The Wilderness.

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When I finish putting all my special belongings into a bag we make off towards town. I walk between Peeta and Gale, Peeta holds my hand tight. "They took down the fence." He whispers right by my ear. I nod and grip Peeta's hand harder.

"Let's head to the lake Gale." I suggest and he nods before veering us to the right and into the remains of the bakery. All that stands now is a corner of the wall that hasn't fallen down yet.

Peeta squeezes my hand tightly and his breathing starts to quicken. I feel his hand leave mine and I try to pull him back towards me but he already is jogging towards the rubble. "Peeta." I sigh and walk towards him.

He collapses onto the ground and his hands dig through the ash. "Peeta. What are you doing?" I whisper sitting down next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm looking for something. I haven't tried to find it yet." His hand finds a metal bar and he pulls it hard. "Help me." He whispers. I start to pull on it with him and I don't even bother looking around.

"Is this important?" I ask.

"Very." I nod and we open the door together.

I turn and face Gale who's watching our surroundings. "Can you stand guard?" I ask.

He nods and stands at attention as Peeta makes his way down the stairs. He takes my hand and pulls a string lighting up the whole room. "What is this place?" I ask in complete awe.

"This was my room. Everyone else had a regular room but my parents made me use the basement. And find my own stuff for it."

I stay silent and look around the room. The floor is a hard cement with a thin layer of dirt in some places. There's a mattress in the corner with only a thing blanket. There's a wardrobe; I make my way over to it and he stops my hands and steps in front of me.

"What?" I ask.

"Come on, let's just go."

"What's in there Peeta?" I whisper softly. 

"N-Nothing. It doesn't matter. It's stupid."

"Then can I open it?" I question. He nods and I pull open the doors. Their heavier than I expected, they creak when I pull them. I had high hopes for what was in there but it turns out it was just clothes. Simple dark jeans with white shirts. I remember how the shirts used fit, they were tight around his chest and shoulders. His muscle tone used to be so much more defined back then, but now he's huge. He's more like a large block of a man who deep down inside has one weakness. And his, is me. "Would you like to see something?" He whispers. I nod and he digs through the hanging clothes. His rough hands find a small box, made of a thin material he hands it to me. "Look." I open it carefully and stare in awe. "These were the ones you gave out every year when pictures came along. I kept every one of them. I have the most recent one beside my bed and I would look at it before I slept at night. It's like you gave me hope."

I shutter and feel my teeth chatter as I hug him close.  "I'm so sorry." I sob. "So so sorry I didn't see it sooner. I promise I love you Peeta, I just wish I would have seen you before."

"It's okay Katniss." He whispers rubbing my back slowly. "I have you now, don't it?"

"Yes. But I could have given you so much more. For so much longer." I let out a few more tears before he leans back a little.

He smashes his lips mine. His fingers comb through my hair and so do mine. When he's done in my hair he wraps his arms around my shoulders. "It's alright Katniss, I swear."

I nod and wiggle my fingers as I try to regain all the feeling back in my body. "I never thought I'd have a future after our first games. And I certainly didn't think i'd ever be the person to be so keen on a guy."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I never thought I'd get this attached to anyone. Your more of a need then a want anymore."

"Do you like it this way?" He asks wrapping his arms back around me.

"I love it. It's like we're one whole person." I smile. It's true what I said. I thought I'd  up with Gale, and sure after a while id end up loving him. But I'd never fall in love, like I did with Peeta.

"It's like you said before, I could write your autobiography." He smirks.

I smile and it fades when I look back down to the box in my hands. All of a sudden I want to tell him everything I previously told him. I open my mouth but he stops me with a kiss.

His fingers rub small circles at my waist and mine rest on his sides. He licks my bottom lip forcing my to accept his entrance. His tongue explores my mouth for the first time in a while. We've haven't kissed this hard in a while. He breaks and smiles at me widely. "I love you Katniss Everdeen."

"I love you Peeta Mellark."

Gale hits the door outside and says it's time to go. I walk up the stairs and Peeta holds the box of pictures and other belongings he needed to bring. He stuffs it in his bag and hurries to grab my hand. "Where are we going?" He asks.

"The woods." I grin.

He looks around and grips my hand tighter.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

"I've just never been someone actually wild, it's just new to me. That's all." I nod and we hurry to keep up with Gale.

"I'll protect you. Just like always."

"We have people waiting at the edge of the woods for us." Gale finally speaks up. "It's just our squad and some of our people."

"Our people?" I ask.

"Effie, Annie, Johanna and Finn." I see Peeta smile as soon as Finn is mentioned. He just turned one, he's such a handful. But Peeta loves kids, always has. He wants them so, so bad. It makes me sad knowing I'll never give them to him. Not that I'm unable to, I just forbid bringing a child into this world and having it go through what I do. I never wanted kids, not when the games were happening at least. But maybe, if we make it out of this alive, I'll do it for Peeta.

When we reach the woods my mind it cluttered and my body shivers. "Come on." I nod letting go of Peeta. He gasps and holds my hand again. He's scared, he doesn't know the woods like Gale or I do. "Wait here." I kiss his cheek and walk into the woods. "Get my arrows." I tell Gale. He finds them and comes back with them. "Do you have a weapon?" I ask him.

"No." He shakes his head. I push my father's bow at his chest. 

"Use it."

"No. I can't, I won't." He insists pushing it back at me.

"Why? My father would want you to protect me."

"He wouldn't want me!" He scoffs. "Not after the bombs. Maybe he'd want me if we we're together, but he's the one protecting you now." He points to Peeta. "Give it to him." 

"I can't shoot." He shakes his head.

I look at Gale with pleading eyes. "If not this one, use my mockingjay bow." He sighs rolling his eyes and takes it finally. "Thank you." I breath.

Peeta walks to me. "Where are we going?"

"We won't make it five miles." I say hoping to catch Gale's attention. He connects eyes with me and looks in my direction with half a smile.

"No, I'd get five miles. And i'd go that way." I smile as he points towards the wilderness.

"Well then." I smirk. "Let's go."

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now