get you changed and downstairs to see Aunt Mer and ZoZo" I spread out a blanket on the floor and change her quickly into a new diaper and a new sleeper with fish on it. It didn't take me long, I was practically a pro at baby changing at this point, and I was stuffing everything back in the diaper bag and heading downstairs.

"Hi Scarlet" Meredith smiles, as she puts a plate of apples, cheese and grapes down for Zola. She immediately comes over and takes her from my arms, smiling at her just as I did."Zo, you wanna say hi?" Mer asks.

Zola nods her head and says Hi to Scarlet when Meredith holds her in front of Zola.

"I can't even imagine having a baby this small anymore" Meredith exclaims as Zola sits down to snack.

I chuckle and look at Scarlet's little tiny foot, the same foot I saw when she was born and the same foot that kicked me for months on end.

"They aren't that small for long" I sigh "she's growing up way too fast"

A/N- so sorry it took me forever to update, I've been busy and UGH. I'll try to post again pretty soon, because this story only has maybe three or four chapters left before its done! Then i'll be posting the sequel!! exciting stuff !

Thanks for reading, vote and comment!


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