The Storm

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A white flash lights up the midnight sky just before thunder boomed.

His eyes jolts open as his immediate instinct was to comfort her. He reaches out his arm but instead of feeling the warmth of his former lover, his hand falls onto the cold, empty space beside him.

The roaring thunder faded, Harry sighs heavily as he feels the same heartache that has been going on for months. He stares at the white sheets, trying to stop the hot tears that are threatening to spill.

He throws his head back onto his only comfort, his only 'shoulder' to cry on, his pillow, and looks up at the ceiling, unaware of the silent tears rolling down the side of his face.

All he can imagine is her being terrified of the thunderclaps soaring through the sky, as she buries herself in her duvet covers to bring her security from what scared her. It hurt him to know that he isn't there to hold her, run his hands through her hair and kiss her delicately, letting her know that nothing will ever hurt her as long as he is around.

God, it hurt him more than he'd like to admit.

Another thunderclap echos in his ears and he flinches a little. Sighing, he rolls over to see the numbers 3:14 flashing at him on his dusty alarm clock. He closes his eyes again, trying to forget about her. But how can he forget about someone who has given him so much to remember?

He tosses and turns in his sheets, unable to find comfort anymore. He grows frustrated and throws his sheets off him, before rubbing his face in aggravation.

He wants to see her. He wants to drive 30 minutes in the storm all the way to her place just to see her face again. It's been months since he had.

He gives in, not having the mental and physical strength to resist any longer. He throws on a pair of sweatpants and hoodie before completing it with his old trainers. He grabs his keys and phone before leaving the house.

He looks up at the thundering sky through the raindrops on his windshield, and thinks about nothing but her. The urge to see her makes him waste no time as he speeds off to her place.


Harry turns of the engine as he stares at the oh-so familiar house in front of him. He sits there for a minute or two, contemplating whether this is really a good idea or not.

The image of her being in fear and alone pops into his mind, making him get out of the car immediately.

The rain soaks his hair and the puddles of water drench his old trainers, but he could care less at this point.

He doesn't hesitate to knock on her door- a million thoughts running through his head.

What if she doesn't let him in?
What if she hates him and never wants to see him again?
What if she's moved on with someone? Someone better?

Harry stares down at his wet shoes, unable to get himself out of his train-wreck thoughts.

He suddenly hears the door unlock, snapping him back to reality. He can feel his heart starting to beat like a drum, hard and fast. There's no going back now.

The door creeks open to reveal her. Y/N. The person he's been longing to see.

"Harry?" She says, almost inaudibly.
"Yeah, uh, hi." Harry responds, not knowing what else to say to her.
"What are you doing here? It's nearly 4 in the morning." She looks down at the crumbling, wet tissue in her hands.

Harry notices the tissue she fiddles with. His eyes trace back to her face. The light from the streetlamp outside reflects off of her face, outlining what seems to be tear stains. Had she been crying?

"I wanted to check up on you." Harry says, still not staring away from her. "I know how afraid you were of storms. I remember how-" He chokes up.

She looks up at him as he struggles to regain himself. "I remember h-how, you always wanted me to hold you and-" He shakes his head, trying so hard to fight back his tears.

"I-I'm sorry." He rubs his face with his cold hands, attempting to shield away his vulnerability and weakness from the person he's supposed to be strong for.

"I shouldn't have come. I'm sorry for disturbing you at such a late hour." He says in a whisper, making little eye contact to the girl whose heart is breaking by the second, hearing the words she doesn't want to hear right now.

Just as he is about to turn away, she grabs his hand softly. A familiar feeling of warmth settles within Harry, taking him by surprise.

He turns around to face her, already seeing tears well-up in her eyes. "P-Please stay." She manages to choke out, playing with his cold and stiff fingers.

He can't believe the words that are coming out of her mouth. After what happened, he couldn't blame her if she never wanted to look at him again.

"Stay?" He asks questionably, giving her another chance to figure out whether she's sure or not.

She nods her head, tugging on his hand gently. He lets himself into the house he knows like the back of his hand. He slips of his soggy trainers before following her upstairs.

She lets go off his hand, and disappointment flashes across Harry's face.

She goes to her dresser, pulling out Harry's spare t-shirt and shorts that he left there just in case he decided to stay over.

"Y-You still have those?" He asks, surprised, and a little heart-warmed.

She nods slightly, handing it to him.

He gets changed quickly, leaving his half-soaked clothes on the cushion sofa to dry until morning. He looks over at Y/N, who is playing with the hem of the duvet covers nervously.

Another boom of thunder roars, making her flinch and crawl under the covers more. Harry climbs into bed and immediately collects her in his arms, securing one around her waist and one around her upper-back, knowing how she likes to feel protected.

"Thank you." She sighs in relief, finally getting what she's wanted the most for the longest time.

Harry pushes her hair out of her face. He opens his mouth to say something, but debates on whether saying it would ruin this moment.

"I-I still love you." He chokes out, immediately regretting it.

He feels her smile against his chest. "Me too. I always did." She says quietly.

Those five words put Harry's constant heartache for the past seven months at rest as he held his world in his arms.

He heard the faint snores coming from her, indicating that she's sound asleep. Harry smiles to himself, pulling her closer to him, as if it was possible. He closes his eyes and fading into his first peaceful sleep as two broken yet passionate lovers find comfort and closure during the storm.

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