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"Harry for gods sake! I barley even got to have a conversation with you. Stop trying to blame this on me!" You shout and you throw your magazine you were reading on the kitchen counter.

"You're just being selfish!" Harry retaliates.

"I don't even feel like we're in a god damn relationship. You just came back from tour and I was so happy and excited to have you back. But now, all you have been doing is going out early in the morning and coming back late at night. I can't deal with this anymore..." You say trying to fight back your tears.

Harry doesn't say anything, except he stands there, staring off into space.

"You know what, leave." You say, sternly.

His head shoots up and he looks at you, shocked at the words that rolled off your tongue.

"W-Wha?" He says, still trying processing what you said.

"Leave." You repeat, with a hint of anger in your voice.

"So that's it? You're just going to tell me to leave and it's over. Are you really doing this? Are you really not fighting for us?"

"You're the one that isn't fighting for us! Bloody hell Harry are you really that stupid to not realise what you've been doing? Every night you come home, and just completely ignore my existence. Even when you're bloody sober! You pretend that this is your house and no one else lives in here. Do you know how that makes me feel? Being completely eliminated by the person you love the most? Do I not come to your consideration anymore?" You say, as your voice cracks at the end.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Just leave Harry. This isn't worth it anymore." You sigh.

You don't want to believe that your relationship with Harry is over. But you know that it's the only way to prevent you from getting your heart broken even more than it already is.


"Take was yours, and leave." You cut him off.

You turn around, but before you can go back upstairs, you feel two strong arms lift you up.

"Put me down!" You spit as Harry walks towards the exit of your house.

"What the hell are you doing?!" You shout, trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"Taking what's mine." He says simply.

"I meant taking your belongings you idiot!" You say as you whack his shoulder.

"You belong to me." He says again.

You feel butterflies in your stomach over Harry's words. But you know you can't give in so easily.

"Put me down, and we can discuss this." You sigh.

He puts you down but still holds onto you. Almost afraid like you're going to spring out the door any second.

You don't say anything. Instead you stand in front of him with your arms crossed, waiting for an apology.

"I'm sorry Y/N... I didn't know I was hurting you. I know how much you missed me while I was on tour, and it was wrong of me to go to the bar every night instead of spending some quality time with my girlfriend..." He says, still holding onto you.

"I'm really sorry Y/N. But I can make it up to you, I promise." He adds, inching closer and closer to your lips.

Your breathing becomes unstable as you feel his lips brush past yours.

"Let me make this up to you, darling." He whispers as he smashes his lips into yours.


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