Chapter twenty three:

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You watch me,

bleed until I can't breathe.


falling onto my knees.

And now that I'm without,

your kisses,

I'll be needing stitches.

Christina's POV:

28 weeks, 4 days

Two days after my Mother magically showed up from Beverly Hills, I was in a room (decorated fully in pink decorations) full of people I hated who were shoving baby names down my throat while trying to rub my belly.

And Owen hadn't come home to rescue me yet.

"Pete, what the hell?" I grabbed Pete's arm and dragged him into the kitchen "why'd you tell her I was knocked up!?"

He chuckles "I was bored and needed something to do. She did have a right to know though, Chris"

I groan "I know that, but I did NOT want a baby shower with all of my relatives that I can't stand here! I'm pregnant, I need rest and relaxation!"

"You're a surgeon, you never get rest or relaxation" He points out.

"Unless someone in that room needs a transplant, a bypass or a lung taken out, I'm completely out of my element" I put a hand on my belly "And Jesus knows when Owen gets home he's gonna get lost in the sea of old ladies" I mutter under my breath.

"Hey, look, it's Karen!" Pete smiles as I scowl "come say hi to your sister and niece or nephew!" he calls to her.

"Christina! It's been a while since I'd seen you!" She smiled hugging me awkwardly "wow, you're so big!" she exclaims.

"Well, that happens when you're pregnant" I grit my teeth as Pete winks and goes to talk to one of Mother's sisters.

"How far along are you?" She asks.

"little over twenty eight weeks" I tell her, trying my hardest to smile.

"Do you know what you're having?"


"That's a shame, you should fi-" I cut her off as I saw Owen being harassed by my Aunt Sylvia.

"Owen!" I call him over.

"Christina, hey, I had no clue this thing was going to be so big" He puts an arm around me and kisses my forehead.

"Me either" I tell him, in a tone that suggests I was ready to off everyone in the freaking room.

Karen clears her throat from beside me and flutters her eyelashes sweetly at Owen.

"Owen, this is my sister Karen. Karen, this is my husband Owen" I introduce them, inwardly groaning as Karen tries to act attractive.


Christina's kid sister, Karen, was smiling nicely at me as she asked various questions about my job and the baby. Christina was tense beside me, and obviously pissed off.

"So, do you like, save people all the time?" Karen asks, twirling some hair in between her fingers.

"It's my job" I answer, as she giggles.

"You're like a super hero or something!" She says in awe, obviously trying to flirt with me.

Karen, honestly, didn't look much like Christina. She had long dark brown hair that fell straight down her back, grey eyes and a small nose with thin lips. She was pretty, I guess, but she couldn't have been more than fifteen or sixteen.

Christina, on the other hand, was gorgeous. Porcelain skin, dark brown eyes that sparkled in the sun, thick, dark curls that I loved and a smile that made my day. I hoped every day that our baby looked like her.

"So, Karen, do you know what you want to do when you're out of high school?" I ask.

"I graduated last spring, actually. I've just started University at Princeton" She says, somewhat irritated.

"Oh, that's cool" I tell her "what are you majoring in?"

"Political sciences" she tells me "It's a very interesting subject"

I nod, bored with the conversation and her attempts to try and flirt with me.

"Owen" Christina whispers in my ear "Do not take what I'm about to do seriously"

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Do not call 911, do not panic. Get me in the car and drive to the hospital, and make sure everyone leaves" She says rushed.

"Christina-" I'm about to ask her to explain, but she clutches her baby bump and screams.

"Oh my god!" She yells, expertly knocking over a water bottle to make the floor beneath her wet, but everyone's too immersed in why she screamed to see.

"What's wrong?" I ask, remembering that she said I'm not to worry.

"My water, I think it broke! Owen, we have to get to the hospital! The baby can't come yet!" She's hysterical, the congregation of old ladies are all hysterical and Karen just looks horrified.

"Call 911!" someone screams.

"Not enough time! I'll drive her!" I yell, helping her up as she screams, still clutching her bump.

"Oh my god, It hurts!" she yells, as all the old ladies clear a path for us to get to the front door "OUCH OH MY GOD OUCH"

"Almost there!" I tell her, as I help her into a jacket and some shoes.

"MY VAGINA IS TEARING IN HALF" She screams, making half the old ladies wince and back away slowly.

"Just breathe deep breaths!" one yells.

"My son was ten pounds and I swear, the pain was awful!" Another yells.

"Try leaning forward!"

"Cross your legs to keep him in there!"

"Breathe through your nose!"

"Get a glass of Jack Daniels!"

Finally, we're out of the house and in the car, driving away as fast as possible.

Once we're a good distance away from the house, Christina bursts out laughing. I start laughing too, still driving to the hospital.

"We're going to have to get you a room, you know that right?" I tell her "Your Mom's going to want to visit to make sure you're okay"

She nods "We can tell her it was a false alarm or something"

I pause "Did you just fake early labor to get out of your baby shower?"

She smirks "I sure did"

A/N- Yay! New chapter

I liked writing this i thought it was pretty funny.

Anyway, vote and comment please people!


While im at it, who would like to see a sequel of this story? I have an idea for one im just not sure i wanna write it or whatever if no one wants to read it.



Ps I am hoping you guys will still want to read my new and coming greys fic! I'm excited, and I am dying to know if YALL will like it. It promotes girl power and is very diverse and has a ship not many people know of, but should know of. It's gonna be different and very very unique, but that's the fun of it.

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