He's your ex and you meet again (part 3)

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You slowly open your eyes and see a bright white light hanging above you. You cover your eyes with your hand since its start to adjust to the lighting.

You try to sit up, but then you fall back down again.

"Y/B/F?" You call out.

"Y/N?" You hear a voice say but it's definitely  not Y/B/F's voice.

You turn your head and see a very distressed Harry sitting on the brown chair beside your hospital bed.

"Harry? What are you doing here? And why am I here? What happened to me? Where's
Y/B/-" Harry cuts you off by gently pressing his lips to yours.

He pulls away and looks into your eyes.

"I love you Y/N." He whispers he says caressing your cheek.

You're confused by his sudden actions. Doesn't he have a girlfriend?

"Harry, you have a girlfriend." You say pushing his hand away.

"I know I do. But you're the one I really love. I only got a girlfriend to help me forget about you. But there's nothing that can stop me from loving you." He sighs.

You see a tear roll down his cheek. You immediately wipe it away before kissing his forehead.

"I fucked up Y/N. I love you and I always will. Even if you don't take me back. I just want to let you know that I will always love you no matter what." He says.

You don't say anything. You just lay your head back on your pillow and stare at the ceiling.

Harry gently holds your hand and strokes it with his thumb.

"I'm only asking for one thing. And that is for you to take me back. I know it's a huge thing for you to do. But please, just give me one more chance." He chokes out.

You sit back up again and look Harry straight in the eyes.

"Promise I won't regret it?" I ask him.

"I promise you won't regret anything." He says giving  you a small smile.

You smile back and press your lips gently against his.


A few days later you and Y/B/F are out of hospital. The doctor said that you're still not in stable condition, but Harry made sure that he was always there to help you and take care of you.


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