Only fools (part 2)

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What is your heart telling you?

After a good first date, you would normally feel so happy, so full of love in your heart. But this first date has left you rather confused.

You lie on your bed, staring at the ceiling for what seems for hours. Your heart is telling you that what you feel about Harry and what you shared is real. But your mind is telling you that this is a trap. This is something that can have a bad consequence and if you don't get out now, you're dead. (not literally ok)

You sigh, still so deep in thought. Your heart is telling you this, but your mind is telling you something else. It's hard to make a decision when your heart wants the best love for you, but your mind is holding back, telling you it's not safe.

"What do I do?" You sigh to yourself. You turn over to look at your alarm clock. The big, flashing red numbers read 11:38. You seem to have lost track of time being so invested in your thoughts.

You change into your comfy clothes and get ready for bed. You slip into the cool, silky sheets and close your eyes...

But second, after second, after second.

All you can do is toss and turn. You struggle to find a comfortable position in your bed. But you soon realise that it's not your bed, it's your head. (non-intentional rhyming)

Your mind is keeping you awake with all the thoughts you've had not too long ago. You can't help but felt extremely restless over this.

After hours and hours of tossing and turning like a washing machine, sleep finally finds you.

You're woken up by the blaring, high pitched beeping of your alarm clock. You groan and try to make it stop, but it ends up falling on the cold wooden floor. You hear it smash, but you're relieved that that stupid noise is gone.

You check your phone and see that it's 7:32 am. But wait, it's Saturday!

You groan even louder knowing that you could've slept in but your stupid alarm clock ruined everything.

Then everything started coming back to you. Your first date, Harry...

You start to feel confused and distressed, still not knowing how you feel about this situation.

You suddenly hear your phone buzz. You check it and see that it's a text from Harry.

Harry: "Hey lovely, up for a second date today? ;)"

You immediately feel the overwhelming sensation of butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Maybe this could be the date that you really determine how you feel about it. You almost instantly reply to the message, excited about what he has in store for you.

You: "I would be more than happy too, Harry."

You hit send and less than a second later, a reply.

Harry: "Great! I'll be there at 12. Be ready ;)."

You suddenly feel a warm fuzzy feeling. He makes you so happy and makes your heart just so full of life and love.

You immediately jump out of bed, so freaking excited for your second date. You check the weather outside and the sun is shining brighter than ever. This only gets your more excited.

You pick out a beautiful, bright yellow dress to wear and hop into the shower.

After a while, you're all ready. You check the time and see that it's nearly 10. Now you know why your family always tells you that you take forever to get ready. It's been nearly 3 hours!

You decide to go downstairs and have some breakfast. Surprisingly, you're the first one who is up and ready. You make yourself a bowl of cereal before plopping down on the couch, waiting for you date to arrive.

Getting so invested and intrigued at what's going on on TV, you completely forget the time!

You hear a knock on the door and you bounce up, racing to unlock it. You swing the door open to reveal Harry, standing there with a huge bouquet of roses.

Harry eyes you up and down and you can tell that you've really knocked him off his feet.

"Y/N... you look absolutely stunning..." His mouth is wide open and he can't keep his eyes of you.

He finally snaps out of his dreamy gaze and hands you the roses. "I got these for you." His cheeks turn pink as he shyly smiles.

Your heart melts at how sweet and absolutely adorable he is.

"Thank you so much Harry. You're the sweetest." You smile. You give him a bit of a surprise when you lean in to kiss him on the lips.

You pull away and see Harry's cheeks flush a deep, crimson red. You giggle and Harry clears his throat and straightens himself up.

"Shall we?" He asks, holding out his arm for you. (just like he did in the first date aww)

"We shall." You respond, smiling.

You both get into the car and Harry revs up the engine. "Where are we going?" You ask, buckling your seatbelt.

"I'm taking you to a place which no one really knows about," He says, as he pulls out of the driveway.

"And this place is really special to me. It's very close to my heart." You look over at Harry and see his cheeks turn a rosy pink.

Too be completely honest, you've never seen this side of Harry before. So sentimental, kind and gentle. It's like he's a totally different person with you compared to when he's with his friends at school. (why am i rhyming so much jfc)

"I've never taken anyone there before. You're going to be the first person." He explains.

You feel so overwhelmed by this. He's taking you to a place where no one has ever been before. Not even one of the 200 girls he has dated over the years have been there. You feel so honoured and special that he's sharing this with you, knowing he comes across as very protected and reserved of his sensitive feelings.

After around a 20 minute drive, you guys finally reach your secret destination.

"I got a picnic basket in the back. Along with picnic blankets and other picnic stuff." Harry smiles proudly.

You can tell that Harry has put a lot of effort into this date. And not to mention, he's taking you to his special place that no one else has ever been too.

Then you remember what you were thinking about last night. Do you think that what you and Harry share is real?

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