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Third person POV

Liam comes down the stairs and sighs looking at Harry who is sitting on the window sill.

"Harry, she's gone." He says quietly.

"No she isn't. She said she will come back." He says not looking at Liam.

"You need to stop mourning over her. She's gone and you can't change that." Liam says getting frustrated with Harry.

Y/N, Harry's beautiful and loving girlfriend sadly passed away a few months ago in a tragic car accident. Her car was hit by a truck which killed her instantly. Ever since, Harry hasn't done anything but sit by the window waiting patiently for her to come back.

"She's gone Harry! What the hell do you know understand about that?" Liam says clenching his jaw.

Harry slowly turns around to face him.

"She isn't. She will come back." He says as his dark green eyes turn glossy.

Liam sighs and shakes his head.

"I've tried everything Harry. I've tried everything to try and help you get over Y/N. You need to let this go. She's in a better place now." Liam says as he walks away.

Harry starts to replay the memory where he last saw his beautiful angel.

"I'll be back soon Hazza!" Y/N says as she grabs her keys.

"Be safe okay? I don't want anything to happen to you." I say hugging her tightly and kissing her on the lips.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back." She smiles as she walks out the door.

Nothing was ever the same after that. Harry is broken. He doesn't know what to do with himself. The boys always say that he needs to find someone else, but Harry always says that no one will ever be able to make him feel loved just like Y/N did.

Harry gets up from the window sill and drags himself upstairs to his room.

He shuts the door behind him. Photos of him and Y/N are scattered everywhere in the floor. Tears start to pour out Harry's eyes as he remember all the good memories they had together.

He can't take the pain anymore. He needs to end it.

He pulls out a box from under his bed. He flips open the lid. A shiny revolver is sitting in the box, waiting to be used.

He loads the gun and lies down on the ground on all the lovely photos of him and Y/N.

He points the nose of the gun towards his head. 

"It's time I be with my angel." He says before pulling the trigger.

Everything goes black. Liam rushes into the room to find his lifeless friend on the floor.

"Why Harry? Why?" He cries.

Harry's eyes flutters open once more.

"Harry! You're alive! Don't move! I'm going to call the ambulance!" Liam says.

"No Liam. Please. Let me be with Y/N." Harry says weakly.

"No Harry. I can't. What about your family? Your friends? Your fans?" Liam says as tears pour down his face once more.

"Tell them that I love them with all my heart. But I need to be with my babygirl. Life means nothing without her." He says as his voice gets fainter.

"Harry please, you don't have to do this." Liam says taking Harry's hand and holding it against his chest.

"Tell the boys and the fans, that I love them. I always will." He smiles weakly.

"I love you Liam." Harry says before darkness takes over his world.

The happy ending is that Harry is finally up in heaven with Y/N.

The end.


I'm so sorry for the really depressing imagine. But I promise to make up for it with a really sweet and happy one!


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