Through the dark

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a/n: all the love and support i get from you guys is incredible. i am so overwhelmed. so thank you for reading and supporting this book. you guys encourage me with your kind words to keep writing even though i'm not that great of a writer haha. i love you i love you i love you!

here's a little imagine that is inspired by one of my favourite songs from MM. hope you enjoy!

ps. for extra effect i recommend playing through the dark while reading this. also, i recommend keeping a box of tissues by your side.

Lately hasn't been a good time for you. You failed one of the most important exams of your school life which resulted in your parents are extremely disappointed in you. You and your best friend also had a huge falling out. She's been ignoring you for weeks now.

Your life just hasn't been the best. It's just taken as huge fall and you feel like you're at your lowest point. You feel so worthless. You feel like there's no more hope left in the world for you.

Every morning you wake up with soaked pillows and tear-stained cheeks. Harry is on vacation with his parents and Gemma, which makes it even worse since he's the only person who can get you back on your feet again.

You don't want to text him. You know that you'll only ruin his vacation with your problems. He's probably having the time of his life while you're crying yourself to sleep every night. You're not so sure when he's going to get back, you just hope it's soon.


It's Saturday morning. It's been at least a week now since you've been feeling like this. Nothing can seem to cheer you up.

You've talked to your parents and tried
to reason with them. But they don't seem to understand how much pressure you're under at the moment. They've threatened to send you
to private schooling, thinking that a public school is too distracting.

You've tried to get you and your ex best friend's friendship back on the line, but that's not working out either.

It's like you're stuck in the middle of a storm. Everyone seems to be mad at you for something. And no one seems to see that you're hurting, that you're in pain.

You suddenly hear the door burst open.

"Y/NNNN!" You know exactly who that is.

Harry leaps onto the bed, crushing you with a hug.  You being under the covers, he can't see what a mess you are. But he surprises you and you jump out from underneath.

"Y/N! I've missed yo-" His words seem to fade as he sees your face. Your tear-stained cheeks. Your red and puffy eyes. Your quivering lips. You're broken.

"Oh love..." He immediately pulls you into a bone-crushing hug. He whispers sweet things into your ear, making you feel safe and protected.

"I knew I shouldn't have went on that trip. Dang it Y/N why didn't you call me? I could've come home straight away!" He asks you frantically, a bit disappointed that you didn't tell him anything.

"I-I didn't want to r-ruin your trip. You must've been having so much of fun. I didn't want to burden you with my worthless problems." You say quietly.

"Y/N, nothing is fun when you're not there. And you will never burden me with your problems. Your problems are my problems too. The only thing you can burden me with is if you don't tell me you're hurting like this." Harry takes his thumb and gently wipes your fallen tears.

"Tell me what's wrong, or if you don't want to, that's absolutely okay. Just know that I'm here now." He pulls you into his arms again.

You decide to tell him everything that's happened over the past week since he deserves to know.

"Oh darling... if only I didn't go on that stupid
trip. I could've prevented this..."

"It's not your fault Harry. It's mine. I'm just not good enough."

Harry cups your cheeks and looks your dead-straight in the eyes.

"Don't you dare say you're not good enough Y/N." He says sternly.

Hearing you put yourself down was something that Harry hated more than anything because he found you the most perfect being on the planet. He still finds it ridiculous how you don't see yourself like he sees you.

"You are good enough. You are worth it. You are strong and I know you can push through this. I am here for you, I am right here and I always will be, okay? I love you." Harry breathes out before kissing your lips passionately.

For the rest of the day, Harry spends his time cheering you up. Whenever you feel like breaking down and crying, he's there to hold you and remind you that everything will be okay. He puts on your favourite movies. He plays your favourite songs and you two dance along to the music. He makes you your favourite food. He makes sure to remind you how much he loves you.

He carried you over fire and water for your love. He held you closer, knowing your heart is strong enough. When the night is coming down on you, you will find a way, through the dark.

you guys have no idea how emotional i got while writing this...  hoped you liked it and didn't cry too much! i know i did...

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