"No one will love you like I do"

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"God dammit Harry! Is it really that hard to not go to the fucking bad for once?!" Y/N exclaims.

She is mad at me because I forgot that it was her birthday. Instead, I was out at the club.

"Y/N I'm sorry! I've said sorry like a million times!" I say standing up.

"God knows what you could've done in that night. Did you make out with every single girl with a tight dress and red lipstick that came your way?! While I sat at home, waiting for you to at least wish me happy birthday. I turned down all my friends invites that day. They wanted to celebrate my birthday by going to the amusement park. But I said no, because all I wanted was to spend my birthday with you." She says the last part quietly as tears roll down her soft, delicate cheeks.

My heart starts to ache. I can't believe I did such a thing. The fact that she said no to all her friends invites, just for me and I let her down by going to the stupid club.

"I never meant to hurt you Y/N. I'm sorry... I-I feel so terrible. I'm really sorry baby. I love you so much. Pleas-"

"No Harry. I've had enough. Why is it so damn hard to be your girlfriend?! You're always out at the clubs drinking and taking photos with a group of chicks in short dresses. Do you know how much it hurts me? And to see those photos published online and the media writing articles how you could be cheating on me hurts me so much more. In this whole entire relationship, all you've been doing is hurting me. I don't fee loved like how you're supposed to feel when in a relationship. I'm starting to think that someone else would love me better than you!" She cries.

I frown. I grab her shoulders and gently pin her to the wall. She whimpers at my actions

"No one will ever love you like I do. No one. Not even your family. I love you more than your loved ones love you. Believe it or not. It's fucking true." I say, roughly.

"Impossible Harry. You don't love me at all!" She cries even harder.

"Don't you dare say that I don't love you, I love you more than anything else in the whole god damn universe Y/N." I say, in a hoarse tone.

"You are my whole god damn universe." My voice softens.

I take my thumb and wipe her tears away.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm sorry that I've hurt you. Ive been so fucking selfish this whole entire time. Ive been only thinking about myself, and not the most important person in my life. I'm sorry baby. I'm so so sorry. The last thing I wanted was to hurt you. But I ended up doing it anyway because I'm a stupid inconsiderate asshole." I say letting go of her.

She cries softly in her hands.

I feel like someone just shot me right in the heart knowing that I've done this to her.

I remove her hands away from her face.

"Listen here Y/N, I promise to do whatever it takes to make this up to you. I feel like the worst boyfriend in the world for doing this to you. I promise to spend every single second of my life to make you feel loved. Even if it takes eternity. I will still do it." I say as I kiss her face.

I finally reach her lips. I press my lips against hers. I taste her salty tears mixed with her cherry lip balm that she knows I love.

I wrap my arms around her waist as she rests her soft hands on my chest.

I pull her closer to me, closing the gap between us.

After a few seconds, I finally pull away, both of us out of breath.

I kiss her forehead before resting my chin on her head.

She buries her face in the crook of my neck.

I feel a few more tears fall onto my shirt.

"Don't cry baby. Don't cry over a stupid mistake I've made. I'm worth your tears." I say looking deeply into her eyes.

Her eyes are full of hurt and sadness.

I pull her into a tight embrace.

"I-I love you." She mumbles.

"I love you more than anyone else, my love." I say kissing her forehead.



sorry if that was shit I'm really tired right now but I'm trying my best to update as much as I can and to keep this book going.

anyway ima sleep now byeee


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