Chapter twenty seven:

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You were mine,

for the summer.

Now we know its,

really over.

Feel's like snow,

In September,

but I always,

will remember.

You were my,

Summer love.

Christina's POV:

38 weeks, 4 days

"I can't see my toes" Lexie grumped, as she waddled into the living room where Mer, Callie, Arizona and I were drinking coffee and complaining about the night shifts we just got off of.

"Call me a trimester from now when your husband bans you from any ORs" I complain, sipping my coffee. I had a big 'ole round ass belly, a sore back, stretch marks from here to Mexico, my back was officially dead to the world, I could never get comfy enough to sleep and to top it off, due to the impending baby that could pop on out at any second, Owen banned me from any more surgeries until I got back from my maternity leave. Of course, I was allowed to check on patients and help in the ER, but nothing any fun. Which was the shitty icing on an already shitty cake.

"Ugh but i'm like a good five pounds heavier than you" Lexie whined. While I wanted to deny this, she was right. If I was big, she was huge. She gained weight like crazy, and she was only thirty weeks along.

"But at least you can still operate" I counter "I'd gain twenty more pounds if it meant I could still do surgeries"

"Can you two knock it off?" Callie asks, annoyed.

"But I'm a freaking blimp!" Lexie continued on anyway.

"So? My kid is so low, he's practically falling out every time I take a few steps!"

"My hips are literally supporting like thirty pounds of extra weight!"

"So? He keeps kicking my back whenever I'm going to bed! I haven't slept in days!"

"Guys!" Arizona shouted "Stop, Jesus. You're making me scared to go get pregnant in a few weeks"

All of us shut right up and looked at Arizona, who was smiling widely.

"You're going to do artificial insemination?" I ask "That's amazing! Sofia needs a little brother!"

"Or sister" Callie cut in "she definitely needs a little sister"

"I don't think a brother would be so bad" Arizona agreed with me.

"She's already getting a little sister" Lexie added "I think a little brother would be nice for her"

"Why is the world against me having another daughter?" Callie threw her hands up in surrender.

"Um because you need a little boy?" I said in a duh tone "Sofia can't have all sisters. I don't think she'd like that. Speaking from the perspective of someone with two brothers and a sister, I liked my brothers a hell of a lot better"

"That's different. Karen's a bitch" Meredith cut in "I like my baby sister" she slung an arm across Lexie's shoulders.

Lexie nodded "I have a big and baby sister. They're great"

"I had a brother and I think Sofia would benefit from a brother" Arizona stated soundly.

"Well I had a sister and we got along well. Partially because she's sixteen and we lived in the same house for all of a year or so" Callie shrugged "Tomatoe, tomato"

"Living with a sister is different than just having one" I explain "Lexie only lived with Molly growing up and Meredith didn't live with any siblings. I had to live with Karen, we shared a room for like five years"

"Brothers are better" Arizona says finally.

I nod "Preach it"


39 weeks

"Another false alarm?" I mutter, sitting on the exam table. I thought I felt more labor pains, I was sure of it, but apparently not. This was the third time I'd ran all excited up to the OB floor, texting Owen to make sure the car seat and diaper bag were in the car. "I'm a doctor and yet I still can't tell the difference between a false contraction and the real thing"

"It's common. Your Braxton Hicks are just getting stronger" Dr. Evans tells me, handing Owen more ultrasound pictures "you'll know the real stuff when you feel it" she assures me.

"Seriously. This is crap, I'm thirty nine weeks and its time for this baby to evacuate the premises. How much longer do you think it'll be?" I ask, rolling my shirt back down over my stomach. Barely anything fit anymore, even some maternity clothes were on their last limb. I was over being pregnant, so freaking over it.

"Would you like my honest opinion or what I know you want to hear?" She asks, sliding off her gloves and chucking them in the waste basket.

I think for a moment, pondering if a lie would make me feel any better. "The truth, please" I sigh.

"It is my professional opinion that you will have to be induced at forty two weeks" she stands up "I hate to tell anyone that, but if nothing happens in the next week I'm ninety percent sure you'll end up with an induction date"

I groan, and Owen rubs circles on the small of my back in an attempt to comfort me.

"At least we're going to have a beautiful baby pretty soon" he says.

I glare at him. "If I have to endure this past forty weeks, I'm officially on strike from life"

A/N- only a few more chapters until baby Hunt makes his or her appearance! I'm excited! i have known the babys gender and full name since i started this story, right from chapter one. I had a few names picked for the first name but drew from a hat and when i wasnt sure i liked the ones i ended up picking, i went with the first one i thought of lol.

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