Chapter Eighteen:

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So I'm gonna love you,

like i'm gonna lose you,

i'm gonna hold you,

like i'm saying,


Christina's POV:

Nineteen weeks, six days

Six days later, everyone was gathered around the table in Mark Sloan's tiny little apartment eating some obviously take-out chicken (lets face it. Neither Mark nor Lexie can cook well and that chicken was to die for).

Owen was making light conversation with Burke, Derek was chatting up Mark as Arizona and Meredith sat cutting up pieces of chicken and vegetables to feed the babies. Callie was talking to Alex about some surgery that happened a few days ago, Teddy was talking to Jo while Lexie was smiling brightly and talking to Meredith. Jackson and April were sitting together, talking to Dr. Bailey, while I sat praying to god the baby would stop kicking so I could eat my chicken peacefully.

Everyone was perfectly happy, everyone was completely and utterly relaxed and laid back. It was nice that we all got the night off (we were all on call if anything big happened, so we had our fingers crossed that we wouldn't have to answer any pages) and it was nice that Mark and Lexie invited us all over for dinner.

After everyone had finished, and cake was being served for desert (again, store bought cake. Not that I was complaining because the cake was amazing) Lexie and Mark stood up and Mark cleared his throat. Everyone had been waiting all night for the big announcement, the reason for this big dinner that Mark went through the trouble of picking up from a nearby barbecue place.

Kepner had twenty bucks bet that one of them was dying of some unknown disease, Meredith, Derek, Jackson, Arizona and Teddy all had bet fifty that they were engaged while Callie and I had conspired that Lexie was pregnant. Jo and Alex had money bet that they'd gotten engaged because she was pregnant, while Burke and Bailey just didn't feel like participating.

"We have some news" Mark smiled, putting his arm around Lexie's waist "it's amazing news, actually"

"Spit it out, we've got money riding on this dinner!" Callie exclaimed.

"Alright, well, here it goes" Mark looks at Lexie, then back at the rest of us "We're getting married!"

I groaned, so did Callie and Alex and Jo. We pulled out the money we'd previously counted and sorted in envelopes and tossed it in the middle of the table. Kepner sighed, muttering that hers was a long shot anyway, before adding her share to the middle.

"That's not all" Lexie smirked "We're engaged because-" Alex cut her off.

"YES SUCK IT JO AND I WERE RIGHT!" he exclaimed as Jo laughed and high fived him.

"What the hell?" Lexie asked "I didn't even finish my sentence!"


"NOBODY IS DYING SHES PREGNANT!" Mark yelled "Jesus, its like having a group of kids from Sofia's play group over"

"I still win" Alex said smugly "I bet she was engaged because she was pregnant"

"So Alex what should we do with our boat load of money?" Jo asked smugly.

"Make posters about how glad we are that we're just engaged"





"I didn't even know you guys were together"

Everyone was yelling and screaming and looking at Jo's engagement ring, it was pure madness. Sofia and Zola both started to screech in delight, happy that they could make just as much noise as everyone else.

"Well, I guess this night was a bust. It turned into Alex and Jo's wedding announcement" Lexie said, defeated.

"To be fair, no one ever thought Alex would get a stable and healthy relationship, let alone a fiancee" I tell her "everyone already knew you and Sloan were made for each other. People who are made for each other have babies and get married. It was just a matter of time before you guys told us when and where everything was going down" I shrug.

"True" she sighs.

"How far along are you?" I ask, trying to distract her from this fail of a pregnancy/engagement reveal dinner party.

"Twelve weeks. We found out four weeks ago but you know how it is" she sighed "with everything that happened with Sofia being born early and the accident and her NICU stay, we wanted to be sure everything was going good so we didn't have to say 'We're pregnant!' and then 'Oh never mind, false alarm' ya know?"

I nodded "I don't want to put together the nursery for another four weeks, but Owen's been on my case to do it sooner"

"I can see where you're coming from" Lexie agrees "The only thing worse than losing a baby is probably having to gut an empty nursery"

I nod, and then change the topic "So, when are you due?"

"February 14th" she smiles "Valentines day"

"That's pretty cool" I comment, thinking it's not cool at all.

"When are you due?" She asks me.

"December 12th" I say "eleven days before Christmas"

"Maybe he'll come a little late and you'll have a Christmas baby" Lexie says excitedly.

I chuckle "I hope not. If I go past my due date, the ultimate goal would be to keep him in until at least boxing day"

"That makes sense" she nods "it's hard to do holidays with a newborn. My sister Molly had her second baby, Evan, a month before Christmas last year. It was hard for her to finish Christmas shopping and wrapping, along with taking care of the baby and her four year old Laura. Especially since her husband is in the military"

"I can't imagine how hard that would be" I sigh, rubbing my belly. "I hope things go well for you and Mark though. Any idea what you're having?" I ask.

"I hope its a boy, but Mark wants a little sister for Sofia"

I nod "Boys are easier than girls"

"Preach it"

A/N- so theres a new chapter! YAY


if i get over five comments on this chapter, I'll reveal the top three girls names I have picked and top three boys names for Christina's baby. Then, you guys can guess which name you think i'm going to go with. First person to guess correctly gets a shout out! WOOOOOOOO

love yall thanks for reading!



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