Chapter nineteen:

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At least I can say,

that I tried.

To tell you I'm sorry,

for breaking your heart.

Christina's POV:

Twenty two weeks

Two weeks after the whole dinner fiasco, Owen and I were comfortably moved into our new house. I was reading one night, after a long day at work. My feet were neatly tucked underneath a blanket, and my baby belly sat smack in the middle. It looked even bigger when I sat down.

That's when Owen came in, carrying a giant whiteboard and some markers. He was smiling wide, and I noticed the whiteboard had been split into two columns. Baby Girl and Baby Boy .

Hells to the no.

"Owen, honey" I asked "what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm thinking of baby names" he smiles "I wanted to do up a board of our top five for each gender. I was hoping you'd help me"

"Hell no" I reply instantly.

"If you don't help me I'll probably pick out some weird ass name just to spite you" he threatened.

I sat up, closing my book and placing it to the side. "Alright, what do ya got?" I ask, defeated. Knowing Owen, he'd pick a really girly name for a girl and a weird name for a boy. Like Annalise and Braden or something.

I wanted to opt for something simple, but not dumb sounding.

"I like Lola" he says, jotting 'Lola' down in the girls column.

"We are not naming the baby 'Lola'" I grimace "it sounds like some type of hipster name"

"Well, I like it. We're keeping it there" he declares "what names would you want to be on the board?" he asks.

I think for a moment, then two. I think of everything significant that's happened since I decided to keep the baby. I think of the Blue of my scrubs, the Scarlet of the blood on my shirt when he first kicked, the Joy on Owen's face when we saw the first ultrasound. I thought of Seattle Grace and of Seattle in general. I saw all these different flashes of everything that made up the memories I had from the past twenty one weeks.

"For girls" I say, even though I still think he's a boy "Joy, Grace, and Scarlet. For boys I like Blue and Lincoln" I answer, putting thoughts into the cute little names I chose. Unlike Owen and 'Lola'.

"Nice, I like them. Grace is the prettiest, probably my favorite after Lola" he comments "why Lincoln?" he asks, jotting down all the names.

"Like president Lincoln?" I say "If I'm going to raise a kid, I'm holding out that he'll be successful one day. Maybe even the president"

Owen laughs, before jotting down one of his favorites 'Olivia'. "I like Lincoln, it's a cute little name"

I nod "Write down Iris, under girls" I say randomly "I like Iris too"

"Okay so, for girls we have Olivia, Iris, Grace, Joy, Scarlet, and Lola" Owen tells me "and for boys we have Blue, Lincoln, Owen Junior, Theo and Wil"

"We didn't add Owen Junior" I mutter "we are so not naming the baby that"

"I think it has a certain ring to it" Owen smirks.

"Of course you would" I roll my eyes playfully.

"Hey, you want to name her after a president" Owen defends.

"You want to name him 'Lola'" I counter "Lola is such an airhead name"

"I think it's really pretty" He snaps the cap back on the marker.

"I like Christina Junior" I smirk "CJ for short"

"That" he says "sounds like the name of a rapper"

"Exactly!" I cry "the kid needs a simple but smart sounding name, and naming him 'Owen Junior' sounds like we're naming him after OJ Simpson"

Owen laughs "True, true"

"Owen, sweetie I love you, but you suck at picking out baby names"

Twenty two weeks, two days

"What do you think of Rosie?" Lexie asked, flipping through a baby book. Unlike Owen and I, she and Mark were still trying to lock down on their favorite names. Although, at fourteen weeks, Lexie had eight more weeks to decide than I did.

"Too girly" I mutter, picking the lettuce off of my sandwich.


"Reminds me too much of Rachel Ray"


"Lex, why aren't you running these names past Mark?" I say, exasperated and so over hearing baby names. I didn't even want to discuss them for my own kid, let alone someone else s.

"Because he's locked down on a solid three he wants to call the baby" Lexie and Mark found out through blood test that they were having a little girl, which meant there were lots of name possibilities.

"I'm taking a guess they're all dumb?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Lexie sighs "He likes Elsa, Vivian and Miriam"

"Jeez. Who knew Sloan had such weird baby taste" I mutter "I kinda like Miriam though"

Lexie shudders "Nope, nope, nope"

I laugh, as the baby kicks my back yet again.

"You're going to have a hard time coming up with a name then" I sympathize with her.


A/N- Alright, so since i got two comments i revealed the top five and six names that Cristina and Owen are going to name baby Hunt.











Owen Junior



Pick out your favorite, or the one you think they're gonna call the baby, and comment! I personally love the name of the baby, since i did pick it out and all. But trust me, its adorable.

Vote and comment!

Thx for reading!


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