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You sigh heavily before turning around, facing your back to Harry.

He's been so distant lately. He doesn't give you any hugs. He doesn't give you any kisses. He barley even acknowledges your presence. And it's killing you inside.

You've spent sleepless nights thinking about what could be affecting him. But the only thing that seems to cross your mind is... you.

What if you are the one that is making him like this? God, you'd hate be the cause of it. It hurts to think that.

Unable to force yourself to sleep anymore, you get out of bed and go downstairs to get a drink of water.

You look at the clock to see its only 2 am. You sigh before sitting on the couch. Alone. In the dark.

You can't seem to stop thinking about Harry. You're really worried about him.

"Y/N?" A voice sounds.

You look over to see Harry standing at the end of the stairs.

"What are you doing down here? By yourself? At 2 am?" Harry asks.

"Can't sleep." You reply blankly.

"Is there something wrong?" He asks as he sits next to you.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" You say quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

He doesn't say anything. Instead he looks at the ground.

"Harry tell me what's bothering you. You've been acting so strange and distant. It's worrying me."

"It's nothing Y/N."

"Why won't you tell me? Is it me? Am I doing something wrong?" You ask.

You feel your bottom lip start to tremble.

He doesn't reply. A tear silently rolls down your cheek.

"I-I'm going to bed." You say shakily as you walk upstairs to your shared bedroom.

You wipe away your fallen tears before climbing into bed and crying silently.


Part 2?

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