Chapter fourteen:

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A/n- okay so I've written a greys anatomy story before and I was really very pleased with how many votes and views and comments it got. Currently it has 3k reads. This book isn't as...I don't know, public? I guess? Obviously I'm not going to abandon this book halfway through, five reads or five hundred reads, I just don't do that. But does anyone have any suggestions that could help me get more reads? I really love this fic and I really want the readers to love it too!

You are my one,
And only.
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb,
And hold me tight,
You'll be alright.

Christina's POV:

Still 16 weeks

That night, Owen and I got back to the firehouse fairly late. We'd had to stop by Meredith's house to get some things (since she babysat so often, we found a diaper bag full of Sofia's clothes and things in the laundry room) before we left.

"Finally home" I mutter sleepily, as we get inside. I've got both babies, one balanced on each hip, while Owens got both diaper bags and the portable pack'n'play that the girls would need to sleep in.

"How the hell do you set this thing up?" Owen swears, as he plunks down the pack'n'play and begins to try and unfold it.

"Pull up, I guess" I say, as I gently lay Zola and Sofia in the middle of my bed. I got out two diapers, two clean sleepers and their paci's. Gently, so I made sure not to wake her, I changed Zola out of her little blue jumper and yellow pants, and into her white kitty pjs. I gave her the paci and her favourite bear, before moving on to Sofia. I changed her out of her little pink dress and tights, and into a sleeper that said DIVA across the front. Jesus, only Callie...

"I got it!" Owen exclaimed happily, as he lines the bottom of it with a blanket. I gently lay both girls in the pack'n'play, put a blanket over them, and then go to change into some pjs.

"Our kid is gonna be a trooper" I mutter "with us as parents, poor thing doesn't have a prayer"


16 weeks, 1 day along

Owen and I were at the hospital, dropping off the girls at daycare, when he got a page.

"I'm sorry, it's a 911 I have to go" he kissed my forehead gently, put a reassuring hand on my stomach, and left.

I sighed. "Let's go to daycare" I said to the babies. I refused to baby talk, so I just talked normally to them. With a baby balanced on each hip, a baby bump, and two diaper bags slung over my back I must've been quite the sight.

"I still haven't pieced together who owns those babies"

I sighed. Burke. Of course.

I turned around to see him holding coffee, looking slightly amused at the sight of me covered in babies.

Needless to say, I was good at holding grudges and Burke was the last person I'd wanted to see. Like, ever.

"This is Zola" I say, motioning to Zola "she belongs to Mer and Derek, they adopted her when Alex had African orphans brought over for a charity program. And this is Sofia" I motion to Sofia "she, biologically, belongs to Callie and Mark, but Arizona is Callie's wife so we basically refer to Mark as the sperm donor who wouldn't hit the road" I explain.

"Sloan and Torres?" He says in shock.

"Yup. You missed a lot" I mutter.

"Obviously" he motions to my belly.

"Yeah, well, people change" I sigh "don't you have kids?"

He nods, smiling a small smile at the mention of his kids. (AN quickly idk his kids names or ages like from the show so I'm making them up)

"Isabella is eight months old and Kira is twenty months" he answers.

"Your girls are a year apart?"

He smiled and nodded "Twelve months, twelve days apart. Kira was born February 12th and Bella was born February 24th"

"So you got married too, I presume"

He nods, "and divorced" he adds "she left after Bella was born, wasn't cut out for Mom life"

"I'm sorry" I say.

He shrugs "it is what it is" he changes the topic "how long have you and Owen been married?" He asks.

"Two years" I smile "he's amazing"

Burke nods "yeah, he seems like a good guy. Why is he chief? I would think that they would've given it to Shepard"

"They did" I reply "he hated being chief. Owen happened to come back from his last tour around the time he quit, and he had the experience so they appointed him chief"

"He was in the army?" Burkes eye brows rise in surprise, he wasn't expecting anything of this sort.

"He's an army medical doctor. Sergeant Hunt" I shift Sofia to my other hip.

"I missed a lot" Burke mutters.

I nod "well, welcome back"

"Sure is different" he sighs.

I nod "it sure as hell is"


"BURKE IS BACK?" Meredith exclaimed "are you okay?"

I nod "I'm surprisingly fine. I guess since I've got someone as amazing as Owen, I'm grateful he left me at the alter"

Meredith nods understandingly.

"Who's Burke and why is everyone flipping shit over him?" April asks, as she and Jackson sit next to Meredith. Seconds later, Lexie joins us.

"Did you guys hear about the new cardio guy? Preston Burke, he's supposed to be the best of the best" she says excitedly.

"I am all too aware of Preston Burke" I mutter "everyone's made a big deal of it"

"Christina! Are you okay? Burkes back! I can't believe it!" Callie joins the table.

"Who is Burke and what's the big deal about him and Yang?" Jackson asks.

"I forgot, you're new" Callie mutters. Neither Lexie, Kepner or Jackson worked at Seattle Grace when Burke was here.

"Christina was engaged to him during our intern year, he left her at the alter" Meredith explains, knowing I wouldn't want to.

"No way!"

"Shut the hell up!"

"You're screwing with me!"

All three jaws are dropped. I shrug.

"Moment of weakness" I say.

"I can't believe he's back, he just up and left after the wedding!" Callie said.

I groan "can we all please just stop talking about Burke?"

Everyone reluctantly nods, and I can tell everyones dying to ask questions and gossip about it.

Suddenly, Alex walks over and sits down at the last empty seat.

"Did you hear Yang! Burkes back" he smirks.

I groan.

A/n- shits hitting the fannnn

Why do u think Burkes back?

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