He's your ex and you meet again (part 2)

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All these thoughts your running through your head. What does he mean? Does he really want you back?

You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. You try again. Still nothing. You're speechless. After weeks of crying, that was all for nothing? If he wants you back, then why did he leave you in the first place?

"I know it may sound so so so so stupid. But believe me. It's true. Leaving your was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made and I want you back Y/N. I want to hold you in my arms again. Just like we used to." He says looking down.

You're touched by his words, but it's times you put your foot down.

"No Harry. You left me, remember? You didn't even tell me why you were breaking up with me you just said it was over and left without an explanation! Do you really think that I'm gonna take you back into my life after your broke my heart for no apparent reason?" You shout.

Harry is shocked by your sudden outburst. But he knows he deserved whatever was coming.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm the one that fucked up and I'm the one should be punished. Not you." He says before walking away sadly.

You look up to see Harry going to back to his "girlfriend" who is furious.

She raises her hand and slaps Harry across the face before storming off.

You suddenly felt a wave of guilt flow through your body.

"No Y/N. You shouldn't feel bad! Harry deserves it." You say to yourself before you and Y/B/F walk to the carpark to leave the mall.


"You really showed that jerk who's boss!"
Y/N/F cheers throwing her first in the air.

"Yeah. I guess so." You sigh.

"Why so glum chum?" She pouts.

"I feel bad. I really do miss Harry and this was my chance to finally have a relationship with him again. You know, start freshly. But I had to just mess everything up by rejecting him." You say looking out the window.

You suddenly feel the car move from side to side.

"Y/N HELP!" Y/B/F screams as she tries to control the steering.

You put your hands on the wheel and try to get back on the road but it seems to be stuck.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO?!" She panics screaming in your ear making your jerk your hands of the steering.

Before you knew it, your whole world is drowning in darkness.

Are you guys proud of me? I updated :)

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