You're famous

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"Y/N! I love you so much!"

"Y/N can I take a photo with you?"

Flashing cameras and screaming fans follow you as you walk to your car.

"Y/N are you really dating Harry Styles?" One of the journalists asks.

Mentally, you laugh sarcastically knowing that the whole world knows that you and Harry are dating. Harry even confirmed it himself!

You decided to stop and take photos and sign some stuff for the fans.

You really love them. Without them you wouldn't even be in this position.

A girl hands you her phone to take a selfie, as she isn't tall enough to take one herself.

You smile before taking a burst of photos. It was something you always do for you fans, just incase one of the photos didn't come out clear.

"I love you so much Y/N. You make me so happy!" The girl says as you hand her phone back.

You smile and hug her before taking photos with the rest of the fans, making sure no one gets left out.

After you finish, you say goodbye before entering your car.

Your body guard waits for you to get in before closing the door and standing by it so no one can get too close.

"About time." You hear the familiar voice of Harry.

"Sorry babe." You apologise before planting a kiss on his lips.

"It's okay, I know how much you love your fans." He says blankly.

You frown at his odd behaviour, but then brush it off.

He's probably just tired or something.

You both sit in silence as you drive home.

You want to say something, but then afraid that he's going to get mad.

Harry pulls up in the driveway of your home and gets out.

He slams the car door, giving you a little fright.

What is wrong with him?

You enter your cold house before switching on the lights.

You close the door behind you, making sure to lock it.

You slip of your heals and take of your coat before going upstairs to change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Taking some make-up remover wipes, you go into the bathroom to wipe your make-up off.

You go back downstairs, to grab something to eat before bed.

You grab a slice of cold leftover pizza from the night before and take a bite before devouring the whole thing.

You see the mail sitting in the kitchen counter.

You go through it, checking if anything is for you.

Once you're done, you grab a glass of water and switch all the lights off before going upstairs, ready for bed.

As you set your glass on the nightstand, you hear light sniffles coming from the bathroom.

"Harry?" You call out as you knock on the door.

"C-Coming!" His voice cracks at the beginning.

He opens the door and gives you a weak smile.

You can clearly see that he tried to cover up the evidence that he's been crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?" You ask, caressing his cheek.

"N-Nothing. Why?" He says, trying to act natural.

"Harry, I know when you're lying to me. Please tell me what's wrong." You plead.

His bottom lip starts to tremble.

"Oh baby."

He falls into your chest and cries.

You tangle your fingers in his soft hair.

"Tell me what's wrong, love." You whisper:

"D-Do you still love me?" He mumbles.

"Harry Edward Styles never ever ask me that again! Of course I still love you! I always have. What makes you think that I don't?" You say, shocked that he would ever ask you that.

"B-Because you seem to l-love your fans, more than y-you love me. I understand that they mean a lot to you b-but, I feel l-like you don't love me anymore because you p-pay so much attention to your fans and... not me." He sniffles.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I feel like absolute shit. I'm sorry Harry. I love you so so so so so so much. I love you more than anything else in the world." You say as you kiss his face.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I love you so much. I feel so bad for making you feel this way. But don't you ever think that I don't love you okay? I will always love you forever and always." You add.

"You love me more than the f-fans?" He sniffs.

"More than anything else in the world." You smile.

A small smile creeps onto his gorgeous face.

"I love you Y/N." He smiles lightly.

"I love you more, Harry." You smile back, resting your forehead on his.



it's literally midnight and I'm super tired so sorry if this is like the shittiest imagine ever I'm sooo tired and I can't think properly but I didn't update when I was supposed to so this was kind of a rush anyway I hope you enjoyed it yay ok bye now


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