Chapter twenty four:

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I wish that,
I could carry her,
But this is our,
Ungodly hour,
Ungodly hour,
Ungodly hour.

Christina's POV:

32 weeks, 1 day

A month after the whole baby shower fiasco, things were going pretty well with Owen and I.

The nursery was painted a gorgeous colour, all the furniture was assembled, all the toys were put in the toy box and all the clothes were folded and neatly put away. I had all the bottles washed and put in a labeled bin in the pantry, all the pacifiers were rinsed (Owen claimed I was being dumb for washing them, but God knows what touched those plastic nipples before packaging. Gross) and put into a bowl on top of the baby's dresser, all the baby blankets and towels were washed and put in a wicket basket in the bathroom, and we had basically everything we needed concerning hygiene. I'd even hung up bibs in the pantry and assembled the high chair for when he was old enough.

Now, 32 weeks in, I was huge. I mean freaky huge. I looked so big for someone who was 32 weeks, it wasn't even fit. Apparently, every one gets this big on their first baby. Lexie was barely 24 weeks and she was pretty large for her size as well.

Owen and I had gotten maternity pictures done a week or so ago, which literally killed my back. Every time he kicked, I doubled over in pain. I was surprised he hadn't broken my rib yet.

"Owen, do we really have to get these pictures done?" I'd complained as I adjusted the blue maternity dress I had to squeeze myself into. I felt like a whale from sea world, and my back was just about broken.

"Come on, this is more than likely gonna be your last pregnancy! Don't you want to remember it?" He smiled as the photographer told me to stand by a tree with both hands on my belly.

"There is no 'more than likely" I told him "this is our first and last. Pregnancy is kicking my royal ass. I'm in pain, I can't sleep, I gained like thirty pounds and I can't see my feet!"

"But think of all the things that you wouldn't have gotten to experience otherwise" Owen told me, smiling, as the photographer snapped a picture.

I looked down at my big ass belly and smiled. My hands were gently placed on either side, shielding the unborn baby from the horrors of the world outside my comfy and stretched out uterus. I did love my kid, no doubt, and getting to feel little kicks and punches (when they weren't painful) was pretty freaking awesome. I got to grow a human who would be part me, part the person I loved most, and as much as I despised the idea in the beginning, it grew on me. While I knew I didn't want any more babies, I knew I did love this one.

The photographer snapped a picture of this thinking moment of mine and smiled "Best picture I've gotten all day"

Now, Owen had that picture framed and put on a shelf in the living room. I looked fat, but I was smiling lovingly at my bump and I knew that when Itsy got to see this picture, he'd know I love him more than anything.

"Christina" Owen asked me, as he wandered into the living room where I was laying down in some sweats and a t shirt. The baby was sleeping, which means I had some down time. After a long ass shift and a 8 hour surgery, I was more than glad to be home and relaxing.

"What's up babe?" I ask, rubbing my belly. I found myself always doing that, I felt like it helped the baby sleep better. Even though it wasn't true, I was almost sure of it, I still did it.

"Callie called. She wants to throw you a proper baby shower where you don't have to fake labor to get out of. Just a small one with her and Arizona and Meredith and April and Teddy and Bailey" he told me, sitting next to me and putting a hand on my belly. "And Jo and Lexie, of course" he adds.

I nod tiredly. "She can do what she wants. I'm too tired to argue with her" I mutter.

Owen laughs "this'll be interesting"

"Please. Nothing can top the old ladies"

Sorry. Filler chapter. Oops.

Thanks for reading!


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