Better of with me (part 3)

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You shrug and dial Harry's number.

"Hello?" He answers, his voice sounding tired. "Hey." You reply simply. "What is it you want to tell me?" You ask, not wanting this to get awkward. You hear a heavy sigh on the other end of the phone. "I care about you. I care about you a lot
Y/N, more than you think. All I want is for you to be happy. And I've seen how happy..." he takes a long pause before continuing. "Sam makes you." He says through gritted teeth. You can tell that saying that was very difficult for him.

"Sam makes you happy. And I want you to be happy. But what I'm telling you now, is the honest truth about Sam. He's trouble Y/N. He's no good for you." He says and you furrow your eyebrows. "You don't know who's good for me." You reply getting a little defensive.

"You're right that I don't know who's good for you, but Y/N I'm telling you that Sam isn't any good!". "Bullshit." You say coldly. Of course Harry acts this way when you tell him about Sam. He always acts like this whenever you even say "Sam". He acts so hostile and cold. You don't know why but you really definitely sick of his attitude. Why can't he just be happy that boy you've been swooning over for 3 years finally asked you out?

"I just want what's best for yo-" You cut Harry off before beginning. "No! Stop with all this "I only want what's best for you" and the "I just want you to be happy" shit! You don't mean any of it, I know you don't because if you really did you wouldn't be telling me all these things about Sam! Harry you know how much I like Sam. For 3 years I've been dreaming of this day and you can't even be supportive of that?"

"Y/N you got this all wrong! I'm telling the honest truth that Sam isn't the guy you think he is. All he does is date a girl and dump her a few days later. He uses them to build up his reputation of the "ladies man". You're his next target Y/N. I'm sorry to break it to you but he doesn't actually like you. He's using you just like how he used all those other girls. And do you know what happened to those girls? They ended up sitting in a pile of blankets crying they're eyes out beating themselves up because they thought that they were the reason why Sam left them. And god Y/N, I would hate to see you crying all day over some stupid guy okay? I'm just trying to protect you!" Harry says, and you shake your head.

"You're wrong about Sam. Everything you said is complete utter bullshit. And I certainly don't need to protect me, and I certainly don't need you."

Harry's POV

"You're wrong about Sam. Everything you said is complete utter bullshit. And I certainly don't need you to protect me, and I certainly don't need you." She says harshly before the line goes dead.

My heart shatters. It shatters into more than a billion pieces. It feels like some shot me right in the chest but I'm not dead yet, making me suffer from the pain. My vision suddenly gets blurry and I come to the realisation that tears are building up at the brim of my eyes. I blink and a few droplets of tears fall down my cheeks, those few droplets turning into a whole ocean of tears.

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