Broken pieces (part 3)

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y'all really seemed to be enjoying this so here's part 3 babes !

enjoy :)


Harry's POV

I carefully walk to her.

"Y/N..." I choke out.

She turns around and her gorgeous smile fades away. I can see the pain in her eyes. The same pain I saw that night where I did something so unforgivable and I regret it so badly.

She blinks back as if she's unable to process that I'm here, standing right in front of here.

"Y/N... I've missed yo-"

"No... please, just leave." She pushes past me and runs outside.

I run after her and eventually catch up to her.

"Y/N please. Just let me talk to you!" I beg.

"I never want to see you again." She says harshly.

My heart shatters. It feels like someone just penetrated my heart with a butcher knife. Hearing those words roll of her tongue hurts. I love her so much, but it seems like I hurt her so badly that... she doesn't love me anymore.

I grip her wrist just before she gets the chonce to walk away again.

"No Y/N. I'm not going to let you walk out of my life again. Not once more." I say sternly.

"Do you know how much the fact that I hurt you pains me? Do you know how much of pain and regret I go threw every single second of my life knowing that I broke the person I love the most in my life's heart?" I say as tears burn the back of my eyes.

"It hurts Y/N. It hurts so fucking much and knowing that I may never get you back ever again hurts even more. It feels like I've been shot right in the chest more than fifty times. I'm not exaggerating Y/N, it really feels like that. And you know why? Do you know why it hurts me? Because I love you. I love you so much that even 3 years after our break up I still haven't gotten over the fact that you aren't mine anymore."

She doesn't say anything. She holds a straight face, showing no emotion or reaction.

"Y/N, please. I've been living in hell without you. Even if it's a sunny and bright day, to me it feels like stormy day because you're not with me. You brighten my day. You're the reason why I wake up every morning. You're the reason why I want to be a better person. You're the reason why I want to love. You're the only person I want to love. No one else. Just you. Only you Y/N. And you have no idea how much I regret what I did. I am so so so so so so sorry. Just please, give me another chance to prove myself."

Still nothing. No reply. No response.

"I need you Y/N. Without you I'm this reckless mess!" I say as I lift my arms up to prove what a mess I truly am.

She scans my body and her eyes soften.

Your POV

You heart aches. Your heart aches seeing him like this. His eyes are red and puffy. His skin is so pale and he has lost so much of weight. It looks like he hasn't eaten anything in weeks. He doesn't look happy or healthy like he was before.

"I love you Y/N. Please please please tell me you still love me too." Harry chokes out.

Tears roll down his face as he tries to get a response out of you.

You gently caress his cheeks before taking his hands in yours. He holds onto yours tightly, afraid to let go.

"Of course I still love you Harry. I always have loved you and I will never stop. But what you did was wrong. And I am still incredibly hurt from that." You say softly.

"I know you are and I am so sorry. You don't know how horrible I feel for hurting you so badly. But please, I need you to give me another chance to prove that I really do love you and that you can trust me again." He says as he looks into your eyes deeply.

"I don't know Harry..." You say a bit unsure.

"Please Y/N. I promise I will do everything in my will and power to make it up to you. Even if it means eating all green beans at dinner."

You chuckle at how adorable he is. You want to give him another chance. But you're afraid that he would hurt you again. He hurt you real bad and you know that you aren't prepared for that to happen again.

"I promise you Y/N. I won't hurt you. I'll always love and protect you and do nothing else."

You love Harry. You love him so much. And you have to admit that you haven't been the best lately ever since your break up. You were in a very dark place and missed Harry. You missed his kisses. His hugs. His I love you's. You missed Harry in general. You don't want to go another day without him.

"Fine. I'll give you another chance." You give in.

Harry wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly but he's arms start to shake due to being so weak and pale.

"I love you Y/N and I promise I promise I promise I promise to never ever ever hurt you ever again. I love you so much and you won't regret this." He smiles weakly.

"I love you too Harry."

"Now, how about we get something to eat? You look like you haven't had a proper meal in months." You say as you hold his skinny waist.

He nods and you two walk back to the cafe to meet up with Liam again and have some lunch.


You and Harry have spent months and months rebuilding your relationship and both of you are happy. Harry has been doing everything he can to gain back your trust and to make sure that you're happy and safe.

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