Chapter Twenty eight:

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Won't you,

come see about me?

I'll be alone,


you know it baby.

Christina's POV:

40 weeks, 5 days

"Owen, come on" I complained.

"Christina, no" He said firmly, yet again "I don't think it's a good idea. You're nearly forty one weeks pregnant"

"Um, I know that" I say in a 'duh' tone. "I'm pregnant, not disabled"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair "Christina, it's a four hour flight" He sighs "lots can happen in four hours"

I raise an eyebrow "Owen, it's four measly hours. The doctor said I'd more than likely have to be induced anyway. Nothing will happen and if it does, do you really think that labor goes that fast? With my luck I'll be in labor for freaking ever"

Owen and Burke were traveling to Cleveland to pick up a heart for a surgery on a severe trauma case. It was a really freaking big case, and we'd been looking for a heart for this guy for a while. He was mauled in an accident and nearly died on the table, he was in a coma for a week and when he woke up we realized his heart was literally shot. Luckily, a lady in Cleveland had her husband on life support and was planning on taking him off of life support in exactly four days (she apparently wanted her kids to all be there to say goodbye, but one is stuck in Montana or whatever) and I wasn't even allowed to go and see the damn surgery.

This right here was the definition of bullshit. If I learned one thing in the past few days it's that I am not going into labor any time soon. Itsy is taking his dear sweet time and makes no plans on rushing for anyone.

"Christina, I don't know. I'd feel awful if you had the baby on a plane" he tells me "you deserve to be in a hospital, surrounded by your family and friends"

I snort "The last thing I'd want in labor is to be surrounded by much of anyone"

He smiles at me and then looks down at my belly. "Why don't you and Callie and Meredith do something tomorrow? It'd be nice for you to try and relax"

I admired how hard he was trying to change the topic, but it wasn't working. "I can't relax because I'm pregnant and I seriously want in on this transplant! I just want to watch, I've been on this case the entire time he's been in the hospital!" I argue.

Owen rubs his temples and sighs "I'll let you come, but you're not cutting anyone or anything and as soon as we get to Cleveland and as soon as we get back, you're getting checked out by an OB to make sure everything's okay" he says hesitantly.

I smile, and lean up to kiss him "I am so freaking happy to hear you say that. I love you"

He smiles and kisses me back "I love you too"

4o weeks, 6 days

"Not much longer to go" I sigh, as Meredith and I wander through Target. I didn't need anything else for the baby, but it was nice to look around and make sure I had everything. The first time I went shopping for the nursery I was so set on just getting what I thought we needed that I didn't really just browse the baby stuff like we were doing now.

"Do you think you'll need a spare crib set?" Meredith asks "like a spare bottom blanket and bumper and whatever?"

I shrug, picking up a yellow one "I have a cream colored one on the crib now, do you think another one is a good idea?"

"Zola barfed all over hers once, she had to sleep in our bed until we washed everything. Then, she puked on our bed. It was a disaster" She tells me, as Zola sleeps soundly in the cart.

I chuck the crib set in the cart "A second one it is"

"I think you should get this too" Meredith picks up a belly cast kit "Just so you'll remember how freaking ginormous you were" she snickers.

I glare at her lame ass joke and decide to get one of those kits where you put the kid's footprints and hand prints in mud and when it dries you paint how old they were on it. I liked the idea of doing one of those, and since I was going to be off for like eight weeks, I'd need something to do.

"You should get some toys, though" Meredith muses as we wonder into the toy section "you won't have time to pick up anything, especially as the baby gets older"

I nod thoughtfully and look at a few things "I have the blocks you gave me and I have a few little rattles"

Meredith picks up a few baby-sized stuffed animals, a set of plastic keys, a little multi colored xylophone, one of those cones that comes with the circles that stack on them (they look like different colored donuts), a toy shaped like an elephant that did god knows what and some of those little toys you can clip onto car seats, diaper bags or high chairs.

"These were all some of Zola's personal favorites" she tells me "just something for the baby to do when he or she gets old enough to learn self entertainment"

I nod and look down at my stomach, which was hard not to look at considering how big it was.

"I cannot wait for baby Hunt to evacuate"

A/N- Okie so i swear i am only stretching out her pregnancy because i feel like its something that would happen to Christina. The chick who hates pregnancy has it the longest. The irony man.

Whithin the next two chappies baby hunt will be here!!!! Who's excited?!

Because i am a good person, I'll tell you the final three full names for each gender.

BOY; Lincoln Owen Hunt OR Blue Lincoln Hunt OR Braxton Blue Hunt

GIRL: Iris Joy Hunt OR Olivia Grace Hunt OR Scarlet Lola Hunt

Thanks so much for reading! I'll def tell you all when I have decided on a sequel!

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