Chapter forty one:

980 22 6

Time stands still,

beauty and all,



Christina's POV:

It was a boring day.

There was nothing going on; I was on call and from what Owen had been telling me via text message, the ER was dead and so was the rest of the surgical floor. A few routine procedures was all, nothing fancy or thrilling or cool.

So, I was at Meredith's with Lexie and Evie, Jo and her big pregnant belly, Meredith and Zola, Alex and Mark (who had Sofia since Arizona and Callie were both at work).

We weren't doing anything interesting; Sofia and Zola were napping in Zola's bed Evie was in the baby swing and Scarlet was (of course) half asleep in my arms. She was a solid sleeper, when she was out she was OUT and I had to keep checking to be sure she was still alive. Nothing seemed to wake her up, which I was grateful for, since she was sleeping in the arms of someone talking to loud mouth surgeons.

"Such a boring day" I sighed, flicking through channels on TV.

"It's a quiet and peaceful day" Lexie said back "we don't get many of those, we should enjoy it"

"I'd rather a mass casualties situation" I mutter under my breath.

"Don't you just love days like this when you get to spend some quality time with Scarlet?" Mark asked, as he went to pick up Evie from the swing.

"I love spending time with her" I tell them "but she's sleeping and when babies are asleep their boring"

"Preach it" Meredith agreed.

"Hopefully our kid will sleep well" Jo says patting her belly "Alex isn't exactly poster child for sleep deprivation. He gets all cranky and pissy"

I laugh "With your luck, baby Spawn won't sleep a wink"

Alex shoots me a look "I'm sorry, wasn't it you who thought Scarlet was colicky when she wasn't?"

I glare at him "When you have a kid, you worry when they scream non-stop until their faces turn red and they can barely breathe, Evil Spawn"

Before Alex can open his mouth to respond, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it" Meredith sighs, standing up.

"Who the hell could that be" Mark asks "everyone's either at work or here"

"Well work is very slow today" I point out "maybe Bailey let a few go early"

"But why would they ring the doorbell?" Jo says "everyone has lived here at one point or another; no one even knocks around here"

Suddenly, Meredith walks into the room with a shocked face and someone trailing behind her.

"Izzie's here" Mer says, as Izzie emerges from the doorway.

Everyone's silent; especially Alex. No one says anything until Izzie speaks.

"I'm not back for good or anything" she says "I just needed to talk to Alex quickly, but since I'm here who wants to introduce all the kids that seem to be here?" she smiles awkwardly, trying to make this less of a weird situation.

"Um" I say, struggling for words "this is Scarlet" I hold up my baby, who's so out cold she doesn't even notice "she's mine and Owen's, Mark over there has his second, Evie, she's his and Lexie's" suddenly, Zola and Sofia walk in the room holding hands with confused faces. They probably heard the door slam and woke up.

"Mommy is Daddy home yet?" Zola asked, walking towards Meredith while Mark handed Evie off to Lexie and went to pick up Sofia.

"Not yet" Meredith said "he'll be home soon"

"That's Zola" I say, pointing to Zo who was clinging onto Meredith "she's Mer and Derek's. Sofia over there in Mark's arms now, is his daughter with Callie and Arizona, he was like a sperm donor that stuck around instead of leaving"

"Wow" Izzie says finally "I missed lots"

"Yeah" Alex speaks "now that Yang has answered some of your questions, how about you answer mine. Why the hell are you here?"

Izzie looks a little taken aback, but nonetheless stands her ground "I needed to talk to you"

"What about?" Jo pipes up.

Izzie raises an eyebrow "It's a private matter. I'm sorry, I don't think we've been introduced. Who's this?" Izzie asks, pointing to Jo.

"Dr. Jo Wilson" Jo introduces herself "and as for the 'private matter' I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind if I knew"

Izzie suddenly looks so shocked; like someone poured ice water down her back.

"You and Alex are married?" she asks, eyes wide.

Jo nods "And expecting, if you couldn't tell by my bump. Now, what's this 'private matter' that you have to discuss?" she puts a hand on her hip and raises an eyebrow.

Izzie sighs "I had the hospital holding some of my eggs fertilized with Alex's sperm from when we were married and my cancer was bad. They've been there for almost eight years, but I completely forgot and came to ask him to sign something for me so I can tell the hospital it's okay for them to get rid of them"

Alex scoffs "I thought those were long gone"

"Well they aren't and I need you to sign a consent form saying its okay to get rid of them" Izzie snaps.

"Give me the damn forms" Alex mutters, as Izzie pulls them out of her purse and gives them to Alex along with a pen.

"Thanks" Izzie says, when the forms are signed and handed over.

"It was nice to see you Iz" I tell her "maybe we could get drinks sometime?"

"Yeah, I think that'd be a great idea" Meredith chimes in "if you're still in town tomorrow night we could go to Joe's"

Izzie shakes her head "It was nice seeing you all, but I'm leaving town tonight. Take care" with a smile and a wave, she's got what she needed and is gone again.

"Is she always that rude?" Jo asks.

"I haven't seen her in years, I wouldn't know" Meredith says softly.

"None of us would"

A/N- yay another chapter! This is the second last chapter. There'll be this one and ONE MORE before an epilogue. The sequel will be posted sometime next week!
Thanks for reading!
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