New Years

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Liam is throwing a party tonight that you and Harry were obviously invited to.

"Harry which one?" You ask Harry holding a white dress and a red dress beside you.

"Red." Harry smirks.

You laugh and put the white one back in your closet.

The party is in an hour and you didn't have much time to do your make-up and hair.

You dump all your make-up out of your bag and sigh not knowing wear to start.

"Babe, you don't need all that make-up. You're already so beautiful." Harry says hugging you from behind.

"I love you." You smile turning around to kiss him on the lips.

"I love you too baby. We have to go soon so you might want to get started now." Harry chuckles.

You nod and get back to doing your make-up. Once you finished applying, foundation, mascara, eyeliner and lipstick, you take out your hairbrush and brush your long Y/H/C hair. You take out your straightener and straighten your curls.

You finish doing your hair now it's time to put on your dress. You slip on the beautiful red silk dress and put on some black heals.

Once your done, you admire yourself in the mirror.

"Wow. You look... Stunning." You hear Harry say.

You hug him and place a kiss on his cheek leaving a red mark from your lipstick on his skin.

You gather your stuff and stuff it in your black purse.

"You ready to go?" You ask and Harry nods.

You lock up the house and get in the car. Harry starts the engine and you guys are off to Liam's house.

You start to hear the music from miles away.

"Wow, they started without us." Harry laughs.

Harry parks the car and helps you out.

He knocks on the door and Liam answers.

"Hey guys!" Liam greets you cheerfully.

"Hey Liam. Started without us?" Harry chuckles.

"No no of course not! Just blasting a little music to keep the vibes up!" He says dancing.

You laugh at how Liam dances. You and Harry step in and the smell of alcohol hits you in the face.

"Want a drink babe?" Harry asks you and you nod.

He walks off to get you a drink. A few moments later he comes back.

"Here you go." He says handing you a martini.

You smile and take a sip. It's not long until lots of people start showing up. You and Harry move to a more quieter space where you guys can just chill and talk.

"1 hour left." You say looking at your phone.

"Wow. I can't believe it's 2016. It's amazing how fast this year has gone." Harry says taking your hand in his.

"I know. 2016 is going to be good. I can feel it." You smile.

Suddenly a slow song comes on and everyone grabs their partner and starts dancing.

"Would you like to dance?" Harry asks holding his hand out.

"It would be my pleasure." You giggle.

Harry places his large hands on your waist as you drape your arms around his neck.

You rest your head on his chest and you both move your feet in sync.

The DJ plays a few more slow songs before it goes back to the normal music.

"What time is it now?" You ask Harry.

"11:35." He says.

"Not long left." You reply and Harry nods.

"Well I guess we have to make the most of what's left." Harry smirks pulling you close to him.

He brushes his pink lips against your neck making you moan silently.

"Harry, can we go somewhere private?" You ask and he nods.

He drags you down the hallway to one of the guest rooms. He closes the door making sure to lock it.

"We got to make this quick." You say and he nods.


"Harry, what's the time?" You ask remembering its 2016 soon.

"Shit, we should go now." Harry says putting his clothes back on.

Once you guys get dressed and make yourself look like you didn't just have sex, you exit the room just in time for the count down till 2016.

Liam steps up on the kitchen counter and and shouts for everyone to be quiet.

"First of all before I start, I want to thank everyone for coming to this party. I know we only have a few minutes left but thank you all for such an amazing 2015. 2016 will be an even more exciting and fun-filled adventure for all of us. Anyway just thank you guys all for coming to celebrate the New Year." Liam says.

The whole crowd erupts in cheers.

"Guys there's only 1 minute left!" Someone shouts out.

Everyone starts counting down.











"Happy new year!" Everyone shouts.

Harry pulls you in for a deep passionate kiss.

His hands travel down your waist. He squeezes your bum gently before pulling away.

"Happy new year babe." He smiles.

"Happy new year to you too." You smile back.

"Come on everyone the fireworks are in the backyard!" Liam shout.

Everyone follows Liam where all the fireworks are set up.

Liam gets a match and he swipes it against the box. A tiny flame appears on the end of the stick. He holds it up to the wick of the firework and it goes off. Liam runs away quickly so he doesn't get burnt.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." You say admiring all the pretty colours that light up the night sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." Harry smiles kissing you.

He drapes his arm around your shoulders and he pulls you closer to him.

"I love you Harry." You whisper.

"I love you too baby. 2016 is going to be the best." He smiles.


Hey guys! I hope you all have an amazing new year! I'm sorry if this one is shitty I'm in a rush right now but don't worry the next imagines will be better (I hope). Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day. Don't get burnt by any fireworks and stay safe.

Happy New Years!

ilysmxhoran xxx

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