Chapter thirteen:

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At the top is give or take how big Christina is at 16 weeks. As you can tell, she is noticeably pregnant.

Don't believe everything,
Happiness says.
Nothing's as real as our old,
Reckless ways.

Christina's POV:

16 weeks exactly

"Owen, are you seriously going to be in late?" I complain, as I fill out discharge papers. I did a bypass surgery a few hours earlier, and I was about to leave for the day. It was nine o clock, and I was tired. Owen was supposed to go home with me, but he just informed me he can't find anyone to handle his trauma. 

"Look, I'll try to get Teddy to watch him for me. But he could crash at any minute and someone with experience needs to be here" he reasoned.

Of course, I understood what he was saying. I couldn't be mad, but I was still a little disappointed that he was going to be late.

"I'll call Teddy, I'll pull some strings and then I'll pick up the girls from daycare and we can go home" he kisses my forehead.

"Wait, what?" I ask "we're babysitting?"

He nods "why do you think I can't find anyone to watch my guy? Meredith and Derek are on the same brain surgery, removing a pretty difficult tumor, Arizona is doing a liver transplant on a kid, Callie's doing some surgery but she wouldn't tell me what, and Marks on a date with Lexie, it wasn't his night so he made plans" Owen concluded "I offered to take Zola and Sofia, which means I have to find someone to watch my guy" with that, he left to find Teddy.

I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair. I was changed into jeans and a white tank top, since I was leaving I figured the discharge papers could be written in normal clothes and not scrubs, which meant my baby bump was in full view. You could definitely tell I was pregnant.

Surprisingly, I was okay with that. I was perfectly fine, I even found that I was lucky enough to only gain belly weight. No thigh weight or double chin or back fat. I was all belly, which meant I was glowing.

This had to be the only perk of being pregnant I'd come across so far. That, and I could eat whatever I wanted when I wanted.

But, I was at sixteen weeks and still, no movement. I was kind of worried, but I knew the kid was fine. It wasn't uncommon for kicks to be delayed a bit past sixteen weeks.

Currently, I was rubbing small circles on my bump, unconsciously of course. I didn't even notice I did it some days. It was just one of those things that you just kind

"How far along are you?" A voice asked from behind me.

"Sixteen weeks, not finding out the gender, no names and yes, pregnancy is a bitch" I mutter. Those were the most common questions I got, so I answered all four. "Sorry if that was too forward, I have just been getting the same damn questions over and over" I turned around, to see a face I hadn't seen in five years.

"Burke?" I ask, in shock.

"Christina, long time since I've seen you" he answered.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I exclaim. Five years after he just...leaves. Why the hell would he be back now?

"I'm the new cardio hire" he tells me.

So that's why the board wouldn't tell Owen the new hires name. Personal conflict. It all makes sense.

"So are you surrogating?" Burke asks, and I nearly laugh. I swear to god, I nearly laughed in his face.

Suddenly, I saw Owen walking with Sofia's stroller piled up with two car seats and diaper bags. He had Sofia in one arm and Zola in the other.

"Teddy said she'd watch my guy, so that means I can leave!" Owen smiled, as he handed me Zola.

"Hi ZoZo!" I smiled, as I took the smiling baby in my arms. Sofia was fast asleep, leaned against Owens shoulder.

"So, it seems you run a daycare? Or you've adopted several interracial children?" Burke asks.

"No, no" Owen smiles "these are Christina's God children" he chuckles "Christina, who's this?" He asks.

"The new hire" I smile stiffly.

"Preston Burke" he says politely.

"Owen Hunt" Owen, no doubt, recognized the name, and he seemed bothered. Stiffer, almost.

"You're a friend of Christina's?" Burke asks.

"I'm her husband" Owen says.

"So you guys are married and expecting?" Burke seemed very surprised, taken aback, like he didn't expect me to be married.

"Not everyone leaves their fiancée at the alter, Burke" I mutter. Owen, despite the situation, starts to chuckle. Burke just looks mortified.

"Yes, well, we should get these babies home and in bed" Owen chuckles "see you tomorrow" I could tell how uncomfortable Owen felt, he didn't like the idea of Burke being around. But it is what it is, I guess.

"Do we have any surgeries together?" Burke asks him. Five years ago I knew Burke better than anyone else, if I still did, then he was a little pissed. His face tightened and he almost looked at Owen like he hated him. Maybe because he laughed at my comment or maybe because Owen was standing with his arm protectively around me.

"I'm the chief, you have to check in with me to sign some stuff before I let you have privileges in the hospital" Owen shrugs, before we walk towards the door.

"Have a nice night!" I call behind me, as Owen and I go home, and finally, FINALLY, sleep.





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