A wrongful Arrow.

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The next day went quickly. They have me large doses of medicine and morphing to boost my health for today's excursion. I was flown into the Capitol yet again, with the rest of my remaining squad. They want me to give a speech, to all of the surviving citizens and of the dead ones.

Quickly I said no and told them it would never happen. So Peeta stepped in and offered to give the speech. He's always been the better talker.

After I was flown in they sent us all to different rooms; except Peeta and I. We will wait the arrival of Effie to prep us for the show. And that brings us to now.

Peeta and I are sitting on opposite sides of the room staring out of the windows. We still have an hour before the show, and people are already there. It appears the whole nation has shown up just for the occasion. Who wouldn't? A tyrant is being put to death finally and being charged for all his wrong-doings.

Coin sends a message on the television giving us a time check and I watch her speak. She says how Panem will become a better and a safer place after he's dead. But really, isn't she just trying to become the very next snow?

Does she just want the same power Snow had? Will she just continue to mess with our families just like he did?

There's a soft knock on the door and I'm shocked to see who it is. Gale comes looking to the ground. "Coin needs you, meeting in the main conference room."

With that he leaves and Peeta and I exchange glances. I nod standing and Peeta takes my hand as we walk through the halls. "What could they want?" He asks quietly.

"I don't know, but it must be important if their interrupting this." He nods understandingly. He steps a few quick steps to open the double doors for me and I smile as I step in.

Familiar faces surround a round table, with Coin at the center. "What's this?" I ask.

"A meeting of all the renaming victors." Coin nods proudly.

Ennobaria sits closest to the door and smiles when she sees me. "I'm so glad to finally meet you, I'm-"

"Ennobaria." I finish her greeting. "I know, I'm Katniss." I say with a smile.

"You should be proud of all you've done here, it's truly amazing." I nod quickly twice before averting my gaze back to Coin. 

"Have a seat please."

I sit in between Haymitch and Peeta. My head swivels as I look around to everyone here. Beetee, Ennobaria. Johanna, Annie, Haymitch, Peeta and I. But the most startling is Finnick. Who sits next to Annie with a pair of handcuffs on.

"As you all are aware, the war has come to a glorious end. Us rebels are the winners and we must celebrate. I have been given a suggestion from a fellow rebel leader, who says that in order to show dominance to the remaining loyalist; we must shove it down their throats."

"What are you suggesting?" Peeta asks.

"We hold a special one of a kind Hunger Games with Capitol children." Everyone looks at each other with shocked faces, except Johanna and Ennobaria who laugh evilly. "So cast your votes." Coin adds.

"No! I vote no, where did the hunger games get us last time? We'd be no better than Snow! I vote no."

"I say yes." Johanna adds. "Snow himself has a granddaughter."

"Let's give them a taste of their own medicine." Ennobaria nods.

"I vote no...with Peeta." Annie voice says.

"Me too." Finnick nods.

"No." Beetee says.

"Well that vote comes down to Haymitch and Katniss." Coin folds her hands in her lap and watches us quietly. Haymitch looks at me for a long time.

"I-I vote yes, for Prim."

"I'm with the mockingjay." Haymitch says confidently.

"Well fantastic!" Coin sings. "I'll make an announcement right before he's killed. And I think I'll include that his granddaughter will be a involuntary tribute."

"That's evil!" Peeta warns. "Your becoming President Snow."

"How am I? As least I have a heart."

"You are nothing but stone cold." He sneers.

"My dear boy, do you really think that?"

"Whole heartily, if your willing to kill more of our species then do it. But I won't be around to watch."

"That's where your wrong." She smiles. "You all are still mentors. Which means you'll be sucked back into this in no little than half a year."

He shake his head taking my hand and pulling me from the room.  "How could you vote yes?" He asks angrily.

"I did it for Prim. Someone has to pay for her death!"

"Then kill Gale!" He asks hysterically. "Don't make a bunch if innocent kids die for our amusement!" He defends.

"That's what they did to us!" I counter.

"Whatever." Although he's mad he still holds the door for me as I walk in. Effie's waiting for us as she's back in her original Capitol cotoure. I let out a shaky breath but Peeta leads me to my chair. He quickly walks away and sits down on the other side of the room.

"Such a blossoming romance you two." Effie whispers to herself. She dresses me in my mockingjay suit, the same one I used for actual battle. I run my fingers into my pocket and feel the night lock pill still there.

Good, my plan will work out just fine. I snicker to myself before she scoots us out the door. We are about ready to walk into the main tribute parade street when Effie makes us hold hands. As much as I don't any to show weakness right now, I need his strength.

People are lined up in the bleachers, but as we walk they file out following behind us. I drop Peeta's hand when Snow makes first eye contact with me. I stop thirty feet from him the rest of the victors are standing to my left or right a few feet back. They line up facing Snow.

Coin appears at the top of the balcony, where snow used to give his tribute parade speeches. Or where he announces the rules for the quarter quells.

"Citizens of Panem!" She roars into the microphone. "Today you will witness more than a near spectacle! As today the one person who's done more for this war ends it all with one arrow shot!"

The crowd erupts in shouts of hoorahs. I look to my left at Haymitch who nods towards Snow. "May your arrow be as pure as your heart." Coin reaches her hands out to her sides.

I slide an arrow into the bow and I aim it slowly at Snow's forehead. I let my arrow fly, but at the last second I move an inch making it hit her straight in the heart. She gasps falling twenty feet off her podium and everyone erupts in screams. 

Snow laughs again spitting up blood. My eyes dart around and I reach for my nightlock pill. Peeta's on me in a second wrestling me to the ground. "KATNISS STOP!" He screams. "PLEASE." He sobs into my face.

He rips the nightlock from my hand and throws it across the stadium. Just as I'm about to run away, I'm ripped to my feet.

Something hard is smashed against my head, and the last thing I hear is Peeta's sobs and screaming for someone to let me go.

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now