Chapter seven:

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All that I am,
All that I ever was,
Is here in your perfect eyes,
They're all I can see

Owen's POV:

Teddy and I were working on putting back together a guy who was absolutely mauled in a motorcycle accident.

So far, we weren't having much luck. Every organ that we could see was sliced, diced or shredded. Not to mention his ribs collapsed into his lungs, or the shard of glass that punctured his heart.

"Owen, I have to crack his chest. He's going to bleed out into his lungs, I have to get in there" Teddy told me. I agreed, we had to see the extent of the damage to his chest. "Page Torres, we're going to need someone to give us the full extent of his rib injury"

"Dr.Hunt, Dr.Meredith Grey is on the phone line" one of my scrub nurses said "she's demanding to speak with you"

I sighed, couldn't this wait until later? I was elbow deep in some guys guts, I didn't need to have to worry about Meredith.

"Put it on speaker" I told her.

"Owen!" Meredith's voice was frantic, she was worried. "I'm so glad I got ahold of you, I've been paging and calling and texting for fifteen minutes!"

"Make it fast Grey" I ordered, as Teddy cracked the guys chest open.

"Owen, it's Christina. She passed out, hit her head. She's still out but I figured you'd want to know" she explained.

When she told me Christina was hurt, my whole world just about stopped. I froze, not moving a muscle. "Is she okay?" I ask, even noticing myself the worry that was evident in my voice.

"She's okay, she's still passed out but I've got her hooked up to an IV. When she wakes up, I have Avery here waiting to stitch up the little cut on her forehead. Before you say, get Sloan, I tried. He sent Avery when a burn case came in. Avery is the best of the residents and some of the attendings, from what Sloan said" Meredith told me.

"I'll be there in ten minutes" I declare, as I take my hands out of out of the patient and signal to the nurse that she can hang up the phone.

"Owen, you can't just leave! Grey is with her, she's gonna be fine!" Teddy protested "this guy is shredded! Mangled! I can't fix him up by myself!"

"Teddy, I have to make sure she's okay" I tell her, as I snap my gloves off "page Kepner, she knows her way around a trauma case"

"Owen, I need more than Kepner!" Teddy all but screamed at me.

"Then page Bailey too. She's more than capable of helping you, she's the best general attending we have!" I say as I haul my gown off.

"Owen, I know you're worried about your wife. But Yang is tough as nails, there isn't any way a little dizziness and a small cut is going to keep her down. Give it an hour, she'll be running the whole damn cardio ward!" Teddy explained "she's been busted up before and you weren't there to save her. She's gonna be fine"

I was by the door, ready to leave, when I looked back at Teddy's angry face. "Yes, but she's never been nine weeks pregnant before. And I'll be damned if anything happens to her or my kid" I snap, as I rush out of the OR to make sure Christina's okay.

Christina's POV:

I woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous. I had no clue what happened or where I was. But I did know that someone was dabbing a wet cloth all over my head and face.

"Knock it off" I mumble to whoever had the cloth as I opened my eyes.

"Christina?" I heard Owen ask. He was the one standing over me with a cloth.

"What happened?" I ask groggily as I sit up.

"You passed out and hit your head, but Averys gonna patch it up" as he mentioned Jackson, who was standing on my left, I decided to have some fun.

"Who's Avery, and who are you?" I ask, confused "where's Meredith? Or Izzy or George or Alex? Where's Burke?" I say, sitting up, trying to act frazzled. I know it was beyond mean, but I couldn't help myself. If I was being subjected to the role of 'human incubator' for thirty one more weeks, I at least wanted to have some fun.

"Honey, I'm Owen, your husband" Owen told me carefully, as his voice shook.

"Ask her some questions" Avery whispered, as he stared at me like I was a science experiment.

"What's your name?" Owen asked carefully. I had to stifle a laugh.

"My name is Christina Yang, I'm a surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital, I'm hoping to specialize in cardio, and I'm engaged to Preston Burke" I state, watching as Owens eyes widen in horror.

Suddenly, I start to laugh. "I'm kidding. Owen, I'm fine. I passed out because your kid is sucking the life out of me"

"Jesus" Owen breathes, as Avery laughs along "you scared me"

I kissed Owen lovingly "I have a fetus sized Owen in my uterus. I wouldn't ever forget that" I whispered in Owens ear. Suddenly, I was hit with a wave of nausea that worried me "page an OB and get me a bucket" I manage to choke out, before putting my hand to my mouth.

"I'll page an OB, but you look fine" Avery said, shrugging. He must not have been told about the baby.

"Christina is fine" Owen agrees "but out baby might not be" his hand was rubbing slow circles on my flat stomach. When I noticed, I promptly shooed him away with a 'cut it out' look.

"You're pregnant?" Avery spits in surprise.

I laugh "nearly nine weeks" I smile, trying to hide the nerves.

"Well, I wish you three all the best" Avery smiled, as he paged the OB and began to gather the proper items to stitch up my face.

"Thank you" Owen smiled.

But I couldn't bring myself to smile, I was worried. Worried about the baby.

I was far from happy about this pregnancy and a few weeks ago, I would've done anything to end it. Now, looking at the little ultrasound everyday in its frame on the mantle, I didn't want anything to happen. I couldn't imagine having a baby, but I also couldn't imagine not being pregnant.

I didn't want the baby I worked so hard, mentally and physically, to keep to be hurt.

I still wasn't completely sold on being a Mom, but still.

The little fetus needs me.

And sometimes, knowing something depends solely on me for life, makes me smile.

A/n- Sorry I haven't been updating! I've been busy with Christmas. Oops. Hope this is a good chapter! I'd love some feedback!!!

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