Chapter fifteen:

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He said forever girl,
I know you hate the weather girl,
So maybe you should,
Hold onto my sweater girl.

Christina's POV:

Eighteen weeks

"Still no kicks?" Owen asked, as I prepared for rounds two weeks later.

I was eighteen weeks along, and still no baby kicks. The doctor said it was completely normal, that the baby was probably moving little bits but I just didn't feel it because I'm constantly moving myself.

"Nope. Not a thing" I mutter. Owen wasn't too worried, he was too happy about the baby to think anything bad, but I was scared. I didn't show it, and I didn't talk to Owen about it. But I was really scared. I never acted excited towards the baby, I barely acknowledged it half the time, but I didn't want anything to happen.

So, I was scared. If something was wrong with the baby, I had no clue what I'd do. Not a damn clue.

"Did you ask anyone to help move boxes?" I asked, changing the topic. I knew Owen could sense how distraught I was over our lazy little child, but he knew better than to bring it up.

"Everyone I asked said they're all good" Owen smiled "I asked Derek and Meredith, Alex and Jo, Arizona and Callie, and April and Jackson. Lexie and Mark said they're going to pass and take on baby sitting duty, so Zola and Sofia won't have to stay with a baby sitter"

I nodded. "Mark loves kids, he's almost always volunteering to babysit the girls. It's almost crazy how much everyone can tell he wants another one"

"It is sweet, isn't it?" Owen put a hand on my belly. He knew I hated it when he did that, but I couldn't do much about it. I wanted the damn kid to kick, and if that meant Owen rubbing my fat belly and singing little lullabies to it, then so be it.

"I was going to ask if you thought he'd babysit for us when the time comes, since he is like a free nanny"


That night, I was home alone. Owen had a late surgery, so I ended up leaving alone. It was about nine o clock when I decided to make some food.

Owen was always on my back about eating more than cereal, so tonight I was making some salad. Which I knew I'd follow with chocolate icecream.

I got out lettuce and tomato and celery and carrots. Salad was basically the easiest food I could think of, next to pasta. But I wasn't really in a pasta mood, so rabbit food it was.

I chopped up the carrot, and I was just starting to chop the celery when I felt it.

I was caught so off guard, the knife slipped and I cut my hand. But I didn't care, I barely felt it.

Because I felt a little tiny baby kick.

I put both hands on my stomach, praying to God the baby would kick again. I wanted him to kick again.

"Come on bud" I said "you can do it, kick again"

I waited a second, then two. Right when I was going to give up and say I imagined the whole thing, I felt another kick.

I started to cry, honest to god. This was all so...amazing. I was growing a tiny person, I was making a new life. This was real, this was the most indescribable thing I have ever felt.

I ignored the spots of scarlet blood that inked my grey t shirt, and reached for the phone to call Owen.

Owen's POV:

I was in the OR, doing a surgery with Burke. He hadn't tried anything with Christina, he was respectful and friendly to myself and the staff, and he was an amazing surgeon. So, I didn't feel like I was betraying Christina when I realized I was a fan of Burke. Not a hardcore BFF fan, but I could chat with him about work or his daughters and not want to jump out a window.

"Chief Hunt, your wife is on the phone" one of the scrub nurses said.

"Can it wait a few minutes?" I asked "I'm at a tricky spot and I can't afford to mess up"

The scrub nurse turned away to talk into the phone. "She said it's about the baby" she said.

"Put the phone on speaker" I said urgently.

"Owen!" Christina was crying, I could tell. She didn't cry often, but when she did it was bad.

"Christina! Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked her, concern lacing my voice. Burke looked at me quizzically, before going back to the patient.

"Owen, he kicked" she said, I could practically see her smile "he actually kicked me! He's in there, and he's a human and he's alive and I created him, and he kicked me!"

I laughed, smiling widely "I wish I was there with you"

"I do too. It's the most incredible thing, I swear Owen, I haven't felt anything like this before. You have to get home, he's kicking again and I don't want him to get tired before you feel it!" She exclaimed.

Suddenly, it dawned on me.

"Christina, you're calling the baby a 'him'" I say, remembering all the times she's called him either it or the baby or the kid. "You actually think she's going to be a boy?"

"I guess I do. I dunno, it just kinda hit me. I felt his tiny little foot smack against my stomach and I just kinda knew that he's a boy"

I laugh "well she's going to be disappointed when she realizes her Mama thought she was a boy"

"You mean our son is going to be disappointed when he finds out you called him a girl for nine months" I could hear her smirk.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Mothers intuition. I've never half assed anything in my life and I'm not starting now"

A/n- I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS CHAPTER it was hands down my favourite to write. Easily, the most fun to write.

In the next chapter were gonna find out more about Burke and why he's back. Fun?

Okay so there's gonna be a long ass AN chapter next (well not really long) and I really would like YALL to read it. It's crucial to the story. Thanks.

Thanks for reading!

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Comment if you think baby Hunt will be a boy or a girl!


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