Chapter thirty nine:

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Go follow my instagram please lovely lil readers! The username is the same as my account name! Deipotent_Daisy! Thank you!

Enjoy the double update chapter! Vote and comment!!


If I could write you a song,

To make you fall in love,

I would already have you,

up under my arm.

Owen's POV:

A week after Alex and Jo's wedding, things were pretty much back to normal around the hospital.

"I'm telling you, my girls are perfect" Mark was saying, as we walked through the park. Christina was on call today, Meredith was cleaning the house on her day off, Lexie was sleeping, Callie had back to back surgeries and Arizona was attempting to put together Sofia's toddler bed today. Mark, Derek and I were off and decided to take the kids out for a walk in the park since the weather was so nice.

"Neither of them look anything like you" Derek smirked. He was pushing Zola in her stroller, who was fast asleep. Mark had Evie in a tula carrier while Sofia also soundly slept in her stroller. I was pushing Scarlet in her stroller, prepared to get out the tula carrier if she woke up and wanted to be carried.

"They're both gorgeous either way" Mark smiles "they're gonna have all the boys, or girls, lined up for them"

I chuckle "I can wait another few years for that"

Derek nods in agreement "Zola is two and a half, I can wait another thirty years. Or until I'm dead"

"Sofia's got three Moms and a Dad, she'll be okay" Mark says "Evie has me and Lexie, she's gonna be just fine"

"Thank god for Lexie" Derek jokes "if you didn't have her I don't know what you'd do"

"I know I'd be screwed without Christina" I comment "she might not seem like a motherly person but she knows way more about how to keep Scarlet quiet and calm than I do. Every time it's my turn to watch her she screams and I have no clue what to do"

Mark snorts "And this has nothing to do with the fact that Scarlet likes Yang more than you?"

Derek laughs "Sorry Owen but he's right. She's a Mama's girl all the way"

I nod "Completely. Once when Christina was at work, I couldn't get her to stop crying for the life of me. I had to wrap her in one of Christina's shirts, spray her perfume on my sweater and put on her deodorant for Scarlet to even remotely calm down"

Derek and Mark both laugh.

"Once when Zola was about ten months old" Derek says, once he's regained composure "Meredith was in surgery and couldn't make it home to tuck Zola in, and Zola refused to go to bed. I went as far as to replay a voicemail Meredith had sent me over and over until she went to sleep"

"You know" Mark starts "you two were the ones who wanted babies. Neither of your wives were really prime Mother material, Meredith was only into the idea of kids because Derek was and Yang wouldn't even hear of it"

"We know" I laugh.

"Don't remind us" Derek adds.

"All I'm saying" Mark says "is that you two were the ones who wanted the babies and now that you've got them you have no clue what to do. Your non-maternal, robot and emotionally damaged wives are doing better at this parent thing"

Derek and I are quiet for a second, letting the truth of Mark's words sink in.

"He's right" Derek sighs "he's so right"

"I think Christina was scared if she had one baby I'd want another one and we'd have a repeat of the same situation" I sigh "and as much as I love Scarlet, I think one baby is more than enough for me right now. When she's older, five or six, maybe a little brother but..." I trail off.

"Everyone thinks they're the type for a thousand kids until they have one" Mark shrugs.

"Except you" Derek says "you're like Mother freaking Goose"

Mark smiles proudly "Well at least the girls sleep without me playing voice recordings of Lexie or Callie or Arizona"



"Don't worry about it though" Mark tells me "I may be the type for lots of kids, but not everyone is. Your daughter and maybe one more would be more than enough for you. Hell, maybe Scarlet is more than enough for you because she's so perfect and you love her. Maybe Derek and Meredith won't have any more kids either, you never know"

"Either way" I smirk "you'll have your own reality show called Mark and Lexie plus ten"

Derek laughs "But really, I think Meredith and I will have more babies. I may not be the best to parent them, but I'm doing what I can and Zola seems happy. That's what matters"

I nod "I can agree with you on that"

"You say that now" Mark jokes.

Derek smiles "Well, if I tell you some insider information, you think you can keep it on the down low until Meredith tells Christina?"

We both nod and mumble 'Agreed'.

"Meredith's pregnant" Derek tells us "three weeks"

"Congratulations!" I tell him, as Scarlet lazily blinks her eyes open.

"I'm happy for you!" Mark tells Derek, as we round to the end of the park.

"As happy as we are for you, I have to get home" I sigh "if Christina isn't off work in the next two hours Scarlet's gonna scream until she gets home and I don't want to be in public when that happens"

"See ya!"

"Have a good one!"

As I walk away and head to the car, I look at Scarlet's perfect little face and bright blue eyes and think that maybe, just maybe, a little brother just as perfect wouldn't be a bad idea.

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