Only fools (part 3)

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You spend another night, restless and full of distress. You hoped that your second date with Harry would clear up some things. But your feelings for him are only growing stronger, making it even harder for you to process what you want.

You sigh, pulling your charger out of your phone and reading the time 3:21. You sigh even louder, knowing you've lost plenty of sleep and still got a long way to go till morning.

You phone suddenly buzzes, making you jump a little.

It's a text from Harry.

"Harry: Hey, can't sleep. You up?"

That overly familiar feeling of butterflies overcomes you.

"You: Hey Harry. And yes, i'm up. Sleep couldn't find me either."

You see the three dots pop up and wait for his reply.

"Harry: Wanna meet up? I need to talk to you anyway."

Your heart immediately sinks and your brain starts to prepare you for the worst to come. The smile you had on your face faded as you think of the endless possibilities that could happen.

You're a bit hesitant. Your fingers hover over the keyboard but you don't type anything for a while, so lost in your thoughts.

"Harry: Still there?"

You're snapped out of your trance by another text from Harry.

"You: Yeah, sorry. Where do we meet?"

"Harry: I'll come to you. It's not safe for you to be out by yourself. I'll be there in 20."

You quickly jump out of bed, and run to your closet. You go through the bunch of clothes you have in there. You pick out something warm, but cute to wear. I mean, might as well get dumped in style (no pun intended) am I right?

You slip into your clothes and go to the bathroom to freshen up. As soon as you're finished, you hear a light knock on the door.

You sigh, mentally preparing yourself to get your heart broken by the most handsome boy you've ever seen.

You unlock the door and open it, careful not to wake anyone.

"Hey," You whisper. Harry smiles at you. "Ready?" He asks and you nod. You close the door quietly and lock it behind you.

"Where are we going?" You ask as you get into the car. "I don't know really, I just wanted to go on a nice drive with you." Harry says, staring up the engine.

You smile at him. These past couple days, you've seen a new Harry. Not the same Harry you see at school. A more gentle, kind and loving Harry. You think that you've finally broken down his bad boy persona, and gotten in deep to reveal the real him.

You guys reach the countryside in a matter of no time. Harry rolls down the windows and the cool breeze hits your face and runs through your hair.

A calm, song plays on the radio. The atmosphere that runs between you both is incredible. It feels like a movie, almost too good to be true.

Harry stops and pulls over by a lake, surrounded by large pine trees and where the stars overlook you.

You both get out of the car. He sits on the bonnet of the car and so do you.

"You look beautiful." Harry says, breaking the silence.

You look at him, the moonlight shines on his face, perfectly sculpting his gorgeous face.

"Y/N," He begins, taking your hands in his.

This is it, this is what he's been waiting to tell you. Your breath hitches as you feel his thumb trace circles on the back of your hand.

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" You suddenly blurt out, taking your hands out of his.

His eyes grow wide and he immediately takes your hands back in his, holding them tighter this time.

"N-No! Y/N how could you say that?" He asked, a little bit hurt.

You blink back, a little surprised. This is definitely a new side of Harry.

"Wha- Isn't that what you normally do? With all your little girlfriends? Date then for a couple of days and then leave them crying on the floor?" You say. He sighs, knowing that everything you said is absolutely correct.

"Yeah. I know I do that. I'm going to be completely  honest here, I never intended on keeping you,"

Ouch, that stung a little. But who are you kidding? You're dealing with Harry Styles here.

"But as soon as we hung out, went out on those dates, I fell in love with you Y/N. You're so smart, you're funny, I love the way you get all shy and shake your head whenever I compliment you. You're absolutely gorgeous, I may add. You're fucking perfect. And out of all the girls I've ever dated, no one, no one has ever come close to you. You're something else Y/N. You're special. I love everything about you and want something real with you. I want you to be mine. I want to be the one to hold you at night, I want to be the one you come to when you're sad and tired. I-I... I can't even describe how much I've fallen in love with you over these past couple of days. You're just, fucking amazing Y/N. Unlike anyone else I've ever met. I love you, so much. I know this may be a bit too much, since we've only been on two dates. But trust me Y/N, what I feel is real." There is he is, right there, pouring his heart out to you.

"Look," He begins again. He takes your hand and places it on his chest. You can feel his heart beating fast and hard. "This is because of you, this is what you do to me. No one else has ever made me feel the way you do, Y/N."

At this moment in time, you're left speechless by Harry's words. You feel completely overwhelmed by the fact that he loves you. Out of everyone else in the world, it's you.

"Say something Y/N." He says, you can feel his heart race as he gets even more nervous.

"I-I don't know what to say, Harry." You reply.

"Y-You don't like me?"

"Harry! Of course I do! I always have liked you.  Even though sometimes you weren't the greatest person, I always knew that there was something about you which was so kind and gentle. And that's what made me like you so much. That beneath your little performance you put on everyday, is someone who is kind, caring and loving. It just that I didn't expect you to like me in that way. When I got your text, I thought that my time with you was done, and you were ready to move onto someone else. I prepared myself for the worst, but it turned out the be the complete opposite." You say to him, looking deeply into his eyes.

"I love you too Harry. And I want to be yours, for now and forever." You finally say. And that was Harry sign to kiss you. To kiss you like you've never been kissed before.

You both pull away, and stare deeply into each other's eyes. "I love you Y/N. What I feel for you is real, and I want you to know that no matter what I will always be here to love and support you." He says so sweetly.

"Likewise. I love you even more." He pulls you into a tight embrace, and you've never felt happier.

Many called you a fool for being with Harry, but you feel like the greatest fool ever, knowing that Harry will now and forever be by your side.

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