He acts like he hates you (part 2)

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"Y/N? Where are you going?" You hear Liam shout behind you.

You ignore him and just keep on walking towards the carpark where you can drive away from Harry and his bullshit he's feeding you.

"Y/N! Stop! Please!" You hear someone shout but you can't recognise who it is.

You walk faster and faster as you hear someone running after you. Before you know it, you're sprinting.

You felt like you're about to fall any second since you are running on gravel. Your tears aren't helping either. In fact, they're only making things worse. You wipe your eyes so you can see a bit better. You slow down a little bit. You need to catch your breath.

"Y/N please. Just. Stop. Let. Me. Explain. Please." You hear someone pant behind you.

You turn around and see Harry with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"No Harry. I've had enough of you." You say trying to run again but you're out of energy.

You're car wasn't that far away. And sure you can make it just by running a bit more.

"Please Y/N. I'm. Begging. You." Harry says between breaths.

You ignore him and start running so you can escape him before he catches up to you.

Yes. You're nearly there. A few more steps and then you can finally drive away from Harry. You never want to talk to him again. In fact, you never want to see him again. After all the mean and hurtful things he's called you, you just feel like throwing a water bottle at his head at lightning speed.

You feel someone crash into you. They wrap their arms around you, breaking your fall.

You smell that familiar scent. Harry.

"Let me go you jerk!" You yell trying to escape his grip.

"No! Please Y/N! Just let me explain myself! We can work this out!" He says holding onto your waist.

"I'll punch you in the face if you don't let me go right now." You threaten.

Harry quickly let's of you. You stand up and dust yourself off.

I quickly grabs a hold of your arm before you can even take a step.

"Harry for fucks sake let me go!" You fight.

"No Y/N. I am not letting you go."

"Why not? Are you just gonna stand here and call me hurtful names again? Like you always do?"

Tears are flowing down your face. You begin to feel weak. To weak to fight back anymore.

Harry pulls you into his arms. You cry into his chest as he strokes your hair, whispering soothing things into your ear.

"What have I done?" He says to himself.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry that I called you all those names. I shouldn't have. I really shouldn't have. It wasn't the right thing to do. I feel terrible right now. And knowing that I made you cry, just makes me feels 1000 times worse. I'm sorry Y/N. I don't hate you. It's actually the total opposite. I like you. I always have. You were the first girl I've ever liked. I was just scared because I didn't know what to do with these feelings. I tried to push them away by telling myself that I don't like you. And now look what I've done. I've hurt you. And that was the last thing I've ever wanted do to you. And yet here I am trying to pick up the broken pieces and put them back together." He says.

You stop crying. You try to process everything that he's just said to do. But how do you know that he really means it? How do you know that he's not just trying to fuck with your feelings again?

"Y-You really mean i-it?" You choke out.

He nods and give you a small smile. He places his hand on your cheek and caresses it gently.

"You're really beautiful you know." He says.

You feel a little blush creep into your cheeks.

"Thank you H-Harry. But I-I'm not." You stutter.

"Yes you are. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And I'm just a jerk. A big fat jerk that isn't good with girls." He says making you laugh.

"I'm really sorry Y/N. I really am. I wish I could take back everything that I've said to you and turn them into something nicer. I've been such an asshole towards you and I'm sorry. Could we maybe start over?" He says.

"Yes. Of course." You smile.

He picks you up and spins you around. And that was the start of a beautiful relationship.


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