Chapter thirty seven:

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My God this reminds me,

Of when we were


Christina's POV:

When Scarlet hit eight weeks old, I was back at the hospital after a very long, very tiring, maternity leave. Lexie was out for the next six to eight weeks, which meant all hands HAD to be on deck.

"Excited for your first day back?" Owen asks, as he puts Scarlet in her car seat.

"I'm beyond excited!" I say, smiling as I mix a bottle with each hand to put in her diaper bag. "I want to cut someone open, I'm craving the surgeries" I put them both in the bag and mix two more. Newborns had to eat up to eight times a day, so I knew since Scarlet would be at daycare from seven until at least six I packed four bottles and hoped that either Owen or I were off before eight.

"I hear Burke has a really cool case, a fifteen year old girl has a huge tumor right on her heart. It's gonna be a bitch to dissect and remove but it'll definitely be something" Owen says, kissing Scarlet on the head and putting the cotton cover over the car seat.

I internally winced hearing Burke's name, but decided that I had to keep my cool and figure out what in the name of Jesus I could tell Owen if he ever asked. I didn't want to keep a secret, but I also didn't want Owen freaking out or Burke freaking out. Drama was not my strong suit.

"Yeah I bet it'd be cool" I say casually, handing him the diaper bag while I carried Scarlet "but I was thinking something along the lines of lungs today, maybe a transplant or a case that comes into the pit, you never know"

Owen nods in understanding "I get it, sometimes doing the same stuff day after day gets a tad boring. Some lungs to shake it up every now and then wouldn't be a bad thing"

I let out a breath, grateful he didn't question it, and headed outside to the car.

I was finally, finally, back at work.


Of course, as the fates would have it, I was assigned to Burke for the day, which meant I got to assist on his super cool surgery, but it also meant I had to see him all day.

"Alright, please present the case" Burke said to one of the interns that were standing next to the door.

"Emily Reynolds, 15. Emily has a benign primary tumor growing in the right ventricle chamber of her heart. Since the tumor is not cancerous, we aren't going to do chemo or radiation. But, the tumor is blocking the blood from getting to the lungs to receive oxygen, so we'd like to get it out as quickly as possible" An intern explains.

I nod in approval "Dr. Burke and I will be taking out the tumor this afternoon, since cardiac tumors are rare this is considered a high risk surgery, but we have no reason to believe any complications will arise" I explain. The Father nods in understanding, while the Mother stands running her hands through her hair, looking stressed out and tired.

"So she should be perfectly okay?" the Mother asks, worry evident in her tone.

"Mrs. Reynolds, in every other way your daughter is healthy as can be. She's not overweight, she doesn't have asthma or any other respiratory conditions, she was obviously eating well since her heart isn't strained and we didn't find any blockages. Your daughter is in good hands, she's going to be fine" I explain, trying to give the Mother some ease.

She walks over towards me, obviously so her daughter can't hear what she's about to ask me.

"What are some complications that could happen?" she asks quietly.

"Mrs. Reynolds, we don't like to talk about the possible complications unless they have a chance of coming up during surgery. Every test we've done cleared your daughter, she won't have any complications during surgery" I try to reassure her.

"Dr. Yang" she says slowly "she is my baby, I have two boys at home who are older than her, she's the youngest and she's my baby. Please just answer my question" she begs.

I sigh "I really don't want to worry you for no reason, Mrs. Reynolds"

She takes in a breath "Do you have any children, Dr. Yang?" she asks.

I'm taken aback for a moment, then nod. "A daughter" I answer.

"No matter what you tell me, I'm going to worry and I imagine you'd feel the same if your little girl was on the operating table" she tells me, dead seriously "I am her Mother, I am going to worry. I always worry about her and I'd think you could relate with me on this one"

"My daughter is two months old, I always worry about her" I tell Mrs. Reynolds "I worry when she cries and when she won't eat and when she sleeps longer than normal. But I never worry about her health, because we have the best program and the best doctors in the state. No matter what happens to my little girl, I know she'll be okay. And I know your little girl will be okay too"

A/N- Lovely lil chapter. I'm posting it a few hours earlier than usual because I have a party to go to and won't have time to post tonite when i get home!

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