Chapter four:

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No there's no one else's eyes,
That can see into me.
No one else's arms can lift,
Lift me up so high.
Your love lifts me out of time,
And you know my heart by heart.

Christina's POV:

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Owen asked me for the millionth time. "I don't want you to get scared or nervous or regret this. I don't want you to regret our baby" I looked into his eyes, and I was met with all the love and warmth I needed to make my decision.

"Owen, we can do this" I say, sounding so much more sure than I felt. I had no sweet clue about babies, let alone having one.

"You aren't going to run off, or give up the baby or get an abortion before it's too late or-" I cut him off.

"Owen" I said, my voice drop dead serious "I am not going anywhere. I'm not killing our child or giving it to some random people. Like it or not, I am staying here and you'll have to put up with me while I get fat and cranky. You're going to have to rub my swollen feet and make me lots of food and get me icecream at two am, and eventually tie my sneakers because God knows I'll be too fat to see my feet. And you're not going to have a choice in all of that because I am not going anywhere" I stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.

"Then..." Owen slowly starts to smile "we're having a baby!" He exclaims as he picks me up and spins me around, right there in the middle of the hospital.

"We aren't telling anyone for another two weeks or so though. A few close friends but not everyone else. Just wait til I hit my second trimester and I'm in the clear" I tell him with my arms still wrapped around his neck, dangling loosely off of his shoulders.

"I can't wait to hear the heartbeat! Or feel her kick!"

I laugh at Owens enthusiasm. "So you're thinking its a girl?" I ask him. He nods, smiling wide.

"A little baby girl, with a head of red hair!" Owen sing songs. "Aren't you going to take a guess?" He asks me.

"It's a baby. Or, it's going to be anyway. I'm not going to take part in something as juvenile as gender guessing. No matter what gender, we are both going to love it. And it's coming. Doesn't matter which set of parts if comes with" truth be told, if I called the baby anything but it I know it'd be too real for me. I need to warm up before I really and genuinely acknowledge the presence of another human inhabiting my body.

"Alright, suit yourself" he chuckles, before pecking my forehead and walking away.

All of a sudden, my pager started to beep. It was a 911 for Lewis Tucker, a heart transplant patient.

"Oh crap" I exclaimed, as I turned on my heels to run to his room.


Nearly six hours later, I was out of the OR, after assisting Teddy in Lewis' surgery. His heart gave out so we had to put in an LVAD wire, just until another heart became available. Never the less, Teddy and I are still worried a heart won't come up in time.

Too bad Izzie isn't here to cut the wire and steal him a heart.

Ah the memories. Good times, good times.

"Ugh! Six hour LVAD surgery! I am starving!" I exclaimed as I sat down next to Meredith and Alex in the cafeteria.

"Jeez. Most OR time I've gotten all day was walking in during an appy to ask Bailey a question about one of her post op patients" Alex complained as he munched on some chips.

"I did a routine appy, took barely three hours" Mer added grumpily.

"Better than my two whole seconds" Alex snapped.

I laughed and bit into an apple. "Well, I guess I'm just luckier than both of you combined"

"As if I wasn't annoyed enough, Yang has to come and rub it in my face" Alex growled as he stormed off.

"Evil spawn has issues" I say, as I start on my sandwich. I also had a brownie sitting on my tray that looked amazing.

"Christina are you okay?" Meredith asked me as she sipped on some water.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked as I sipped on my own water. I didn't want to tell her yet, not until I was used to the idea of a kid myself. I get she told me when she was pregnant, before she miscarried, but she wanted nothing more than that baby. I just decided not 24 hours ago that I wanted this.

"Because you're eating like an elephant!" She said "you barely ever expand your meals from apples, sandwiches and cereal"

Crap crap crap. She knew something was up. She knew me better than anyone.

So, I dodged her question with another question.

"The question is are you okay?" I casually brought the conversation off of me. "You've been so sleep deprived and grump since Zola came along" I told her, as I started to munch on some carrot sticks.

"I'm fine, stop trying to distract me" Mer said as she eyed me up and down. My best friend, my person, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this from her.

"You've eaten an apple, a sandwich, a brownie, water and now carrot sticks? Not to mention that you're eating it like you haven't even touched food all week!"

I sighed, not sure what I could tell her.

"Christina Yang, speechless?" Meredith gasped in fake astonishment "I suppose you'll tell me your keeping the baby when you're ready. But by the way, especially with the way you're eating, you'll be showing within three or four weeks. You're so tiny, you'll be all bump"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I tried, and failed miserably, to lie.

Mer laughed and smiled at me.

"I was right! You're keeping the baby! You're pregnant!" Meredith smiled in triumph.

I nods "do not tell a soul. I'm a little past eight weeks, so Owen and I agreed to wait until I'm in my second trimester to tell anyone. You can't say anything, Mer. Not to evil spawn or McDreamy or Two" I say seriously, referring to Alex and Derek and Lexie.

Mer promised not to tell anyone, her smile was still wide as ever.

"You've got to tell Callie. She's gonna want to know if there's gonna be a third member of our play dates!" Meredith was obviously excited "plus your her kids godmother, it'd be nice for you to tell her before everyone knows"

"I'll tell her eventually" I sigh as I run my hands through my hair.

"Zolas gonna have another friend" Meredith chuckles.

I smile a small smile "yeah, Zolas gonna have another friend" I say softly.

A/n- okayyyy how was dis chapter???

I'm still asking for middle names for the baby, I'll tell you all when I've decided which ones I'll use!!!

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!,

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