Chapter twenty nine:

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It is april 20th and I have a snow day off school. Why? Because it's fucking snowing. Which is bullshit. So I figured I'd post a chapter before Sunday!! Yay snow day boo snow.

In the morning,

When I rise,

Bring a tear of joy to my eyes,

And tell me,


Is gonna be alright.

Christina's POV:

41 weeks, 2 days

"Alright, are we all ready?" Owen asked Burke and I was we got settled away in the plane.

I nod "Baby seems to be asleep, kicking is a minimum, we have all our equipment and all our people. It's a go" I was really excited to finally be included on something like this. Once I hit thirty eight weeks, I was totally isolated from anything surgical. None of my friends told me anything that was going on with their surgeries because they didn't want to upset me or whatever.

I wasn't upset. Just very fat, pissed and annoyed.

"Alright, everything is a go. We're all clear to head off to Cleveland!" Owen smiled. Burke was acting weird around me lately, so he didn't say anything at all. We were getting along just fine, but I dunno. He's Burke, no one really knows why he does anything.


We got to Cleveland, got the heart and were back on the plane before anything interesting could happen. It wasn't a long surgery, not by a long shot, but It was still pretty fun to get to go.

The flight there was really good, I didn't feel anything at all regarding the baby, but on the way back we hit some turbulence, and things got messy.

We were just fine sitting in the plane, Burke was watching something on his little tv screen thing, Owen was asleep and I was reading. At first, I didn't feel much. I felt a Braxton Hick, per usual, but nothing after that. Then, I felt another one and another one. Three in less than two hours was kind of weird but I shrugged it off.

Then, we hit turbulence so rocky that everyone on the plane jumped. Burke took off his earbuds to see if everyone was okay, Owen woke up alarmed, and me...well...

My water broke.

"Shit shit shit" I muttered to myself. I knew that the turbulence was probably why my water broke, it was a pretty big bump, but being this far along I knew it wouldn't take much to set off labor.

"Hey, are you okay?" Owen asked, facing me upon hearing my lovely swearing.

Suddenly, I feel what I know is a contraction roll through me. It wasn't so bad, not as bad as they'd get, but it was enough for me to close my eyes and breathe until it passed.

When it was over, I looked at Owen and smiled.

"The turbulence broke my water"

At first, I'm sure Owen is going to start saying 'Ha I told you so, I knew this was a bad idea you should have stayed home'

Instead, he starts to laugh. And I mean really freaking laugh. He kisses me soundly and puts a hand on my belly "We're having a baby!" he exclaims excitedly.

"Hate to rain on your parade" Burke pipes up "but there's still about two or so hours left of the flight and those contractions are gonna hurt. You're still a while away from anywhere that can give you an epidural"

I groan "He's right. I'm stuck"

Owen smiles "I am so happy that we're getting to meet our little one, I don't even care that you talked me into this and then turbulence of all things broke your water"

I shrug "It's a unique way to go into labor"


As much as it pained me to admit it, Burke was right. Labor got bad really quick and I was in so much pain I couldn't think straight.

"Christina, try and focus. Tell me something, anything. Just distract yourself" Owen says. I'm sitting in a spot between his legs with my back leaning against his chest. Burke is beside me, getting his arm squeezed off every few minutes and timing my contractions.

"Did I ever tell you about the time Burke asked me to marry him?" I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

"No, you didn't, why?" Owen asks, confused. Burke laughs, remembering it as well.

"Burke and I were in a huge fight. We weren't speaking even though we lived in the same house and I was convinced we were going to break up. We didn't speak for weeks, I'm sure it was nearly a month. Anyway I cracked and started talking to him, and the first thing he says when I tell him I cave is 'Marry me'" I breathe through a contraction, but still keep on talking "I didn't give him a solid answer for weeks, and when I did I didn't even wear the ring"

Owen laughs "That's actually a funny story"

Burke smiles "It was"

"Burke" I look at him "Did I ever tell you about the first time I met Owen?"

He shakes his head no, and another story starts.

"I was fighting with Mer one day in January. It was cold and there was black ice everywhere, it was a freaking hazard. Anyway, we were outside fighting and she got so mad she stormed back inside the hospital. I stormed after her, pissed as hell, but I slipped on the ice and fell. While I was trying to breathe, considering I knocked the wind out of myself, an icicle fell and freaking impaled me. Impaled by an icicle, what are the chances of that?" I chuckle, and try to stay calm as another contraction goes through me "Owen saw me and came over all GI Joe like and saved me. He brought me inside and kissed me and then left for Afghanistan. I was pissed about that. But when he got back, we fell in love and I'd like to say that when I fell in love with Owen I was not impaled like when I fell on the ice. Just impregnated"

Owen kisses my forehead, smiling. "I love you" he whispers.

"I love you too" I tell him, just as the pilot announces that he's landing the plane.

"Let's go have a baby"


Of course, it was no where near that easy. I was only about two centimeters dilated when we reached the OB floor about three or so hours after my water broke.

"This is crap" I complain to Meredith, who's munching on ice chips.

"Agreed. They could at least drug you up"

"Jesus" I swear, as I feel another contraction "why can't the kid just fall out already?"

Meredith holds my hand as I swear profanities through my labor. Owen was quickly gone home to get my hospital bag and the baby's bag and car seat.

"I'm sure it'll be all worth it" Mer reassures me "you're tough, you'll be okay"

I nod, as Owen opens the door, back from his adventure to get me some clean clothes.

"How are you?"

I glare at him, and just stay silent.

All in all, it took a total of fourteen hours for me to get ten centimeters dilated. Ten of which I spent drugged up with the epidural.

"Okay, Dr. Yang, it's time to push!" Dr. Evans smiled.

"Oh lord grant me mercy" I mutter, before beginning what I had officially dubbed the most painful expirience of my life.

A/N- in the next chapter you get to meet baby Hunt!!! Who's excited? I AM AND IM WRITING THE DAMN THING!


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