Chapter twenty one:

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You show the lights,

That stop me,

Turn to,


You shine it,

When I'm alone.

Christina's POV:

24 weeks, 2 days along

"Christina, honey, I'm home" Owen slammed the door behind him as he shrugged off his coat and kicked his shoes off before placing them on the shoe rack.

"Hi babe, how was your day?" I ask. I was really excited to show him the nursery, because I did it more or less by myself just so I could see the look on his face (he didn't HAVE to know Meredith and Lexie helped)

"Long and boring. Not much went on, honestly, you're lucky you were off today. I had to remove a pencil from a teenagers earlobe and Robbins operated on a kid who swallowed a whole set of chess pieces. Besides that, a few appys and a few cuts that needed to be stitched, nothing at all came through" he complains.

"Burke wasn't busy with any cardio cases?" I ask, trying to see if I missed out on anything really freaking good while I took the day off along with Lexie and Meredith.

"He did a bypass, nothing unusual or interesting" Owen kisses my forehead and places a hand on by belly. "did you two do anything interesting today?" He asks, smiling when the baby kicks the spot where his hand is.

"That was our son subtly telling you to stop touching the bump so much. Jeez Owen, we get you're excited but I don't want to be mauled every second of every day" I laugh "and for your information, we did lots today"

"Yeah?" Owen smiles "I told you a day off would be good for you, your feet have been swelling up like crazy and you're always complaining that she's kicking your back"

"Come upstairs, I seriously out did myself" I brag, walking up the stairs triumphantly.

"Did you make the bed?" He asks hopefully.

I stand in front of the room that is to be our baby's nursery. Smiling, I open the door.

At first, I'm kinda nervous that he doesn't like it. But when he walks over to the crib and runs his hands delicately across the bright white wood, I know he thinks it's amazing.

"You did all this while I was gone" he marvels "it's amazing, you're amazing. I love you, Christina. Despite how different we are and how much we disagree, I love you more than anything. I wouldn't want a baby with anyone else, I wouldn't want anyone elses baby. I love you" He hugs me tightly, and the baby starts to roll around in my stomach, like back flips or something.

"This is a one time thing" I say, grabbing his hand when we've pulled apart "but feel. He's doing gymnastics" I place his hand over the spot where you can feel the baby jumping best.

His eyes light up and I swear he's happier than he's been since the day we were married.

"That's your kid in there" I joke "stretching me out, making me fat and jumping around like he owns the place"


25 weeks, 2 days along

"Owen, do we really need all of this stuff?" I complain as we trek through babies R us, each with a cart that's filled up to the max.

We were buying all the big things we needed for the baby today, just to try and get the furniture out of the way before we begin to buy the small stuff like blankets, clothes or bottles. We already had a crib, changing table and dresser, but apparently babies need a shit ton of stuff to 'survive and thrive', as the manager told us when we asked about the pack 'n' plays.

"Christina, the baby needs to have everything she'll ever want. Besides, some of this stuff will come in handy she turns out to be colicky" Owen explains, as he looks at rocker glider chairs.

"If he's colicky, we're selling him on E-bay" I mutter.

I was right, though, We didn't need everything in the cart, I was sure I'd never even know how to work half the crap in there. Currently, Owen had squished into the carts a bassinet, a highchair, a bouncer, a swing, a rock 'n' play, a pack 'n' play, a mamaroo, and a car seat/stroller set.

"I am just thinking ahead for when the little one's a few months old" he defends.

"Is this mamaroo mid-evil torture device really what we should be wasting our money on?" I point to what is essentially a very high-tech bouncer.

"My kid hated it" A very pregnant lady pipes up from beside me. She's definitely in her third trimester and the four year old little boy in the cart (who was sleeping with his thumb in his mouth) must've been the kid she was talking about.

"See Owen?" I smirk "waste of money"

"Then again, my sisters kid loved it. I guess it depends on the child. Good luck" she smiles politely and walks away.

"With our luck, the baby will be some hell raiser who hates everything" I sigh.

Owen just laughs.

A/N- alright so dont judge me but i know lots about baby stuff lol. My cousins all have a couple kids and i watch OKBaby on YouTube. (BTW OkBaby is not like some parenting channel or whatever. Its two really funny people who make vlogs and have a baby who is also in the videos. Not based on parenting or anything, but they do mention baby stuff (obviously)

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