Lose you

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Harry hasn't been himself latley. He's been acting very... different. He isn't his usual happy smiley cheery self. He seems very down and sad. You have no idea what has been effecting him. You shrug it off though, thinking he must just miss the boys a little.

You run your fingers throw Harry's soft hair as he gazes up the the shining stars in the night sky.

He rests his head in your lap as covers himself with a blanket, protecting him from the cold.

"The stars are beautiful tonight." You say as wrap a blanket around yourself as well.

"Not as beautiful as you." Harry smiles softly.

You smile at him before caressing his cheek. You plant a kiss on his lips before pulling away.

He sits up before leaning back on the bench. He wraps his arm and blanket around you and rests his head on your shoulder.

You turn your head to face him. His eyes don't look as bright and sparkly like usual. They look very dull.

"Harry." You say quietly, grabbing his attention.

"Yes, babe?" He says facing you.

"Is everything okay? You seem very down..."

"What? No. I'm fine, Y/N." He says trying to put on his best smile.

You narrow your eyes and raise an eyebrow.

"Don't lie to me Harry. Tell me what's bothering you." You say rubbing his hand gently with your thumb.

"It's stupid." He says letting out a quiet laugh before looking away.

"No it's not. Tell me Harry. I'm here for you." You say softly grabbing his face to face you.

"Well..." He begins.

"I feel like I'm going to lose you." He sighs before continuing.

"Y/N, you're my everything. You are whole world. And if I had to lose you, I don't know what I'd do. It's scary to think that one day I'll wake up to find you not in my arms anymore. That thought haunts me, day and night. It's scary Y/N." He says as his voice cracks a bit.

"You know that you aren't going to lose me Harry. I love you more than anything and I would never leave you. I don't want you to think that you're ever going to lose me. I'm always going to be here, no matter what. Do you understand?" You say as you place your hand on his cheek.

He nods and gives you a soft smile.

He pulls you in for a sweet embrace. He kisses your hair and whispers 'I love you' on and on.

"I love you Harry." You smile.

"I love you too my sweetheart." He says, pulling you closer to him.

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