Very bad idea.

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Since I'm the only one with my weapon ready, I shoot the runner dead center in the chest. The figure stumbles landing at our feet. He coughs up rounds of blood before finally opening his eyes barely. "This revolution is about all of us, and we were on your side."

He coughs more than finally stops breathing and I turn looking at everyone. "Peeta, prim said the same thing didn't she?" I ask barely whispering.

"Yes, she said the first part when we were kidnapped in eleven." He confirms.

I hear more footsteps and I nod towards the oak door. "Come on, get inside. They might be peacekeepers who heard the noise."

I after I've pushed everyone inside, I lock the door behind us and shut all the curtains. I instruct for no one to open them or walk by them with any sort of light on, if we can even find light. I walk through the house making sure everyone's all good and comfortable. We have a leader on each floor, Gale in the basement, Boggs on the first floor, and me on the second floor. Peeta and I took the room at the end of the hallway so we could be alone. Jackson and Cressida are upstairs too, their sharing a room since they didn't want to be alone. Once everyone's down for the night, I kiss Peeta's forehead and walk down a floor to stand guard for the night.  I sit on the rough couch facing the door and away from everyone so I can hear everything. This is going to be a long night.

I wake up when my neck snaps to the side. I must have fallen asleep, Boggs is next to me and points upstairs I nod and walk back up there. Jackson stops me in the hallway. "I did some scouting this morning, the president is allowing refugees in his mansion. If one of us from the squad can get in we can communicate and can help  us get inside." I nod happily.

"That's good work soldier. Who did you have in mind to send?" I ask.

"Either Leeg or I. We are the newest, the Capitol won't guess we're working with you."

"Excellent idea. As long as your up for it."

She nods confidently. "I am."

"Okay, I'll talk to Boggs later then." She smiles and walks into her shared room. As I walk to our room I think about how this is too good to be true. All of us are here to kill the president and commit the ultimate act of treason. Yet we're lounging around, sleeping whenever we want in abandoned house. We shouldn't be living like this, we should be out in the cold fighting every second of the day just for what we believe in. But I guess in the end it will all be worth it and Snow will be dead; unable to hard anyone ever again.

Nothing good is safe while snow is alive. He must be killed, we must show no mercy. And I can't make another speech about it. I needed to come here and show the Capitol i'm not just some young teenager anymore. I am determined to see this through. I will save Panem from the worst evil they've ever faced; President Corneleous Snow.

I walk in the room and see he's curled up on the rickety bed. I carefully crawl into bed I cuddle into Peeta who wraps his arms around me even in his tired state. I hope he's right, I hope both of us make it out alive after this. Because if I die, he won't ever be back to normal; I'm all he has. And if he dies, I'll die slowly too; I have nobody left in the world that loves me as much as he does. Thoughts cloud my head as I struggle to sleep. I don't have any dreams, just nightmares causing me to cling to Peeta in my sleep.

I'm shaken back awake and I groan. Boggs is waiting for me. "Let's go, time to wake up. The both of you." I nod and stand pulling on my black leather jacket. When Boggs is gone I shake Peeta awake and he groans just like I did when I woke.

"Peeta, it's time to go. Come on."

"Come here." He whispers. I crawl next to him and he holds me close. "I just want to tell you that no matter what happens today, I love you. I'll always be with you no matter if I'm dead or alive. I'll be in your heart with you. Okay? I believe in you and what your capable of, I know you want this more than anyone I've ever met. Your courageous, brave, determined, and beautiful. I've never met anyone as caring as you."

"Stop please." I whimper. "I'm none of those things."

"No Katniss. You need to realize all of this is happening because of you, for you. For the people of Panem. We're fighting with you because we believe in you. And you need to believe in you."

"I will."

"Now more than ever your needed. If the plan works today, you'll kill snow and anyone in your path."

"Stop." I shush him. I put my fingers over his mouth trying to silence him.

"You can do this Katniss." Finally I nod and take in what he's saying. "I love you."

"I love you too." I can't help but smile. Every time I hear those words I get a big dopey grin on my face. I can't help it, I'm in love with this boy and nothing will stop that. Not the Capitol, and surely not Snow. Our love is something out of a children's book. Rare to come by, but once you see it it lasts a lifetime. I wish I had found my feelings for Peeta earlier in life, maybe then we would have been fed well and Prim would have never gotten chosen. But I know nothing can change our past, so I will look towards our future. I'll hold on to the little things of the past. Peeta and I's first kiss, getting Prim's goat, telling the world I love Peeta. Other things like hunting with my father, being fake cousins with Gale, or not having to be a parent when my mother finally out of her depression. I'll hold onto those things and try and forget the past, although it will be hard; I know with Peeta's help I might be okay. There will be bad days sure, there will be days when I won't speak. There will be days he won't speak, but we'll get through it together. I'll have Prim, my mother, Effie, a Haymitch who's the closest thing to a father I'll ever have. I smile thinking about a future and finally realize Peeta and I are kissing. I accidentally giggle into his lips and he pulls back startled.

"What?" He asks.

"I was thinking and didn't even realize we were kissing." I admit.

"EVERDEEN." Someone bellows from downstairs, I stand up quickly trotting downstairs.

"Sorry commander." I look him in the eyes.

"It's fine. But the time has come. We received word the mansion gates will be opened today for four hours, no question entries."

Peeta appears at the bottom of the steps with out equipment. "What's going on?" He asks.

"We have to go. The mansion gates are opening in half an hour." He nods and we all raise our hoods walking from the door. "Go slow."Boggs says. "Don't want to bring too much attention to ourselves. Jackson and Leeg 1, when we reach the gate walk to the front to go through." They nod curtly and fall behind. Again I take the lead and Peeta walks beside me.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." He whispers next to my head.

"It must be done." I explain. "We are so close to ending this."  He nods and connects our hands kissing mine then letting go. We neared the gate and my heart starts pounding. Slowly we enter the unguarded fence, and suddenly I think Peeta's right. I agree this is a very bad idea...

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now