He gets into a fight for you

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You and Harry are at Louis' party. He decided to throw a party celebrating the 5 successful years of One Direction.

You chose a breezy silk blue dress and some white heels to go with it.

You weren't really the type of girl that wears 200 pounds of make up every time you went somewhere. So you just simply apply some foundation, mascara, eyeliner and some lipstick.

You grab your purse which contains your phone and some 'girl essentials' and go downstairs to meet Harry in the lounge.

Your heels make contact with the smooth wooden stairs and the sound bounces of the pure white walls.

Once you reach the bottom of the stairs, Harry's attention is all yours.

"Y/N. W-Wow. You look a-amazing." He stutters trying to find his words.

"Thank you Haz." You chuckle and peck him on the lips leaving a faint red mark.

You start to walk outside and realise that Harry isn't following. You turn around and see Harry's sparkling eyes all over you.

"You coming?" You smile.

He snaps out of his gaze and nods.

He runs out the house locking the door behind him. He rushes to the car quickly opening the door for you for you to get in.

Get closes the door and gets in.

Once you guys got there, the sound of blasting music pierced your ears from miles away.

2 bodyguards opens the heavy door for you two.

The lights are flashing to the beat of the music as sweaty bodies dance on the wooden dance floor.

You see Liam come up to greet you guys.

"Follow me!" He shouts on top of the music.

You and Harry follow him to a more quiet and cool room where Louis and Niall are.

"Hey guys!" Louis says hugging you and Harry.

"Hey Lou. Nice party man!" Harry's compliments.

"Thanks! The bar is there if you want a drink. The bathrooms are just next to it and the dance floor is just out there! Hey, don't forget to enjoy yourselves." Louis says as he walks onto the dance floor.

You laugh at how Louis acts when he's at parties.

"You want a drink babe?" Harry asks and you nod.

"I'll be back okay?" He says as he kisses your forehead.

You decide to sit on one of the red barstools waiting for Harry to return with your drink.

"Oh hey there baby girl!" You hear someone slur.

You turn around and see a guy with a brown quiff. He's tall and has a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm.

"Hi." You say nervously.

"Came here yourself?" He asks.

You smell the strong scent of alcohol come straight out of his mouth making you want to gag.

"No actually I came here with my boyfriend." You say confidently.

"Oh well he doesn't seem to be here right now. So how about I keep you entertained for a while huh?" He smirks as he starts moving his large hand down your waist.

"Get your dirty hands of her!" You hear a familiar voice shout.

"Oh you must be her boyfriend. You look pathetic. She deserves someone way better than you." The guy slurs.

"Don't you ever touch her like that's again!" Harry yells ignoring what the guy said.

The guy pulls you up from the barstool and he slaps your ass.

You gasp in shock.

"THATS IT!" Harry yells.

He balls his fist and punches the drunk idiot in the face making him bleed instantly.

The guy kicks Harry in the shin and then punches him in the nose. Harry falls into the ground holding his nose.

You take your drink Harry got for you and pour it all over the guy.

"Fucking jerk!" You yell.

You them kick him in the balls making him fall to the ground

"If you ever lay another finger on her, I swear to god I will break you." Harry says while holding his bleeding nose.

"Let's get out of here." You say helping Harry up.

You try to find Louis to tell him Harry just slipped and hurt himself, but he was no where to be seen. You decided that you'll just tell him tomorrow and you guys got the hell out of there.

"I'll drive babe." You say as you get into the driver seat.

Blood drips from Harry's nose onto his suit.

You look through your purse and find a pack on tissues. You take some out and help him stop the bleeding.

Once you get back home. You immediately grab the first aid kit and heal Harry.

"Are you okay babe?" You say softly.

"Yes. Thank you my angel." He smiles weakly as you kiss him gently on the forehead.

"You really didn't need to do that for me." You say and Harry shakes his head.

"He was touching you in a way that only I should touch you and I could see you were getting uncomfortable so I stepped in as soon as I could." Harry explains.

"I could've handled it myself you know." You chuckle.

"I know baby. But you're my girl and it's my job to protect you and make sure no one ever hurts you." Harry says kissing you.

"I love you so much Harry."

"I love you more angel."


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