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You just came back from a busy day at work and all you wanted to do was cuddle with your boyfriend Harry.

You dump your bag on the floor and hang your jacket up.

"Harry I'm home!" You call out slipping your shoes off

"I'm here." He replies softly

He normally run up to you and hug you tightly and ask you how your day was, but this time he didn't do anything.

"Hey Harry, how was your day?" You ask sitting next to him in the couch

"Eh." He sighs

His eyes are fixed to the TV. It doesn't even look like he's paying attention to what's happening

"Is everything okay?" You say as you hold one of his hands

"I'm fine Y/N." He says sounding a bit annoyed

He slowly takes his hand out of your grip and glues his eyes back to the TV.

What was wrong with him?

You decide to just leave it and hopefully he will cool off later on.

You go into the kitchen and go cook dinner for the two of you.

Once you're done you put Harry's food in front of him.

He doesn't say thank you nor does he even acknowledge you.

You go back to the kitchen and place your plate on the table, looks like your eating alone tonight.
After a few hours, you put your book down that you were reading and go to the longs to check on Harry.

His plate is lying there untouched.

"Harry aren't you gonna eat?" You ask

"I'm not hungry." He says blankly

"Harry. Please just tell me what's wron-"

"Can't you see what's wrong?!" He suddenly snaps

Your heart starts to race. Where did all this come from?

You shake your head afraid to even breathe.

"It's you Y/N! God dammit! You're so annoying! You can clearly see I'm watching TV and now you just interrupt me? Why can't you just leave me alone for once! I need my space! For fucks sake why do I have such an annoying girlfriend!" He shouts

His alcohol breath hits you.

You feel anger but pain.

He might be drunk, but what he said really did hurt you.

"If I'm so annoying, then why do I even bother being your girlfriend?" You say quietly but loud enough for him to hear

You run upstairs, all the tears already pouring out.

Harry doesn't do anything. He just stands there like he didn't do anything wrong when he actually hurt the girl of his dreams.

You throw yourself under the covers of the cold bed and shut your eyes hopefully everything will be okay in the morning.


You feel a warm body pressed up against your back.

You immediately know who it is.

You wriggle out of Harry's grip and move a little further away from him, just to give him his 'space'.

"Babe, come here. You're too close to the edge." He says

"I'm fine." You say blankly

"Babe I-"

"I said I'm fine Harry." You say once more

He falls silent at your sudden outburst.

You get up and go to the bathroom without even looking at him.

You decide to have a nice warm shower to relax you a bit.

Once your done, you get dressed and go downstairs to make breakfast.


The smell of fresh and sweet pancakes fills your house.

You put a stack of pancakes in the middle of the table and start eating without Harry.

Once Harry comes he kisses you on the cheek but you pretend you didn't feel anything.

You poke your pancake that is drenched in maple syrup.

"Aren't you gonna eat babe?" Harry asks

"Yes I am." You reply quietly

You don't even take a chance to look at Harry.

He hurt you.

"Y/N. What's wrong?"


Part 2?

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