Chapter eleven:

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Hold me in your arms,
The way you did,
Last nigh.

Christina's POV:

14 weeks

It'd been two days since the 'bump scare' as I was calling it. Somehow, that night after we'd both gotten off work, I'd managed to tell Owen. I knew it wasn't really any of his concern how fat I was getting, but I didn't want him to be surprised if he saw me and was wondering why I was getting so...fat.

Whereas my eyes filled with tears at the bump, Owens lit up like the Fourth of July. He was ecstatic, and I was shocked.

"How can you be so happy knowing your wife is getting fat?" I exclaimed.

He smiled at me, like I was the only thing in the world that made him smile anymore, and put a hand on my bump. Of course, I did my best to brush off his hand, with no avail.

"This little tiny bump, this barely even noticeable bump that you're so afraid of, is our baby. This bump symbolizes that this isn't just about us anymore, it's about the little peanut we saw on the screen at our last appointment" Owen said softly "I know you, Christina, and I know you're scared as hell, but I'm going to be here by your side through it all, whether you like it or not"

Seeing the undying love and the undoubted devotion almost made me smile at the bump. Almost, but not quite. Instead, I smiled at Owen and I kissed him gently, thanking him silently for being everything and anything I'd ever need.

Now, three days later, we were doing what needed to be done.

Something so horrid and so awful it burned me to even think of it.

We shopping.

"What do you think of this one?" Owen smiled as we entered the third house of the day. So far, I hadn't been overly impressed with anything we'd seen. They all seemed to...grown up.

This house was big, it had four bedrooms and three bathrooms. There was a dining room, a kitchen, a living room, a den, a rec room, three additional closets for storage, and a back yard so big it could hold all the play sets money could buy.

This, this was a house our child could grow up in. And, it wasn't too domestic or childish or...grown up. It was fit for a young, just married couple. Not like Owen and I were just married, but we were pretty young. Well, young enough.

"Let me think, Owen" I said softly, as I explored the house on my own. The dark oak floors were gorgeous, and the marble tile in the kitchen was shiny and new. There were lots of Windows, and the floor plan was extremely open. I had to say, I was having trouble looking for something to complain about.

"The first one was too big, the second one was too suburban, Christina, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this house!" Owen tried to reason.

"You obviously didn't listen to my complaints" i murmured, as I ran my hands on the smooth, dark railing. I walked up the stairs, Owen followed. "The first house had a pool, which would prove to be a problem once it starts to walk. I don't know about you, but I don't want baby drowner on my resume. The second one was located in a neighbourhood that had families already with children, most teenagers. They all grew up together, which means our kid would be stuck in a neighbourhood with no friends and a bunch of old people who keep vacationing in Florida" I explain "you only think in the moment, you don't think of the future. I do, Owen. I think of what's to come, not what's already happening" I walked down the stairs, and stood in front of the realtor.

Owen sighed, and stood beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I'm sorry" he mumbled into my hair. I kissed him lightly, to show I wasn't angry.

"I suppose were going to have to-" Owen started, I cut him off.

"Move into this one!" I say. I was tired, and my feet were hurting. I didn't want to be looking longer than we had to be.

Owen was obviously surprised, he had no clue I was going to give in that easily. He was expecting a fight, which was something I didn't have in me. How could I have room in me for a fight, when all the available space seemed to be taken up by a baby?

"You're sure? Because I don't want you settling" Owen asked me.

"It's not what I had in mind, but it's amazing. It'll do well" I smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want to look at anything else?" Our realtor asked politely "since it's just the two of you, I figured you'd want something a little smaller, Mrs.Hunt"

I chuckled "it's Dr.Yang"

"I'm sorry, I assumed you two were married given the ring on your finger" she quickly apologized.

"No, no it's alright" I say "we are married, I was a doctor before we got married and it felt weird to change my last name. And I'm sure this house is amazing, after all, we're having a baby"

The realtor smiles warmly "I never would have guessed! You look amazing!" She gushed. Such a suck up, only trying to sell the house.

"Well, you just can't see the bump under this baggy jacket" I laugh.

"I'm sure you and your little family will be happy in this house, I wish you the best of luck" she smiled.


Later that night, Owen got a call from the board. They said that the new doctor they were flying in, the one that was supposedly the best of the best, was going to be meeting with him in two weeks. He was already in Seattle, he just needed time to settle down in his new house. Apparently he's a single Dad to a couple of little girls.

"I still think it's sketchy how they won't give you a name" I grumble, as I eat some trail mix.

"Well, they've given me the best they can. Apparently, they don't want to start a conflict of interest with this new guy. Like some other surgeon can cause a problem" he snorted.

I just laughed, with not a worry in the world.

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