First fight

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"Y/N they were just friends! You are
over-reacting and it's killing me!" Harry says in frustration as he grips his hair.

"Just friends? Just friends? If they were just friends then why did you have your hands all over them as you all posed for photos and the shared them all over social media?" You say, as tears sting your eyes.

"For gods sake Y/N, I was drunk! You're being ridiculous about this. You're just insecure because those girls look so much more prettier than yo-" Harry stops mid-sentence as he realises what he's just said.

Tears roll down your face and you run out of the house as fast as you can down the street.

"Y/N! Stop!" You head Harry's voice.

He keeps shouting until his voice gets fainter as you run further away from your house.

You finally stop, out of breath from running and crying.

This is yours and Harry first fight, and you have to admit you hated the feeling of being torn apart from him.

And what he said made everything even worse. You love Harry to bits but the way those words just rolled off his tongue, hurt you.

You can't control your tears. You cry and cry until you reach the park just down the road.

You see a bench, with only one street light to light up the place a bit. You wrap your arms around yourself to try and warm yourself up.

You sit down on the cold bench and start to cry again.

You suddenly hear leaves crunching, which means someone is hear. You quietly get up and start walking in the other direction from the person.

The footsteps start to pick up the pace and so do you. Starting off as a power walk to a fast run.

You start to run until you trip over a tree root and fall. You try your best to recover as fast as possible but the person catches up to you.

You scream and a warm hand covers your mouth, muffling your cries for help.

"It's me, Harry." His croaky voice rings your ears.

"Go away." You say harshly as you push him off of you and start to walk away.

"No." He grabs your wrist tightly.

"Let go of me!" You jerk your hand out of his grip but he catches your other hand.

"No! I'm not going to let go of you Y/N!" He shouts, making you freeze.

"Tonight, nearly lost you and I'm not going to risk that again. What I said was stupid. So fucking stupid and I'm sorry. I am so so sorry Y/N. I was just so frustrated and I didn't know what to say because this is our first fight. You are one hundred million times more beautiful than any other girl on this planet. Do you hear me? Those girls at the club are nothing compared to your beauty. And I'm sorry that I went out last night and gotten drunk with all those girls. I know that if you were with a guy I would get mad as well. From now on, no more clubbing. Instead I'm spending my day nights with the most beautiful and lovely girl. I-I love you so much and I'm really sorry Y/N." He pours his heart out to you as he grips onto both of your hands tightly, almost like if he lets go you'll slip away.

You don't reply.

"Y/N p-please." He says as he looks into your eyes, trying to search for an answer.

You sigh and let go of his hands.

"No, n-no please Y/N don't leave m-"

You cut him off and place your lips gently on his.

His hands find their way down to your waist and you tangle your fingers in his soft, brown hair.

You finally pull away and look into his green eyes.

"I'm sorry Y/N." He says, looking at you apologetically.

"I forgive you, Harry." You say softly.

His eyes light up and a small smile appears on his face.

"I love you." He smiles softly.

"I love you too, Harry."


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